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Interclan Message to Takeda Tachiko


Staff Member
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RP Date
ye 43/ye44
Yugumo Corporation

To: Takeda Tachiko, Chui, Fuku-Shachō, Yugumo Corporation
From: Motoyoshi Igarashi Yue, Jicho, Yugumo Corporation
Subject: Congrats!!!!!!

Hey Tachiko-Chan!

I was watching the news for anything on our clan and I recently learned that you got promoted in the Star Army to Chui! Words cannot express how proud of you I am! I am sure Aunt Katsuko has already sent your congratulations so my words double hers. I’m not sure if you’ve heard but I was participating in the Catalog and I am attaching some images for your viewing. I’m not supposed to be showing them out until the Catalog is officially out so be careful with them ok?

Sincerely, your adoring Fan

Motoyoshi Igarashi Yue

Tachiko will see Yue in various outfits, each making her look cool and cute. I know the thread isn’t finished yet, but I wanted to have her send something. I hope its ok

Thank you very much for your kind words. I have been briefed on the catalog progress, but I have been busy with my duties aboard ship. You look absolutely amazing, as always! I can't wait to see the whole thing once it is finished!

Always yours,

I am leavng for Tatiana early before I need to be there for Giretsu school, in order to meet with the president of Sakura Trust and Banking for some Foundation business. Let's take the Hanabi to the city, I'll meet with him, then we can do some hiking out in the wildlands, then I'll take the transport over to the base. I want to recon the terrain a bit before school starts anyway.

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That sounds like a plan Nee-sama! I look forward to hiking with you, which reminds me, I made something I’d like your input on, I realize your Foundation will be moving away from Restaurants and such and I am sorry I mentioned it now, but I wanted you to taste what I have created. The Hanabi sisters have tasted it already and they have commented but I thought you’d know better, I’m calling it Moon’s Nectar, It's based on an old fairy tale I’d heard when I was young.

Loved always

Yugumo is handling all the restaurants now, and even though I am nominally the executive head of Yugumo operations in the Hospitality sector, in reality I have almost all of my duties delegated to others with much more knowledge and free time than myself, due to Star Army duties. I'm really just an Idea-Neko. The Foundation Trustees just decided to invest in bonds and bankshares instead of retail businesses, so they sold the stake at break-even to Yugumo and reinvested it differently. It's all stuff about being easier to be a nonprofit that way. Kind of like how they don't own Takeda Fleet. Don't worry, you'll pick up plenty of business stuff around the Motoyoshi Elders. I'm just lucky to have had Sayako helping.

Anyway, I'd love to taste it and I will definitely put it in front of the Board. Looking forward to our trip!
I think I understand! Either way, I’ll look forward to our trip, and also seeing your reaction to my drink. But mostly it will be spending time with one of my favorite family members. My Tachi-chan a Giretsu trained warrior, I’m gonna be so proud of you.

<3 <3 <3 <3

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