Star Army

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RP (non-canon) Inside the Aether (Trapped in a fantasy)


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40 something
RP Location
Inside the Aether
Prologue: Bridge of the YSS Amatsuotome

Taisho Whitmoor stood proud, observing all of the busywork going on around the large, extravagant bridge of his prized flagship. Today was a bit different than most. Instead of the usual hustle and bustle of coordinating and directing fleet operations, recovering, repairing, and maintaining the ships under his command, the Amatsuotome was by itself, with the support ships off at a safe distance. It was no matter- their small scale tests had gone well, and now it was time to try the full scale experimental power unit on his own ship, to show that it could be done even on one of the largest vessels in the Star Army.

It was, of course, a new form of Aether power unit, one that promised to draw huge amounts of power by combining two different technologies in a new way. It had been observed that a simple Aether tap, while capable of providing immense amounts of unlimited energy, was capped at a certain amount that could not be surpassed at a certain scale. and so, some geniuses realized that in order to handle the surges of power required during intense combat, one would need to be able to bring in a large amount of power to handle those demands, and one way to do it, was to open a trans-universal portal directly into the Aether and send that energy into the ship's power supply.

Thus, they came to this moment. The Amatsuotome began, shunting as much power as possible to the shields, followed by firing every single weapon available at once, this was followed by a calculated number of ships in the fleet firing their weapons upon the capital ship's shields in a specific manner, more energy shunting to the shields to keep them from collapsing. At this point, the giant ship began to hum, its power supplies, though massive, unable to keep up with the demands they were placing on the ship for this test.

"Now!" Called Taisho Whitmoor, and a technician at one of the stations on the bridge shoved a lever forward, starting up the Transuniversal Aether tap, in order to try and bring more power to the ship's grid. However, unlike the small scale experiments had predicted, they weren't receiving the enormous boost of power. Instead, the TTD that had been jury rigged to shunt power was activating in it's normal drive mode- With the dimension specified being that of the Aether.

"Men, Women, it was a pleasure serving with you all!" The Taisho announced over the ship's intercoms, as the large craft thrummed, and began to transition. It shook, violently, and everything turned slowly to white. there was a time, where everyone aboard could feel that everything existed and yet did not exist at the same time. Their bodies, their minds, their very essences shifted and transformed, and each one of them- the bridge crew, the engineers and technicians, and a compliment of soldiers, could feel the inevitable, and knew, that these would be their last moments.

Suddenly, however, the ship shifted back into reality, but, something was different. Alarms blared on the bridge as systems went haywire, most of the sensors became instantly overloaded and shut off, a few failing completely as they were overburdened with feedback before their failsafes could save them. Sparks showered the bridge and many subsystems of the Amatsuotome as an immense power feedback was felt, shaking and shuddering and throwing many off balance. The large volumetric screens and projectors in the bridge failed, and it went dark except for the emergency lighting. Those few who were on the observation deck, however, would see a very different sight.

Before them, was an endless sky, and below stretched an immense verdant world, flowing back to a wide horizon- they had found themselves on a planet, in another dimension. Slowly, the Horizon began to rise up to meet them, as the ship began to fall. As some of the sensors came back online, orders were barked and engineering crews rushed to work, some for damage control, others to bring the ship back online. Backup power was restored, and the antigravity systems engaged, but it was too late; the great, once graceful capital ship was doomed to meet the earth, the immense docking ring hitting the ground first and breaking free from its mounting points, the nose of the ship tilted forward and the ring went backward, separating from the ship entirely as the hull slid forward, once again shaking with immense force as it did so, and causing even those seated to be flung about, before everything suddenly stopped moving.

Even the great dome of the observation deck became obscured in a cloud of dust and debris from the crash landing, and they could no longer see outside. Taisho Whitmoor called for a damage report, and one was soon given- All Aether power was offline, with only the backup fusion systems functioning, though at reduced capacity. the ship had power, but damage to they systems prevented it from moving. The ring had fully separated, and had come to lay to rest on its side, completely inaccessible for the time being. Outside of the ship, however, was a mystery for now.

Those aboard who weren't busy fighting fires or trying to fix broken systems, could only stand in wonder at what had just happened.
Itto Juni Kai Nakamura rubbed his head, which he had struck against a wall during the crash landing. Regaining his senses fairly quickly, the Power Armor pilot and team leader made his way out of the room that he had been staying in and began to search for others. He opened his communicator to find it still working properly, although the range was limited to within the ship, but that wouldn't be a problem for the moment. He sent out a wide area notification looking for any infantry nearby; he wanted to create a small team to see if they could head out and investigate the area surrounding the ship. Stopping near one of the power armor bays, he waited to receive responses, and broadcast his location.
Nito Heisho Akamaru Datenshi had a hell of a time untangling herself from the armors thay had been strewn about in the crash. While it hurt to breath, thankfully nothing tasted coppery in her mouth. Taking an offered hand from one of the ithers in the armor bay, Datenshi stood to let her red hair fall down her back and take a survey of the damage to the bay. Crackling outlets sizzled with bits of fire and left over electricity, screens hung at odd angles after the crash and others in the bay scrambles to right what they could, but Datenshi heard the call for a security team. Figuring thay would be more fun then picking everything else uo, she jogged out, only to run smack into Kai.

Righting herself yet above, she gave a crisp bow.

"Nito Heisho Akamaru Datenshi reporting for the away team." She offered before straightening up. A grin played across her face as she began to get a little excited at the prospect.
Considering the severity of the impact, the fact that someone showed up so quickly had genuinely intrigued the Juni. "Very well, it looks like we might have to find a couple more, I'm not sure two is quite enough for a proper patrol." He waved at the Heisho, walking into the power armor bay the Neko had just come out of. He surveyed the surroundings, noting a number of power armor had come off of their racks, but there were still a few in usable condition, including his own personal armor, Grimace. His communicator suddenly made a noise, notifying him of a new message- "Hrmmm.. It seems like anything Aether powered will no longer function, so we will only have Daisy armors and conventional weapons to utilize. do you have any issues with that, Datenshi Heisho?"
"Can't say I do Nakamura-Juni." Datenshi said aloud as she followed him into the bay. She had jusy come from the bay after looking things over so she had noticed the lack of Aether energy for the suits as a few in the bay had tried to enter Mindys to help lift and clean up. When nothing worked, well it wasn't tough to put two and two together for the armorer.

"Did you want me to suit up? Or stay out of armor? And do we have any idea of the atmosphere outside?"

As much as it pained the woman, this wasnt the first time a ship she was on had crash landed on a strange planet.
Bridge, YSS Amatsuotome

"Fukazawa Taisa, are there any updates to the status report?" Taisho Whitmoor called out to his subordinate, still brushing himself off and getting his uniform settled after the crash landing. He had a small cut on his forehead, which had already stopped bleeding, and his moustache was rather ruffled, but aside from that and a little bit of joint pain, the man seemed to be quite fine. The Nekovalkyrja Taisa, Fukazawa Rika, made her way over from the station she had been observing, saluting the Taisho, who quickly saluted her back. "Sir! The ship has taken extremely heavy damage, but we might be able to get her spaceborne again with quite a bit of work. There are roughly two hundred and fifty casualties, with twelve confirmed fatalities right now. As we speak, there are at least two armor teams forming to investigate the surrounding area. As of now our sensors are offline, and we only have backup fusion power. The multiple fires around the ship have mostly been contained or extinguished, but many auxiliary systems are down. Still, for the most part, we have survived."

"Very good. As soon as we can spare the time and manpower, we need to take care of the fallen, but our main priority shall be survival and repair of the ship." Taisho Whitmoor responded.

Power Armor bay

"I would say to suit up. We have little idea of the atmosphere outside, although I would hazard a guess at breathable, since there aren't any reports of any toxic gasses coming from any of the breaches or open hatches. We'll need to be on high alert as there could be anything out there, and without Aether we really have no trump card," the Juni replied to Datenshi Heisho. He began donning his own armor after taking off the jacket to his unifrom, and had soon closed up everything except for the helmet, which he attached to a loop on a set of heavy duty webbing he had installed on his Daisy for ease of carrying extra supplies. His sword, the Rippa No Kisei, was soon strapped lengthwise across the small of his back, set at an angle so that the large weapon did not take up too much space to either side and could still be maneuvered through doorways.

"Help me find at least one more person, though I'd prefer us to have a whole fireteam worth. If only we had more infantry aboard, but they weren't necessary for this test..."
"Bleck... Daisys? Really...?" 'Tenshi asked with a sigh before moving over to one. Opening the suit uo, Datenshi slipped inside, nude as she was often want to do while riding the suits. As she had stripped down without a care, those close by would get a look at her peacock feather tattoos on her right shoulder along with the dragon tattoos and the oni tattoos on her legs.

Suiting up, Datenshi powered on her systems, running a quick check through to make sure everything worked how it should, though making sure to otherwise keep her systems low enough to not hurt anyone near by.

"Gotta say, its my first time in a Daisy... not bad..." Datenshi admitted, admiring the weapons on the Daisy II as she picked up a LASR to use, hefting it on her shoulder while her other arm collected up a shield for her to use. The Lasr held still, she sent out her own message for bodies to return to the bay to suit up, ehoever was available.
When the ship hit, Yoshida Kokoro had been thrown clear down a hallway, having been late to try and make it to the observation deck. She was frankly, rather concerned. Everything was going white, and- and Is this going to be the first time I have to wake up in a tube? That thought went through her head as she squeezed her eyes shut, or tried. Desperate to block out the flood of information, none of it made sense to her. What exactly shook her back to her senses was the impact itself "W-Wahg!"

Only thanks to a combination of what surely must have been the ship's inertial dampeners, or perhaps the crumbling ship just taking the brunt of the impact, and her own acrobatic skill did she avoid losing her head on a cart, becoming a grease stain on the floor, or a splatter on the far wall. Had the impact been any more severe than it was already, she most certainly would have died at least three ways before she reached the end of the hall, eventually using both the floor and her own gravimetrics to skid to a stop before she found yet another fascinating way to die during a crash landing.

With a nervous giggle and shaky knees, she stood up using the wall as support, hoping the spot she blindly picked didn't have a nasty rend on it that would lead to her sticking her hand on some exposed wires and electrocuting herself to death. "Oh this is gonna be one of those days huh? I like it already." Yoshida took a few, wobbley steps, and wondered if it was just her, or was the world tilted? she hoped it wasn't just her, otherwise she would need to visit the medbay again. And that's always just a treat. It took her a few tries to beable to walk properly, a combination of the severity of yoshida's own spinning nogin and the actually off center gravity. That task completed, she made a beeline for the power armor bay, flirting with death... well, mild injury perhaps, as she ducked dodged and weaved around the injured, and not so injured that were taking care of said injured with whatever was on hand.

Eventually, she arrived at the bay rather ungracefully, stumbling over an armor she wasn't aware was there. Ah, if only she had gotten th fumbles out of the way BEFORE she made it to the bay... This seemed to be quite an unfortunate pattern with her, always with the unfavorable first impressions. "Euuggh who put that there..." She lifted herself back up, and examined the area. Any armor not tied down would have been thrown around, weapons included. The fact there hadn't been any accidental discharges or fires started in the bay was good. The fact the bay looked as good as it did was better. "Phew... Uh, Nito Heisho Kokoro here... ow. Reporting for duty. Did somone say somethign about Aether not working?"

This new information was like a fresh new hell for her. She had rarely used anything that wasn't a mindy, or aether based equipment for fighting. While she was sure she could cope by taking along the plasma blade form her own loadout on a daisy, it just wouldn't be the same without her Gattling rifle. She moved towards them somewhat disapointed at first, before stopping. "... are there any with tails ready?"
Power Armor Bay

Kai searched around the armor bay as Datenshi was getting into her power armor, finding a much bigger rifle than the small and compact LASR; one of the ASGR rifles that Origin had provided the Fifth fleet with, and fished out several magazines for the rifle, stuffing a few into the integrated thigh compartments of his Daisy. He looked up when the Nito Heisho commented on the Daisy armor.

"They are quite sturdy, and very reliable on the ground. Thankfully they still work, so I suppose its a testament to their robustness. Still, we should always-" The Juni paused when another Neko came rushing in, stumbling over one of the power armors that had been dislodged from its holding rack during the crash landing. "Always be careful whenever we go anywhere or do anything, in or out of the armors."

After finishing his thought, the stoic warrant officer simply watched as this newcomer bounced back up, and then looked around, babbling on about three different things and asking several different questions- The Juni wasn't sure she even paused for breath- before she finally stopped speaking long enough for him to respond.

"You are correct, nothing that uses Aether works in here, so you'll have to use a Daisy unless you can find a fusion pack for a Mindy, but I can guarantee the Daisy will be faster to set up. As far as tails, you'll just have to tuck yours in, there's spare room within the Daisy armor for it."
Power Armor Bay

Datenshi could only nod in agreement with what the Juni was saying, mimicing his movements to stock up on extra ammo. She had to step aside as the Neko came tumbling into the bay. She couldn't help but snicker as she shook her head.

"Nothing is set up currently with a tail, sorry hun." She told the girl as she started to head to the opening of the bay. Making sure her seals were secured and armor read outs were green for power, she hopped out of the doors, letting her systems flare to life after she was far enough away from anyone unarmored, and drifted down to the ground. Touching down lightly on the ground, she began to survey, sending whay she saw back to the other two if they hadn't followed already.

"Seems pretty forested. I'll stay ground side if someone wants to take to the skies?" She offered, rifle to her shoulder as she surveyed the area.
Power Armor Bay

Red in the face, the black cat wordlessly headed straight for the nearest Daisy, and very promptly entered it. She was glad the 2A, much like th elatest mindy did not have an issue with having to change out of your clothes first in order to effectively use it. Of course the irritating noises it made when rubbing against the interior of the suit would only be made worse. At least it wasn't like a mindy where you would hear nothing BUT that, and your own beating heart. At least being upset at having to use a daisy and being unable to use her favored weapon- an Aether gattling rifle, would distract her from the emberassment that occurred mere moments prior. "If somone's got to take the skies it would probably be me. I'm pretty good at not getting hit! 'Cuase you know that if somone is hostile out there, whoever is flying is getting shot first."

Finally within the armor, she gave a few experimantal heel taps to the ground, getting a feel for the daisy. While just as responsive, she still didn't feel as... free somehow. Maybe just missing the idea of being able to teleport at will. That or the fact she was rather uncomftorable due to her tail not having a proper place.
Nakamura Juni sighed internally as the two Neko whom had managed to pair up with him seemed determined to ignore typical military discipline and order, but, given the circumstances, and the fact that over a decade ago he had been much like them, he let it slide. "It doesn't matter whether we go high or low, we're just doing a perimeter check. It's not been long since the crash landing so we should be fairly safe, though I can imagine someone or something will likely come to investigate before too long."

Without much further ado, Kai stepped to the edge of the armor bay, looking out the now open door and surveying what was going on around them. A wide swath of destruction had been sewed around the perimeter, trees and rocks and pretty much anything that had been underneath them had been blown away, leaving a pulverized and mostly barren waste for roughly a hundred meters out from where the ship had landed. Despite everything, what they could see of the hull seemed intact, the thickness and strength of the materials having held firm, with the ground giving way underneath rather than the ship. To their left, they could see the bow of the ship, which appeared to be resting on what was left of a hill, and to their right they could see the curvature of the main hull of the ship blocking off the solid view to the stern. Beyond the destruction, there was a layer of damaged and destroyed foliage that had come to a rest, and beyond that a fairly pristine forest, heavily wooded with large, broad trees that cast shade beneath them, preventing them from visually gauging what was beyond the edge.

"Let's head toward the bow first, and keep an eye out to our right, as that's where any threats might come from. Move out!" the Juni ordered, dropping the hundred or so meters to the ground and landing next to Datenshi Heisho gently after slowing his fall with his thrusters.
Yoshida quickly followed behind the pair, while unused to the Daisy, she was a somewhat accomplished pirate, having participated in multiple space, land, and even boarding actions. Acoiding some roots would be a piece of cake for her- if it weren't for the fact that the thrust on a daisy and mindy were very different, as well as the weight distribution difference between the two. So, she took it slow, as slow as she could without falling behind the others. With a sharp eye out, and her plasmablade ready to be activated at a moment's notice, she followed the capable if... stiff superior officer. She almost missed the red oni from the eucharis.
Datenshi nodded a little to Kai, heading toward the bow the ship as she scanned the ship to check for damage herself. He had spent time as a technician and knew a bit of exterior repairs, and was obviously glad that there wasn't going to be much need of repairs outside. She kept her sensors running though, also glad they had some Daisys on hand so they could at least have something to run in case something disastrous popped up. She kept her rifle in hand yet relaxed, not seeing anything on sensors as she walked parallel to Kai. She just kept quiet, sweeping the area with her eyes.

"So, where do you think we are?" The quiet didn't last long...
Outside, Starboard hull

Nakamura Juni spent some time simply looking around the area that they were at. the duo of Nekovalkyrja with him would hear the odd "Hrmm..." and "Huh.." escape via the comms, before he finally spoke up to them.

"Switch your sensors to scan for Aether signatures, then have it overlay the HUD. Looks like just a bunch of nothing, right? Up the contrast to about 350% and you'll start seeing it. There isn't a lack of Aether here; Everything is Aether! Aether doesn't work here because there's no differential. The ground is Aether, the trees are Aether, heck, even we got converted to Aether." The tall, sword wielding warrant officer seemed to be extremely interested by this prospect.

"Either way, we should continue follow along the ship, and see if there's anything more interesting than that. but as far as I can tell, we're on some planet in the dimension Aether comes from."

Outside, Port hull

Opposite of Nakamura and his hastily put together squad, a lone Power armor set out. Inside was a blonde woman, and her Daisy Armor sported the same unit insignia painted on its arm; a blue roundel with a black cat in the middle, which read "Squad XIII, The Unluckies, Only Skill" It belonged, of course, to his second in command, April Jackson, whom was naturally piloting the armor. She hopped down to ground level, but instead of moving along the hull of the ship, she set off into the nearby forest. Her Daisy II armor quickly disappeared into the shadows of the forest, with only the swishing of the leaves being heard behind her.
Outside, Starboard Hull

Datenshi hesitated for a moment before she followed suit with what he said to do. Tilting her head a touch as she upped the contrast her eyes seemed to squint within the suit's helmet before the images began to come into focus. And what he said seemed to be true. It floored Datenshi, especially since she had such a close encounter with a generator at the hands of the Mishhu years ago that she seemed to now be Aether. She studied her hand, turning it over a few times before she spoke up into the comms.

"You think this is why everything went wonky with the suits and the ships? Maybe the generators got overloaded from the extra power?" Datenshi surmised into the channel. She seemed to get into odd situations way to often for her liking as she continued on the path around the ship, keeping an eye out for anything weird though her gun seemed to be resting down now.
Outside, Starboard Hull

Yoshida thought on thisforamoment,and beleived it wastimeto ask the hard questions. "... so if we're Aether now,does that mean we might suddenly dissappear from here and get used up thanks to aether generators?" She then turned, staring at the landscape, and ajusting the contrast as she went, trying to see if there was a way to use this in a functional way...though,given EVERYTHING was aether, it was unlikely that this would be of any use unless, much like heat signitures, there were obviously different concentrations. "... well, if its not uniform we can probably use this to pick out invisible targets more effectively than using heat. Unless you can somehow hide that too?" She seems to be taking this in stride... or perhaps, was merely trying toignore the fact that she wasn't 'real' anymore.
Outside, Starboard Hull

"I'm assuming that the stability and apparent age of this world means we're likely fine, but who knows, I'd say we just forget about it instead of worrying. In any case, there's likely more pressing dangers than that," the Warrant officer said to Yoshida, thinking over what Datenshi had said. "I can only venture a guess, but I'd say it's like trying to fill a container that is already full. With equal pressure on both sides, there is now flow, and therefore they probably simply don't work because they can't draw out any Aether in the presence of so much Aether."

Before he could speak any further, there was a loud crashing noise coming from their right. Instantly the Juni switched his sensor view back to its normal configuration, scanning the area the sound had come from. The suit's AIES quickly pinpointed the noise as having come from about 100 meters past the edge of the forest, roughly 200 meters from their current position, and from what could be extrapolated simply from the sound, it was very large. Kai gave a hand signal to pause, pointing toward the source of the noise for everyone to look that way and be cautious.

"Who wants to get a closer look at that noise?" he asked, hoping for a volunteer.

Forest, Port side

The Solo power armor continued its journey deeper into the forest, its sensors focused on a point quite a number of kilometers in the distance. Currently using basic visual stealth, it was only marginally hidden as it ran on the ground at the maximum speed the Daisy armor could go whilst avoiding running into large things like trees and boulders. Underbrush was no problem, and the suit could simply crash through it, but its pilot was doing her best not to simply destroy everything in her path. The object of this mad dash was the point toward which it ran; a collection of heat signatures analogous with living creatures, as well as such things as fires, furnaces, and the like; essentially, it all looked like a village on an underdeveloped world, at least, to someone who knew what underdeveloped villages looked like.
Outside, Starboard Hull

Datenshi whipped around her rifle, taking aim at where the noise had come from. Her suit's sensors returned to normal, her sight returning to normal as she began to move forward.

"I'll take point sir." Datenshi offered, walking with a practiced movement through the woods. She kept her gun up, sweeping the area as she used her suit's systems to possibly get a read on what was out there. She was ready though as she could feel the blood start to pump quicker, her heart beat speeding up now as she let a small grin fall over her face.
Yoshida harumphed, disapointed she couldn't take point. The point was usually where the most action was afterall, plus she was the one with the plasma blade here... But oh well. Yoshida decided to take cover and watch for now, though in truth these trees were more concealment than true cover, most power armor tier weaponry would rip right through them. "Break a leg!"