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Approved Submission Integrated CFS Array (Updated)


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Update to Integrated CFS Array
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:integrated_cfs_array

Faction: Star Army of Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes (Just icons for barrier geometry charts, but also has existing art from original)
Previously Submitted? Yes; Andrew submitted and got the original version approved. My changes are newly submitted.

Notes: I have Wes and Andrew's permission to work on and update this interpretation of the CFS. Please note that the original implementation is still unaltered on the wiki at https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:integrated_cfs_array for comparison. If approved, this variant will replace the one currently on the wiki.

This new version expands on the functions of Deflector Clusters, updates the Projected Energy Beams for DRv3, adds two new modes of barrier geometry and tables describing them, tables describing the impact of extending barriers, the inclusion of recent amendments/elaborations to standard CFS operation, a mode of FTL speed and direction modulation for purposes of evading a pursuing enemy, and a new method of warping space with the CFS to change the firing angle of weapons.

Please note that the Projected Energy Beams are re-imagined as having a Tier that is two below the equipped vessel's Defensive Tier and are defined as "Light Anti-Counterpart". This is something I am more than willing to amend if needed. I have also never made a DRv3 item before, so input on proper format is requested if mine is in error.

Also note that my calculations of barrier strength are based on the presumption that increasing a barrier's surface area without increasing energy output results in a corresponding decrease to barrier strength.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think you mean employs not enjoys.

Systems and Safety Monitoring can be linked here.

I hate to tell you to put more, but what else can you say about Field Balance in Integrated CFS Array Resource Allocation?

Wikipedia/internet link to asymmetrical peristaltic would be helpful.

"This does not take away from an Integrated CFS Array's strength or speed allocation in most cases..." Why not?
Items 1, 2, and 5 corrected, with 5 changed to "This does not take away from an Integrated CFS Array's strength or speed allocation in most cases because the CFS is not the system generating the actual weapon discharge, it is only moving it." followed by removal of a redundant sentence.

Looking for a link to "asymmetrical perisaltic" for item 4, though that's from the original CFS article and is unchanged because I flat out don't understand it. Will also think on item 3.
Edit: Fred said I way overanalyzed, so I simplified and removed the tables. It's still more elaborate than my initial Field Balance offering.

It also introduces the possibility of exceeding the system's rated speed at risk of damage, since this system does not use CDD coils. This is for RP leeway and not specification abuse though, and can leave the ship stranded if abused.

I am not able to find a link for the last item, "asymmetrical peristaltic", as all I can really find on the complete is people saying that a certain acronym refers to "asymmetrical peristaltic field manipulation" and not actually elaborating on that that means, references to the process in specific applications not relevant to this one, and image searches of a bunch of various charts and graphs. Peristaltic seems to refer to waves of a membrane or muscle being used to move a body through a channel, such as in the context of pumps or muscle contractions moving things through the heart or intestine, so I'm guessing that it has something to do with a field "pushing" the ship along with variable and apparently asymmetric undulations. However, I don't know enough to conclusively and intelligently amend that part of the article and an appropriate link to elsewhere on the internet is not forthcoming.
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"Peristalsis is characterized by alternate contraction and relaxation." So maybe it means they are undulations (I think)? Not a very important aspect all in all, though. I'll take a look later when I've gotten some sleep.
Nerfed the Discharge Redirection in compliance with Fred's recommendation, as it is both more technologically feasible and better for RP. Plumeria Main Gun redirection without damage is OP, even with supplemental hardware.

Bonus? Now we have emergency thrust vectoring for Turbo Aether Plasma at the cost of barrier strength. It'll be more fun to use that for aiming the main gun in a hurry. >:3
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