Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC [Indp.] Lazarus Consortium


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Live Status
Core Characteristics:
Basic characteristics and flags of the company. If you're interest in filling a position, enquiring for a commission or selling a company to conglomerate assets.

  • Researching? Yes.
  • Commission? Yes.
  • Buying assets/patents? Yes.
  • Publically Traded? No.
    • Stock value:N/A
    • Sum of assets: (calculations required.)
  • Seeking Partnership? Yes (military/technology).
  • Seeking acquisition? Yes.
  • Hiring...
    • ...Employees? No.
    • ...Research consultants? Yes.
    • ...Business consultants? No

Markets of interest
These are markets for which the consortium has expressed interest in pursuing further -- hinting that its likely probable the company is currently developing new equipment for use at this time.
  • Power-armour development
  • Aetheric weapons development
  • Terraforming
  • Mining & refinement

Key projects
Ongoing projects of interest - both publically traded and classified in listing.

  • Sparrow[cancelled]
    • Currently acquiring foreign equipment for combat assessment & reverse engineering
    • Seeking new expertise/consultancy
    • Seeking advanced materials sellers
      • Veynite
      • Zesuaium
      • Yama Dura

Company Summary

  • Alright, since this thing seems to be par for the course, I figured the consortium should be up to snuff.

    As details change, I'll be editing this opening post. If you have any questions, consider this thread a Q&A too. Unsure about the company's intentions? Just ask!
Core Business
  • For those curious of their deep pockets, they operate a Google-esque business with the public network, taking a percentage of all ad sales in every post made. In addition, they also perform... 'financial sanitation' - existing in a legal gray area. These two factors are (despite their stated purpose) the bulk of their business.
Market Direction
  • While we work on some advanced tech, we're looking into getting into the arms business. Nobody ever went broke making weapons, right?
Roleplay Summary

Roleplay direction
  • In terms of roleplay, we're looking at gradually (over the next year or two) acquiring a few new players.

    Once the backbone of the company is sorted and we've got the ball REALLY rolling, we'd like some form of SAINT style investigation that snowballs into something unplesant, revealing the true nature that the company isn't really a company at all.
  • If you have any questions, leave them here and I'll answer them as soon as I can :3
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Ongoing timeline of roleplay


The dates and times used are directly based on the Yamataian Era calender and may differ from local times at locations due to time dilation which may stretch or squeeze the rate at which time elapses.

  • Apr 05
    The Lazarus Public Network is opened, as a subsidiary of LorCo communications ltd - in an attempt to ensure Lor doesn't become cut off from other nations.

  • Jan 01
    The Lazarus Consortium becomes a private contractor, independent from LorCo due to legal disputes with Yamatai and the nature of anonymous public messaging in the scope of information security - coincidence with the beginning of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War.

    Oct 22
    Lazarus releases Energy Management Software and Limiter Disabling software, the use of which violate a number of Terms of Use with a variety of known hardware.

    Nov 03
    The Lazarus Consortium creates the ROM Construct, allowing for the replication of individuals as AI in software. Combined with quantum universal modem and neural telemetrics, this allows an individual to operate in multiple locations simultaneously. Its existence is classified to the public.

  • Feb 05
    The Gravitic Centrifuge is released to the public market.

    With minor software modification, the device is capable of generating the infamous combined field system with a greater efficiency than the StarArmy of Yamatai's own equipment - levelling the playing field in a disruptive way.

    The device falls under control laws within hours of its creation - demanding extensive background checks and the approval of the StarArmy of Yamatai before sale will proceed.

    Lazarus refuses to conform to these measures.

    Jun 24
    Ketsurui Yui directly evicts the Lazarus Consortium from Yamataian space, leading a drop in the use of the Lazarus Public Network.

    As a direct result, the Lazarus Consortium biruficate, forming the Lagrange Foundation as a separate entity.

    In spite of information stated to the contrary, it is then revealed that employees are not in fact in the hundreds - with each company possessing just six employees and twelve total.

    Among the twelve is Aiesu Kalopsia - who negotiated the bifurication personally.

    July 05
    The Lazarus Consortium begin military hardware development projects.

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Ongoing cast of characters


Listed below are the Player-Characters and Non-Player-Characters - and a list of players currently involved in the Lazarus/Lagrange conspiracy.

Lazarus Members
Aiesu Kalopsia - 'the physician' (played by Osaka)
  • Aiesu Kalopsia is a Lmanel Lorath, a caste of Lorath typically devoted to political, religious and philisophical matters - known especially for their social graces. Aiesu is not these things.
    Forced to define herself through other means, she defines herself through the sciences and rejects faith. This has left her brilliant, if bitter.
    Note-worthy is the double-life she leeds: On the surface, a post-graduate working for a pretegious (if under-funded) Lorath University. Beneath it all? A full-time weapons-developer and arms-dealer through the miracle of telepresence and networking.

    01-42: Part (16%) of the administrative AI constructs running the Lazarus Consortium. Respond to names 1 of 42, 2 of 42, etcetera.
    43: Disembodied information warfare agent. Extremely simplified and streamlined. Commonly responds to the name A.K. Unusual in that A.K. 43 is authorized to both agent and fork.
    44: A representative, used on diplomatic missions. 44 models are often used in Nepleslian territories and thus far have intercepted Seiren Isbala at the Shattered Shell for negotiations and also Luca Pavone. Physically speaking, their chassis are generally more "appealing" to males - taller, more sexually robust - to aid persuasion.
    47: A technical advisor and representative. Probably the closest to Aiesu's core behavior in order to produce responses which would be as accurate to her own as possible in order to come to the same conclusions despite detachment.
    48: A carbon copy of 47, currently negotiating with Schlock Grunder.
    49: A technical advisor and representative to the 147th Kith. She seems to be somewhat more cynical than the original Aiesu and relies heavily on an integrated transponder to accurately represent the real Aiesu. Like most AK models, she demonstrates detatchment to most situations.
    58: A cypher-construct, AK58 is currently used for OPSCURUS synchronization. There are no cognitive personality changes, other than an EX-Inhibitor). As a side-task, it has also been used under the handle 'Alice' in the recruitment of physical consultants for intercompany relations and the possible acquisition of a Star Army of Yamatai femtoscale constructor in the near future.
Franz Gossard - 'The quartermaster' (played by Osaka)
  • A Nepleslian with a fatherly disposition and love of music and alcohol. A skilled negotiator with a thorough understanding of armaments and munitions - a collector as such.

J Kaspar - 'the notery' (played by Osaka)
  • Primarily, J.Kaspar's purpose is psychological ops - though the bulk of his work consists of performing political, corporate and private corrections in order to ensure the Consortium is able to function at its maximum capacity: Acting as a one-man bridge between the Consortium's corporate and criminal elements - usually managing the criminal elements on a localized basis. Beyond this, not much is known about him.


MOTHER (played by Osaka)
  • An AI at the heart of the Consortium's actions. Its purpose is unknown.

Seiren Isbala (played by Mog)
  • A plucky Yamataian with feminine looks and an affinity for Nepleslian culture, sweets and fun. In his free time, Seiren is an inventor and dreams of opening a candy franchise.


    01: Aiesu's room-mate (also speaks Lorath)
    02: Currently located in Golgotha
    03: On standby
Albert Schunigraz Weiss (played by Lam)
  • A Nepleslian researcher in his 40's with a keen interest in biological systems.
    Constructs: NONE AT THIS TIME
Danny Hanley Lewis (played by Luca)
  • An intergalactic drifter on the run from his past and in search of purpose in life, guided by an artificial intelligence he doesn't understand. He has the tendency to drift into other people's business by accident.
    Constructs: NONE AT THIS TIME

Ah'Kin Gotz "Blast" Lmanel (played by Luca)
  • A sociopathic demolitions expert with a psychopathic twist. Extremely proficient and something of a womanizer - classing lesser males on the same level as women. Being L'manel, Blast is aspected - as a dog - giving him a keen sense of smell to identify a wide variety of chemicals used in demolitions and a hardiness and refusal to die most L'manel just can't match.
    Constructs: NONE AT THIS TIME

Ex-Maras Crew
Rebeka Renata (played by Osaka)
  • The last living Sourcian in known space. Following the destruction of the Maras, Rebeka has been aimless, struggling to find an identity as she lives in the shadow of her counterpart, Sana Nakamura. Known for her military brilliance, excessive substance abuse and remarkable survivability.
    Constructs: NONE AT THIS TIME
Sana Nakamura (played by Osaka)
  • A Nepleslian living in a Yamataian body with Sourcian hybridization and cybernetic elements. Ex-StarArmy and formerly, a member of the Sakura before moving to the Maras with Miles. Sana is cheerful, whimsical, enthusiastic and heavy-handed though she suffers from serious memory problems. A thoroughly qualified pilot of armours, fighters and starships. If it can be flown, Sana will find a way.


    01: Lacking hybridization or cybernetics, in a Yamataian body. Her SPINE has been used to blind her. Currently located in Golgotha.

Miles Gunn (played by DocTomoe)
  • Formerly a restored ST copy, his original was destroyed. Miles Gunn is a technical genius on many fronts and once served on the Sakura and the Maras alongside Sana. The two are now something of an item and are considered inseparable.
    Constructs: NONE AT THIS TIME


Aiesu's stepfather
Director Marak

<More characters to be added soon>
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