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RP: 5th XF [Intermission] 5th XF New Years Party/Shoreleave (003-004)

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This thread is for the 5th Expeditionary Fleet New Years Party JP and for the Shoreleave between Mission 003 and Mission 004.
>ON Cards, Cocktails, and Carousing

With the YE 29 and transfer-of-command ceremonies behind them. The crewmembers of the Akuro's Alpha Shift and the Kasairyuu Wing left for their rooms to dress in their civvies, before being allowed onboard a shuttle for the YSS Hikari for the New Year's festivities. Quickly hustled aboard they made good time to the recreation ship and disembarked within 15 minutes of embarking. The Hikari was abuzz with life, due mostly in part to the holiday being observed across the empire. Ushered to deck 8 aboard the ship, the crew soon found themselves in the nighttime district of the Hikari. Brightly lit signs pointed the way to one of the grandest structures aboard the Ecstasy-class, the Celestrial Minuet Casino. A lively place as it was the center of the Akuro's New Year's celebration.

Corro seemed to be drifting towards the side of the group in a three-piece suit he had managed to get a hold of in time for the party. With many other officers and crew he began making his way inside the game center.

Jatsu walked up alongside Aoiko in his blue pants and black T-shirt. I wish I'd bought some better clothes last time I was here, he thought. But back then, I didn't really think I'd be needing anything like that. "This should be a hell of a party." He said somewhat nervously. "So, would you like to join me for some drinks when we get to the casino?"

Bishop was trailing behind the group his eyes wondering across the neon sings and attraction on the Hikari. He hadn't paid much attention last time and regretted it. As much as he enjoyed to thought of some R&R and couldn't wait to get himself a drink. Damn it's been a long day. He thought.

Roger gave a hearty stretch and breathed deeply. It seemed funny that merely half a day ago, he'd been struggling to escape from the maw of an oversized alligator; now he was ready to kick it up in the grandeur of the Hikari's main casino. Sadly, he'd only had one civilian dress shirt and tie (white and blue respectively, for the curious), and no jacket, and it was thus that he sadly accepted the fact that he probably looked like every civilian engineer in the world at the moment.

Still, any chance to fool around and get paid for it appealed at a base level to him, and he quickly found himself following the pack into the lavishly decorated main lobby. Math says I shouldn't even think of betting in a place like this... but then again, math also said that I shouldn't go into the military. Eh, screw math-oh, what is this? His gaze settled on his roomie sidling over to his fellow bridge officer of the fairer sex. The engineer gave a small grin. Jatsu, you sly dog you... who knew programmers could make moves? He then slowed to give the forming couple some room, dropping back to where TT was shyly following. "Well, I was going to introduce you to the roomie I keep talking about, but it looks like he's got other plans..."

Tachiko smiled a half-smile at Roger, shuffling after him quietly, not even gazing around at the sights of the first she had ever been on. Rather than the slick three-piece of the Wing Leader, or the "I only have one shirt and tie," of the engineer, Takeda-chan was dressed in a gorgeous, traditional silken furisode kimono. Even though it was of fairly subdued colors in its violet and parchment, she really did stand out quite a bit in it, though it wasn't in the least inappropriate.

Tachi just hadn't been quite the same since she got out of quarantine, not that anyone here particularly knew her well, but she was jumpy and aloof, prone to staring off into space and sighing.

Aoiko, herself dressed in a voluminous sakura-pink kimono, gave a long glance to Jatsu. "I would love to!" she happily said after a moment. She fell into step just by his side as they walked into the casino together. "I just hope the music is not too loud." She mumbled under her breath.

Katsuko and Akina arrived by shuttle twenty minutes before the expected time of party, however the only person to emerge from the shuttle was the pilot who had a rather frustrated look on his face and made his way to one of the few 'special' interest cinemas. A short time later Katsuko emerged, having managed to get her clothes on back in the same manner they were when she left the Akuro, the celebration for the two had began early, obviously. Akina then emerged and the two walked to the lift together, however itching to hit the shops before the party they parted with a lengthy stare and some hidden words. Katsuko boarded the VIP lift and straightened her hair as it brought her to the eighth deck where the festivities were planned. As a reward, she had personally paid the house for 2 rounds of drinks for the members of the 17th's Red Squad and Alpha shift, not to mention the officers pool had paid for a few more than that and the pool was still collecting KS as they arrived. A short white miniskirt and a styled purple silk shirt exposing her jeweled tummy was the look of the evening, along with a small strapy purse to carry her charge card and makeup. She made her way towards the main lounge of the casino and helped herself to a ceramic cup of sake and began to mingle amongst a group of officers from the Cnidari celebrating their successful mission.

As the crew entered the Celestrial Minuet, the sounds of gaming could easily be heard as the main entrance lead down a magnificent staircase to the gaming area. The murmur of activity seemed intense as many officers seemed bent on striking it rich. Above the gambling pit was a balcony that could only be a part of the bar and lounge by the mass of seats around its ring. Several groups of officers seemed to be hovering at the railing, watching the tables down below and in conversation with their peers. The air around them seemed to be dancing with a folk music native to Yamatai and its home culture. The string pricks of a Shamisen and the sounds of a Shakuhachi echoed through the cavernous building.

Corro advanced from the group into the gambling pit. At a counter before the entry he handed an attendant his card and retrieved a stack of chips. For a moment he looked liked he was going to run across the room like an eager child, but he remained composed. When the attendant spoke to him about Katsuko's generous drink offer, Corro immediately ordered two rounds of scotch on the rocks. He didn't care about his throat tonight, he would deal with it tomorrow.

"Excellent!" Jatsu enthusiastically said. Excellent? What the hell? Did I just say that? Damnit, I sound like an idiot. The thoughts rushed through his head. He bit his lower lip, then walked with Aoiko into the bar. Oh, shit! Where should we sit? The bar? No, too impersonal. Table in the middle? public, maybe? Booth in the back? Too seedy for a first date. Wait, is this a date? Uhm...uhm...booth in the middle! He led her towards one of the booths at the side of the bar, not too close to the back and not too close to the entrance. "I guess we could sit here..." He said rather casually.

Eh? She didn't respond... well, I guess that's not something you can really make a meaningful response to. Roger continued on unaware of the true depths of TT's silence. "Heh... I understand the music is supposed to be creating a certain atmosphere, but really, I can never get used to the sound of dry strings being plucked. I think it's that whole resonance thing..." Oh lord Roger, you just used a mathematical term in a casino. It's a wonder the pit boss didn't rush over and personally throw me out. He quickly changed the subject. "Wow, you guys really go in for that whole silk and flowers thing big time, huh?"

Tachi cocked her head to one side at Kard, and offered a few deliberate-looking blinks. "Aa~," she broke the silence, "Silk and flowers?" Her eyes wandered upwards at the nothing from whence came the Yamataian music, so much like traditional Japanese, but yet somehow... not. Her eyes stayed in the dim ceiling lights for a moment before floating back down to Roger's and she gave another wan smile. Her hair was worn up, instead of hanging limply and held out of her eyes by a simple pink clip, as was the norm, and, indeed bore an exotic flower, a Taiie native, recently cleared as safe to be aboard ship.

Aoiko nodded politely and followed Jatsu over to the booth, carefully arranging her kimono under her as she sat down. "This music is lovely," she said airily, brushing a strand of hair back from her face. "Shall we order our drinks? I would love some warm sake right now."

Katsuko departed the group she was talking to and headed towards Corro. "Evening cadet, congratulations on a job well done...Your successful mission returned those specialists on time for the launch of the outpost..." Course she planned to divert the conversation from work, but the rank difference between them could be a problem. Thankfully the advanced training program wouldn't make it so awkward, she sipped her sake and landed the cup on one waiters tray and before Corro could answer she had another cup of warm sake in her hand, and a second in the other offered in his direction.

"Ah, thank you Ma'am.â€
Jatsu took a sip of his screwdriver. "Yeah, definitely interesting. And a bit enlightening," he softly said. He laughed, "I doubt we could have won. From what the Taisa said, I think it was rigged so that everything that could have possibly gone wrong did." He gazed into her eyes, then looked back down at the table. "Well, maybe not everything..." I don't know what I would have done if I'd seen her die, he thought, and I don't ever want to find out. He closed his eyes and finished the rest of his drink in one seamless motion, then put his glass on the table and looked back at Aoiko. "But yeah, if you want to make it into a game I can definitely help out with that, I haven't programmed anything in a while." He paused, then asked, "Anyway, would you like another drink?"
Tachiko stepped out of the lift and made her way down the hallway to her room. Having requested a "Traditional Yamataian" room, she fell on the thick pad of the futon with a heavy thump, lying facedown. If the door didn't shut automatically, then she would not have even bothered to close it. Tachi closed her eyes, and breathed deeply. I just couldn't take it in there with everyone having such a time of it... She couldn't drift off to sleep without seeing legless nekos and people suffocating of weird alien fungi- her eyes popped back open almost right away: what was being shown on the backs of her eyelids was hardly high cinema.

It was a little more time before she raised herself up onto her knees and smoothed out the kimono, eyeing the holobrochure on the table that advertised the attractions on the various decks. A real smile came over her face for the first time since going down to Taiie's surface, and she headed out for the lift, "Melody, Deck 11." A brief minute later, and Tachi stepped out into the open-space dome of the foremost deck.
With the end of the ceremony and the move towards the YSS-Hikari for shoreleave, Dana had made his way to Room 200 KS#101-A. Upon arrival he quickly stripped and took a quick shower. Now clean and dry, he dressed in his civvies, a faint smile crossed his lips at the feel of his jacket as he pulled it on. Lastly he grabbed his guitar and rushed through the ship to catch a shuttle to the YSS-Hikari.

He was briefly awestruck by an entire ship dedicated to recreation. He quickly shook this off and found a Kessaku OS terminal where he brought up a ship map. Using the map he found a route to Deck 11 and followed it through the ship, finding a terminal whenever he got lost or asking directions.

And then it hit him before he had even arrived on the deck, the fresh scent of grass. A scent he knew well and loved, even if it brought memories of harsh training at the hands of his father. He hastened his steps and emerged out onto Deck 11, giving a brief glance at the glass dome above as he made his way across to the park.

It only took him mere moments once he was in the park to find a bench and there he sat, pulled out his guitar and began to lightly strum it as he adjusted the strings. Only when the tune of the guitar was just so, he began to play several oldies, keeping in tune with his singing fairly well for one with no formal training.
"Well, we will certainly see, won't we?" Aoiko asked. She looked back into Jatsu's eyes, then down to her sake cup. "There are... Ahem." She blushed a bit, and paused, swirling the dregs of the drink. "There are several engines we could easily use. Ah! Some more sake would be wonderful. Thank you..." She glanced down beside her, then back to Jatsu, her flush receding. "The sake here is rather good. You should try some."
"Yeah...I was thinking, uhm...maybe we could modify the..." Jatsu said while watching Aoiko swirl her cup. Damn, she's so cute...I can't concentrate, he thought, then bit his lower lip and looked off to the side. "We could probably modify the simulations the Taisa had me work on." He turned his head back to her, then responded, "Ah, is it? Well, if you really think so then I guess I will." Even though I hate sake. He called the waitress over and ordered two cups of warm sake, then looked back at Aoiko and smiled nervously. Pretend to like it...if I drink it fast I won't have to taste it.
Aoiko ran the tip of her finger around the edge of the sake cup as she looked up at Jatsu. He is stuttering worse than I am, she thought. I wonder what is on his mind? "That would probably be the best way to go about it," she said, looking down into her cup. "But really, it is just a bit of idle curiosity. The simulations do not take that much craziness into account, do they?"
Hmm...she's rubbing the rim of her glass with her finger. Does that mean she likes me? Or maybe she's bored? Just thirsty? Damnit, I don't know, Jatsu thought. "No, the simulations I worked on weren't nearly that crazy. But...uhm...I think that...uhh," he said, his voice gradually becoming quieter. Damnit, not again! He put one finger on the rim of his cup and tipped it on its edge, then watched the few remaining drops of orange juice converge. "Right, as I was shouldn't take too much modification to make it like what we experienced. The simulations' user interface would only need to be slightly modified to adhere to standard RTS game format, and we could probably..." Shit, now I'm being too technical, which is almost as bad as babbling incoherently, maybe worse. Then again, I think she's a techie maybe it's good? But in that case, if I keep explaining it, she'll eventually understand it and won't be as impressed when I do it, or even do it without me. ...Right, no more details. "Erm...basically, I shouldn't have much trouble doing it if I can access what I need."
Tachi floated wordlessly through the park of the upper deck. She preferred antigravity when wearing a kimono, letting its length fall past her feet, not moving her legs to walk. It gave her an etherealness that she thoroughly enjoyed, especially since she felt so dead.

She floated right past the guitarist, not even turning her head to listen to the music, let alone recognize him as part of the same unit. TT's kimono brushes the head of the guitar, so closely she passes, that it threatens to steal his tuning, but does not snag a peg. She pauses at a sakura just beside the bench on which Dana sits, and reaches up to take one of its perpetually-blooming blossoms in hand, contemplating it silently for some time, her head delicately cocked to one side.
Dana was thoroughly enthralled by his playing and quiet singing, so much to the point that he never even noticed Tachiko until her kimono had brushed against his guitar. At the brief feel of her kimono against the back of his hand he had looked up and followed her to the Sakura blossoms with his eyes.

He silenced his strings with his hands quickly, "Um...Hello?" he asked towards Tachiko. He was a little surprised that he'd been caught, and a little embarrassed by the look of his face.
"Well... seems this is where all starts. Sharpened blade, high morale and a huge ship; there´s no way i can mess it up. Heh." Hikomaru grinned to himself into window´s reflection of the shuttle.

Exiting the transport, he straightned his hakama a bit, taking a deep sigh. "Ok. someone told me this was going to be huge. But not this HUGE... Yo! comp! why did ya took me to the YSS-Hikari... erm, nevermind that, ill be on my own feet now..." He fumed kicking the air. "Now i have to find the cadet Mr Corro Corro. And running me goes!" He dashed inside the ship, noticing the he was still wearing his training clothing.

"Welp. Doesn´t matters, i know what´s going to fix it in a second. Yosha!" He abruptly stopped, and opened his backpack, bringing out his personal yukata. "Ehem!... open the path to thy warrior! off me goes!... to..."

Facing the floor and shaking his head he continued his loud monologue, but now with a dissapointed tone, he added "Well! big things are made to be explored... someone said party somewhere, so just MAYBE, the carousel of life brought tha´ man to the big party and pretty ladies!... here it goes ladies... yosh!"
ON> YSS Hikari, orbiting Taiie IV
Akina lounged in the quiet tiled room, neck deep in mud. Light flute music piped in from hidden speakers in the Romanesque modern room. The bath was just big enough, though shaped long more than anything. Crews on special rotations were leaving the Hikari at 2/3 of it's 40,000 visitor capacity. In the Celestial Minuet, a pause in the music was accompanied by the strumming up of a large piano on the game floor. A show was set to begin in the lounge ten minutes from the beginning of the classy playing outside of it's doors. Katsuko sauntered into the quiet room, with a broad grin as she watched the red-haired woman soak with her eyes closed. The former NH-17 had heard her come in, and was deciding still when to open her eyes.

Tachi looked down as he addressed her. It took a moment before recognition set in, and she smiled. She bowed, still floating in the air above Dana, and spoke softly, "Ohayo..." She released her hold on the blossom, the branch springing back into place, making the flowers swing like so many tiny, ringing bells. Tachi gave a glance down at his guitar, regarding it pensively, again quiet. "You were hosing us down."

Dana smiled up at Tachi, "Yea, I was...but that was because I was there at that time. I'm apparently assigned to your unit." he reached his hand out towards Tachi, "I'm Sento Hei Conley Dana." he introduced himself.

Aoiko slowly ran her finger around her sake cup, her eyes firmly on Jatsu's face as he spoke. She nodded slowly along with his words, drawing herself up in her chair as he finished. "You certainly seem to know what you will be doing, then," she said, and tilted her head slightly. "Shall I leave it in your capable hands?"

Jatsu blushed slightly. Wait, this is bad, he thought. He answered, "Well, I'm not sure if I can get what I need, though. You have higher access than me, so it's probably be best if we both worked on it...together." He looked up at her, then continued, "If you want, we could go back to my room later." He paused, then quickly looked back down and said, "Uhm, because my computer's there, so we could start working on it."

"Pair of Jacks, beats Ace high.â€
ON> YSS Hikari

"Where to?" Akina asked aloud, giving the other women's arm a squeeze. Things were still lively as an announcement for another lounge show piped in, temporarily interrupting the feed from the pianist. The perpetual night outside continued, with NH-17, Geshrin, and even the odd Nepleslian wandered the streets with their company. A green-haired crewmember from the Akuro had even found herself with free shore leave, deciding to have a peek around deck eight, unable to find someone else to go with on her deck.

Corro sat at the bar with drink in hand, trying to drown away much of the most recent events, especially the epic failure of his arm's power supply. Sitting up from the stool, he grasped his latest ‘Swamp Special' and downed the last of it in a single drink. "Yah all have a good day now. I need to go find something else to do before I get even more wasted.â€
"R...really?" Jatsu asked happily. He looked at her and smiled. "Yeah...I don't have too much experience either, most of what I know I just learned on the spot last shift. But it's not too bad, if we both end up there I'll show you some of the basics. I can also set something up in the game we're going to make," he said, before being interrupted by the waitress setting down their drinks.
Dana watched everyone around him, "hehehe...figures...I'm the only one not drinking anything alcoholic..." he sat back and took a gulp of his water, "Ah well...I doubt I could ever drink alcohol again, I'd be hearing his voice yelling at me...then that hellish week in the desert..." he shuddered and frowned as he looked at his cup.

"...I hate my old man..." he muttered out darkly.
The Hikari's ship-wide communication system chimed twice, the announcement that many of the on leave soldiers and officers from the Akuro were dreading...

All personnel on leave on cycle 02 from YSS-Akuro, we hope your stay with us has been a good one. Please report to the assigned docking areas for return transports to the Akuro.
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