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Approved Submission Internal Affairs Task Force

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I'm throwing my hat in on this one. @nite train, let me know if you need any help with this.

I remember that in your initial thread regarding this venture, you mentioned you might not be able to head this? Am I mistaken, or have your feelings changed?
I'm just creating the organization itself for any potential plots or interest. I have no intention of starting up or running a plot.
What government is this for? Because it should be in that name space.

EG: if it is for Nepleslia is should be in nepleslia:iatf
It is for nepleslia, but i don't know what you mean by namespace.

Edit: I found it, but I don't know how to add it into the id.
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I need to ask, however, whether these fall under the National Police Force or whether they are an all together separate entity. Since they appear to be civilian, rather than military or para-military police, I ask for clarification. My preference would be for them to fall under but... I'm not FM.

At the same time, with regular Nep police running around with second or first-tier military grade infantry weapons, you should find a way to differentiate as to how much more of a step up the IATF is. For a general idea, think of the Jin-Roh movie's Kerberos/Panzercops troops or A.D. Police. My suggestion is to make these guys like the police force from Masamune Shirou's Appleseed (not the anime but the manga version, where they have a simple sort of powered body armor). Give them Golem armor and be clearer about how they are different from the already pretty geared up police. Another thought would be to look into specific roles - this FIST sounds like it does exactly what the regular Nep police tooled up in Golems do.

A distasteful visual equivalent of the regular Nep police might be what the police goons in Missouri looked like during the protests. Armored cars, body armor and lots of guns. Though, I would like to think the average Nep cop has a slightly higher moral compass mainly since I made the NPF before any of this militarization of police came to public awareness.
The IATF as i picture it falls under the national police force. The organization is a recognized police force and not an independent group. I've already edited the wiki to address this and I plan to clarify the equipment issue in the near future.

edit:Would there be any problems with HERAT using the "Hostile" armor suit by NAM?
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Traditionally (as in pre or early SARP times), regular Nepleslian police have been portrayed as driving armored muscle cars (something like a Ford Mustang but with hidden armor panels and a flat gray paint job) and SWAT-style armored vans. They wore blue or dark blue flak vests (traditional SARP style like the ones worn by early SAoY infantry) and often helmets with masks that only show their eyes. They carried lethal weapons like shotguns, pistols, grenade launchers with explosive grenades (not tear gas), and sometimes bazookas. They also had small personal helicopters, catamaran riverboats with turrets, and off-road vehicles. "I'll drive, you shoot!" was a police meme. High-speed chases occurred all the time. This was prior to power armor being everywhere, so things may have changed.
Justification would be the main thing for Hostile. Power Armor is, historically, the line between military and civilian forces. The para-militarization of the NPF is quite substantial for most threats. This IATF has regular access to Golems, which the regular Police don't get. Increasing it to Power Armor is quite a step given the Hostile's capabilities.

I've also RP'ed that if an operation needs a Power Armor, the IPG's Military Police section is called in to provide that sort of capability. And black power armor is the IPG's thing.

If you can justify why they would need current military equipment such as the Hostile, I'd see no issue.
That's missing the point, Arieg. It's not that there are limited numbers of Nep PAs available. Basically, it's just that there needs to be some serious reasoning behind equipping these guys with PAs when it's already been part of the RP that the IPG (which DOES use PAs) gets called in to help when PA support is needed, and that the Marines would handle whatever the IPG couldn't.

Honestly? Sigma's earlier suggestion is your best bet. Drop the PAs, and go with the heavy armored vehicles, heavy body armor, the whole nine yards. They're civilians, but they can be the best damn armed civilians on the planet if you play it right.
Reactions: Wes
After some rethinking, I retired the HERAT since they seem to do the exact same job as the marines. Thanks to @Arieg for improving the wiki, and the rest of you guys for your suggestions. I'll be working to fill out what's needed, but don't be surprised if I ask for a hand or two.
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