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RP: ISC Phoenix [Interlude 5] - The Making Of

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"Taking a break is all well- I certainly encourage the idea," replied Uriel. "I simply mean that when we get back to working, I suggest our first case be one of charity in the spirit of our going public. Furthermore, I won't deny anyone the opportunity to aid me- the more, the better. I also won't wait for people to make up their minds: when we make our appearance, I'll be sure to speak blatantly about my plans."
Zeta was listening to the talk from the hall. Strange of Luca to take a shower now. Well Zeta needed one too, but that could wait after they are done talking. She always though Uriel was idealist but she never thought it would be this much. That guy wanted to take on whole mafia? And Luca seemed like he wanted to do this too.

She walked inside when Luca got dressed. He was in his ussual attire again. Both him and Uriel were standin inside talking and Zeta could not help but blush when he was talking about her. Robert agreed hastily too, her is alway in for a thrill.

Zeta rubbed her forehead and said, "Well I am in no way afraid but I hope you all now that you don't just 'take down mafia'." She frowned on the idea. If they would mess up they could end up dead or barred from the Nepleslia Prime and Zeta liked Nep-prime a lot. "You can take down a local gang but doing the same with bloody mafia is bloody unlikely. If you want to take down mafia then you either have to kill everyone inside or get enough stuff on them that police actually can act on it. Or better yet. IPG." She looked straight at Luca after giving away her thought, but then she put her attention back at Uriel. "Also when we are doing interview I do not want you to talk about taking down mafia. You will alert them on us. They can get re- No. No they WILL get ready. Luca Pavone is no joke to anyone."
Enzo had spent the entire discussion leaning just outside the nearest doorway. He'd finished his earlier cigarette and since lit another. If he'd a cat's tail, it would've been twitching in the ecstacy of such news. There was a gleeful look in his eyes.

"I could helps yous guys." He stepped up to the group with outstretched arms. "I'm sure yous all knows I gots connections with all the people what moves illicits around heres." The signature 'smuggler's pragmatism' smile crept up.

"Ya know, I'm bettin' there's an awful lot of money stashed in that hideaway of theirs."
Uriel was only mildly surprised; it was no surprise that people were listening in from the hallway, but he was surprised at just how many. He took their comments in stride and with patience. "The size of the organization means little to me. The faster we make our way to the top, the better. As the Nepleslians say, the fish rots from the head, so we take that head. As for speaking and planning, I misspoke. I'm still rough with the languages, it seems. I meant I would speak blatantly to the team after we have our debut in the spotlight. I would never announce such plans to the galaxy, especially if this mafia is as powerful and far-reaching as you all suggest it is."
"Heh." Enzo shrugged. He pointed at Zeta and Robert standing in the doorway. "Plan whatever yous wants. I didn't know whats was going on. I was just eavesdroppin' on thems. They always gots the good juicy conversationals..."

"Waitin' on 'em to hook up 'er somethin'." Enzo muttered the addition with a alse sheepish grin on his face.
Zeta looked at Uriel being relieved that he did not plan to unveil the big plans in front of the cameras. "Well we do not know that for sure, but where I lived in Funky City mafia had ties with cops and goverment. So you can see that it would not be easy to deal with. As for cutting from head I am not sure it would work so well. Either there will be another big guy to take the bossess place or there will be plenty of them. And that plenty will go on and start fighting for the right. So there we have war in the mafia, where gangsters are shooting each others while innocent citizens gets caught in the crossfire. Well innocent citizens... not many in Nepleslia, but I think at least tourists caught in crossfire would be innocent." She said looking at reaction of Uriel's face. She did not add him up as one with sense of humour.

"Anyway what I am trying to say is that first, we stalk them and learn. Who are the bosses? Where they live? What kind of protection they use and such things. THen we kill them all, not just the boss." Zeta stated the fact as if it were as plaing as buying groceries for dinner. "Also Enzo'e help would be handy. I could also try contacting my brother Beta. He had ties on organized crime back on Funky City. Did not see him in years, last I know is he left Funky City. But I ma sure I can still find him." She offered other possibly helpful option.
Robert nodded along with Zeta's plan. "That makes lots of sense. I didn't know you had a brother, Zeta." he raised an eyebrow.
Zeta looked at Robert and shrugged. "Well I never though of mentioning it. None of us talks about our families. With me it is even different, since we are not really blood-tied family. We are just all clones from the same batch. I actually had three brothers and one sister. Only two of my brothers are alive now. One is marine somewhere and i did not seen him in eight years, almost nine now. Other joined up some gang. We chat few times but that's it." She said. She did not see any reason hiding it anyway.
Luca blinked for a moment at Zeta, "Huh, you never struck me as the sort who had siblings," He appeared genuinely surprised at this minor revelation before moving back onto the relevant topic, "That aside, I agree with watching the mob. Uriel, you're a bit noticeable if you're going to be snooping on the mob - I hope you weren't seen talking to that guy."

This seemed to be a reasonably valid concern, "I mean, they hold grudges both petty and grand. What if your contact scrounges enough money to rebuild his business? They'll just knock it back down again for kicks." He rubbed his chin and tapped his foot against the floor, "By the sound of it, they're happy to continue pissing on him for all the entertainment he can provide."

He then stood up and looked about the shower room, where the relevant crew had assembled, "Before we continue, we'd better find somewhere a bit more suitable to plan."


The team assembled had re-convened to the lounge, taking advantage of the volumetric display and coffee table for documents, as well as the ample writing implements and simple interface, "First, we look for rivals. Other, smaller gangs might be jealous of the Mob's success and muscling into their territory. Their enemies and jealousy are going to be friends and assets of ours for the time being. Zeta, that can be your avenue with your brother, Beta."

"Second, we need to find out who holds the chips and playing cards," He searched for an area map of the place that Uriel had described, the club named Zero, "There are plenty of rooftops around this area, we could set up listening posts here, and here," He pointed to a roof front of the club, and another one near the back entrance, "Watch who comes in and out regularly, and eliminate and impersonate any bodyguards or Mob-Watchers. Robert, Enzo, I trust you two will have no problems with doing that."

"Third, we need an arsenal," He scratched his chin before shaking his head, "No, scratch that. We're sitting on enough guns here to make a freaking coup de teat on a Yamataian fortress."

"Finally, we need an idea of what to expect once we're inside," He recalled a few situations in his favourite films where not knowing where the nearest exit was could prove deadly, "I propose we spend a night there under the radar, order some drinks and look inconspicuous," He then looked over to Uriel, frowning a little, "Failing that, Echelon can always hack us a building plan, snatch the camera feeds or something,"

He twiddled his fingers to indicate something Hacking related, there must've been some sort of internationally recognised gesture for it.

"Any other ideas, or do we have our bases covered?" He looked to his crew assembled and eyed each one, looking for additional input.

"Oi, Boss," Melissa could be heard in the doorway, "Don't forget about me, will ya? Itchy trigger finger."
He looked over to Melissa and nodded, "Sure, you can cover Enzo and Robert."
"Done deal."
"How's about that?" Enzo barked. He wormed his way over to the door and towards Melissa. "Sure is nice to has such pretty guardians angel, see? Hows abouts after the affair we run offs to dis' nice candles-lit dinner together, eh? Don't answer me now, Mel! I'll find out by whether yous chooses to shoots me in th' back durin' the raid, yeah?"

In the spirit of avoiding the answer, Enzo then skipped off to his ship in the hangar to make further preparations for the sting.
Uriel appreciated the plan. What he did not appreciate was being told he could not be involved. Of course, it wasn't outright told to him, but the Elysian knew it just as well from the way Luca spoke and looked to him. What was perhaps more frustrating was that it was true.

At the end of Luca's monologue, he silently sighed. Then he had an epiphany. Kill or impersonate any bodyguards... People like that were privy to private conversations; they tended to hear and see things, and just as likely got involved in certain matters they shouldn't. That was the job the 'Avenging Angel' wanted.

"If I may, I would gladly... handle any dealings with these mob-watchers. I have a personal stake in this matter, so any information that could be gleaned from them... I would like to hear it firsthand."
"I guess I'll be on standby somewhere, in case anyone suddenly needs any treatment...or something like that, ya?" Daxle said in an eerily calm voice. He had taken an overlarge dose of painkiller, vodka, and motor oil to cure his hangover.
It worked...sorta
Zeta listened to the plan. It seemed to be constructed quite well. "Okay skipper. I will try to contact my brother then. I bet he will be helpful. I also have another idea. This thing is a club right? And we are on holiday. How about you getting fake beard, I colour my hair black and we go in to have few drinks and check the place out? What do you think?" She asked Luca.
Robert nodded along with the Boss's plan. "Fear and terrorizing, finally something fun to do." he grinned as he followed Enzo out towards his ship. "So we going to set these posts up now Enzo?" he asked as he caught up to the con-man.
"Eh? Naw." Enzo shook his head at Robert, "I'm gonna waits until I sees the joint to case it. I'm headin' downs to the Lady for some gears. You wanna borrows some o' my set up, Raggsie?"
Robert shook his head. "I like doing things the old fashioned way without any gadgets." he made a vauge waving gesture with his knife.
Enzo brokered Robert a smile as they stepped into the Lady's cargo bay. The conman pulled the elevator gate aside and gestured into the carriage ahead of himself. "I ain't talkin' 'bouts gadgets, Raggsie," Enzo corrected him, "I'm talkin' 'bouts toys. Old-fashioneds kindsa toys."
Vincent was still in the cargo hold, working with Echelon. He had been deep in his own little world, manipulating the exoskeleton to the best of his knowledge, adding parts and - with the spider-motherly AI's careful guidance - installing the more intricate bits of her frame.

As such, he missed her initial question by about a thousand miles. When it finally caught up with him, he tilted his head off to one side. "I suppose so," he finally grunted, looking the frame over carefully as he continued his work. "This frame is definitely less noticeable than the previous one. And I assume it will also mean you are combat ready, unless you need training, which I would do my best to provide in addition to whatever else the crew would have to offer."

He tried on a smile for size, saw it didn't fit, put it away. "I am glad you are content with the new frame."
"Why yes, as am I," Echelon replied to Vincent, "I have some combat expertise, and what I don't know can be learned, or downloaded. For example..." Her speech cut off for a moment as the eyes of the Robotic Frame turned off. A moment later, they turned back on and Echelon looked at Vincent and said, bandsaw voice still intact: "I know Kung Fu."

She then assumed the Cat Stance with unerring mechanical precision. The weight of her body was entirely on the back leg, behind the front leg that was only touching the ground lightly. The front leg could easily snap and make quick kicks and evasive measures, "Would you like to test this theory, gently?"


"Uriel, its not that I don't want you involved, you can do whatever you please here since its your operation," Luca gave him a diplomatic nod, "Although it might be difficult to impersonate Fast Eddie, Tiny Jake or Big Willy," He was pulling names out of thin air, his eyes rolling as he searched for names, "You're welcome to spy on them with Robert and Enzo or take one hostage and glean their secrets."

He then scratched his chin, "You know what, that's what you and I can do while the others do their thing, let's do things the old fashion way."

Meanwhile, Daxle's cocktail had failed to take something into account. It wasn't uncommon to use the vodka and motor oil to purge the contents of your stomach, but combining it with a painkiller and failing to realise how powerful the motor oil was downright deadly. After all, in space age times, the oils and lubricants had to advance too. Daxle felt like ten miles of bad road, and it was about to come to a bumpy end unless someone intervened.

"Daxle, are you ok-" Luca inquired before Daxle threw up and doubled over before falling to the floor, "Holy crap," He got the shipwide communications on, "Anna, Jimmy, come to the lounge, Daxle's in serious trouble."

Jimmy was the first to arrive, and dragged Daxle to the medbay immediately. Jimmy's first thoughts were that Daxle had been poisoned, and vomiting the poison was not a good idea. He had to work quickly with Anna to determine what it was and what to administer. He could smell motor oil and alcohol, of all things.

Luca just looked on in shock before standing up and looking for a mop and bucket, "Well that's put a damper on the conversation," He eventually started cleaning the mess himself, "I thought doctors were supposed to be healthy people," However, since his mother was always on hand to treating his injuries, he'd only be able to speculate with some of the dirtier doctors.

Eventually the mess was cleaned and Luca then nodded to Uriel and asked, "So, still feel like breaking some mobster kneecaps?"


Luca walked back to his quarters to gear up, and he noticed something left on his bed. He walked over to it and it was a small black package as big as a watch case with blue and green ribbons tying it up. There was a card under the ribbons, and another one from Sebastian saying: "Someone delivered this to the ship while you were out. Its for you, I'm guessing."

Luca shrugged, took away Sebastian's note, and unwrapped the parcel and opened it. There were two things inside, a pair of green and black striped panties and a note with a simple message, "Call me anytime, loverboy - xoxo, A~" and a phone number. Luca simply blushed and looked about himself to make sure nobody was watching and added the number to his phone before putting it back in the package, along with the panties.

He then proceeded to hide the small package under his mattress, reminiscent of his college hijinks - except that he was out of college, and the number was to the CEO of a megacompany, and that this wasn't just a one night stand (He hoped, anyway).
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