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RP International Relations Conference of YE 46

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Conference Center
> Aiko and William

With the Red Nepleslian diplomat Sun Horatio safely shepherded off to Premier Hanako, Aiko felt her mission for the evening generally accomplished. So, that introduction made, she wandered off into the crowd of dignitaries and hangers-on—of which there seemed to be too many of the latter—while keeping tabs on the conference's administration via updates from Reikan Park's command center in order to ensure a delightful event for all those dignitaries who'd traveled to attend.

Almost immediately thereafter, Hanako convened principal diplomats for Yamatai's "Duty to Warn" proposal. The softball initiative, clearly offered as a token concession from the Kikyo Sector's most prominent power, quickly took center stage. And thus Aiko was afforded with another moment to relax. At least as much as she could considering all of the organizational info-streams being constantly routed into a subroutine within her digital Nekovalkyrja brain's operating system.

"I'm headed back to see how Aiko is doing. Get back to work you two." He said, spinning on his heel before the Solkolov brothers could make another smart ass remark.

Aiko's eyes caught William's as he marched across the conference floor, recognizing by second nature that she was his destination. She matched his path toward her and moved to meet him. But then, when he was seized by some Separa'Shan, Aiko took pause for a split second. Quickly recognizing the snake soldier as a particular former comrade from the first YSS Kaiyō, the princess Aiko called her two Ketsurui Samurai bodyguards to attend her and come out of their stances hidden beneath volumetric stealth. Immediately, the two samurai shot into view flanking Aiko. One of them, the junior yojimbo Mao, carried Aiko's katana within a silken shroud rigidly with both hands in front of her torso. As a matter of ceremony—and indeed diplomatic protocol, as only security personnel at the International Relations Conference were permitted to carry weapons—the blade was ready for Ketsurui Aiko to grasp and unsheathe.

"I trust there are no security threats to report," Aiko said to William right when she stepped into his peripheral, her presence soon enough demanding his attention. Her eyes lingered on the Separa'shan soldier at the end of her question to William for a moment. "Let us enjoy these few moments of calm now that Hanako-san has started her first negotiation."

Sacre took a closer appraising look at William's body. "Wear and tear from your careless lifestyle no doubt. Your still acting like a lemming." She sighed in mock exasperation, using a favorite insult of hers that had turned into a term of endearment for her. "A lot has happened for me. They put me on a ship that crashed behind enemy lines, the YSS Severus. I did some work supporting a special operations team on the YSS Artemis. After the war ended, they decided to get rid of my rank and make me an officer. So I went to the academy. I met Aliset there, and with Gravity's blessing we got into a relationship. That was right before she disappeared. About the time that the Norian arrived. Since I've graduated I've been on the YSS Koun with Alastair. I've kept him out of trouble as much as it is possible for me to do."

"When you need a new body, come see me. My experience on the YSS Kaiyo gave me some insight into how artificial bodies are designed, I've studied a lot of species and the trade offs that get made, and I designed and built the new Senti body. I have a lot of experience and I'm sure we can tailor make something that will suit you perfectly." She explained.

Sacre thought Aiko's bodyguard's reaction was weirdly hostile, but wrote it off as being due to the conference. She bowed politely to the princess. "Aiko-Hime, it is a pleasure to see you again, as always."
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"His so-called 'careless lifestyle' is what makes Captain Sanders a hero worthy of this sector's admiration," Aiko said in a very matter-of-fact way. She knew the Separa'shan woman was attempting to be friendly toward William but still didn't appreciate the plain suggestion of her words. "Though you may have forgotten, valor is part of everyday life for us aboard the Kaiyō and within our task force. There is little carelessness involved with what William does, Heisho, but your mistake is understandable."

Aiko's own apparent error in addressing Sacre by an older rank was anything but. The princess had a habit of calling former comrades who'd served aboard her ship the last rank she'd known them by. Matching a name and face to a soldier's rank was what Aiko was used to, and it'd been many years now since this particular Separa'shan was in any Kaiyō crewman's presence.

"It is safe to assume Alastair brought you along as part of the diplomatic escort duty he is performing," Aiko added, in a way returning Sacre's greeting. The idea of William needing a new body that was any less quintessentially Nepleslian than his bona fide ID-SOL form made her recoil within, but she remained outwardly placid and decided not to say anything on the topic. "Do not forget every one of your actions tonight reflect on our Star Empire, and do not let him forget either."
Hanako seemed pleased that they all could agree to help each other against the threat of small and violent non-state actors. This was especially relevant with the plethora of advanced technology in the Kikyo Sector, that could allow a single person, with the right funds or resources, to raise personal robot armies, deploy mega-weapons, or try to turn shuttles or asteroids into kinetic kill vehicles. "Thank you all," she told the other leaders and diplomats.

"I do not wish to dominate the floor so I am passing around the microphone, so to speak. With that said, if you also have proposals that you think will benefit us all to agree on, I welcome you to share them now."
Toidorno understood that the reference to a 'microphone' was metaphorical, and he took the opportunity to address the table.

“We wish to speak of the… remnants of the Kingdom of Kuvexia which remain in our Sector.” he began. He was speaking, of course, of those fragmented former subjects of the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia, some of whom remained within the bounds of the eighth arm of the Kagami Galaxy. Though the Kingdom had collapsed after the Battle of Glimmergold and the death of its King and his heirs, some lost remnants and abandoned forces stayed in the region of the Kikyo Sector. Many, in desperation or a misplaced desire for vengeance, turned to piracy and guerilla tactics.

Toidorno continued. "Not only the Kuvexians themselves, but beings such as the… Clan of the Antlers.” he paused, taking a moment to remember the correct species name. “The Elefirn. And the Ehlen, Silanbar and the L’Kor, among others. We of the Hidden Sun Clan wish to Hunt these remnants, but we will not do so if those present here at this table wish to declare their own plans for these enemies."

Reflexively, his claws extended from the paw of his right hand for a moment, settling on the table before retracting. "If we agree that they are... legitimate targets... Opportunities to join us and hunt with us in the southern reaches of the Sector... would be made available to your militaries. Participants would earn a share of the salvage and of captured prisoners, of course."
"It is my rememberance that the L'Kor and the Elefirn are under the protection of some Yamataian factions and the Nepleslian, making them not viable prey for you. I also understand that most Kuvexians left in the sector have decided it better to integrate, rather than foist the culture of a failed government on their victors. I would recommend that this hunting be left to antipiracy operations with no species specific target. This would widen your pool of game and avoid angering the others around us all." Shretas looked to his tablet, looking up the hunt Toidorno referred to. He didn't really understand the concept, but the article told him enough to make his point. "And also maintaining your honor by not attacking civilians who pose no threat to the greater community, or who are actively attempting to improve it."

The Sky Marshall looked to Toidorno. "Yes, the Elefirn are under Nepleslian protection. I would advise not trying to hunt them. I'd rather not start a diplomatic crisis." He cautioned. "There is no love lost for any Kuvexian remnants though. If it were up to me, they would bear the title of personas non grata. However, I must agree with the Shuristan Senator, civilians and those who have proven to be assets to the galaxy at large should be left alone." Gaelan remarked. He truly wanted to unleash his fleets to scour the Kikyo Sector for any remaining hold outs of Kuvexians and free whoever is left in captivity, but he also didn't want to start any diplomatic incidents.

Besides, there were other less conventional means to deal with that particular problem...



The ID-SOL was about to reply when Aiko, Rei, and Mao walked up. He mentally face palmed at Aiko's remark. "Cool your jets, m'lady. She's just teasing... maybe." He turned back to Sacre. "Eh you probably mean it, but it's still in jest." William added with a smirk. "It's good to hear that you are doing well. I also ended up in the officer tract. Now people have to call me 'sir.' Its great, I finally get the recognition I deserve." He boasted, hands on his hips. It took all he had in him not to burst out laughing at his own remark.

Turning back to Aiko he added. "Though she still refuses to address me as such. So rude." William punctuated the statement by pulling down his eyelid and sticking his tongue out at the princess of Yamatai. He would more than likely catch hell from Rei, but he thought it was funny.
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"Look a fool elsewhere," chirped the samurai behind Aiko's right arm as her pinprick-like eyes stared daggers at the Nepleslian. While Mao carried the ceremony of the gilded sword under its gauzy wrapping, Rei was conjuring imagery of carrying William's ear off to a quiet area for a scolding. For now she simply seethed at his childish display amidst the gallantry and pageant of what was the most important diplomatic event there was.

Hoshi had taken a slow loping walk over to Sacre and her comrades, tapping Boss to follow along at some point. The Kaiyō II MEGAMI had gotten lost in her femtotronic quantum computer while connected to a couple hundred networks—some of them new and exciting—and had been standing idly in the same spot that she had previously been speaking to Sky Marshal Gaelan Sanders and Ketsurui Aiko at. While Boss tucked into the space behind Aiko and between her samurai, Hoshi nudged in to the group at large. Though she initially shared a withering look at William, Hoshi shook her head as if shaking off a bad feeling and looked to the former Kaiyo medic.

"We're trying to get William-san to respond to positive encouragement and affirmations and not only teasing. You're not helping one bit, you know. Besides that, it's a pleasure to see you looking well, Sanssinia." Her ample smile betrayed the levity of her words, while not looking at William straight on. Though Hoshi had served as Sacre's CO, she hadn't ever broken the habit of using the Separa'shan's clan name.
Conference Center
> Aiko, William, Hoshi, et al.

Ketsurui Aiko's countenance didn't change even despite her Nepleslian counterpart's best efforts, still holding a mask of dignified imperial grace befitting her status as an unrivalled champion of the Yamatai Star Empire, foremost ahead being a senior officer in the Star Army as well as a member of the ruling clan among other decorations and distinctions. But William could see in her eyes, staring only into his right then, that it was like she was looking at walking garbage.

The princess could normally appreciate the repartee they shared, just not here or now. It was one thing for Aiko to and Wil to banter with one another between themselves or in the company of their crewmates, but quite another to do so in earshot of envoys or—particularly now—shared as a statement to soldiers who'd left the Kaiyō's hull on shameful terms.

There was nothing for her to say about it for now. The International Relations Conference wasn't the place for that conversation. This event's highlight would remain, for Aiko, the same as it should have been to everyone else: a meeting of national dignitaries to discuss factional cooperation in the Kikyo Sector. So she made her next decision without hesitation.

"I look forward to debriefing you after the evening has come to a close, Wil," she said with a grin that didn't match her somewhat disappointed tone. She looked to Hoshi, acknowledging her captain's arrival with a nod, and then back to William. "Something sprang up that demands my attention," Aiko lied, though there would indeed be something more worthwhile for her to do in her capacity as a diplomat. "Enjoy the company."

With that, she stepped off and made her way closer to where Hanako was leading discussions to listen and remain on-hand as an assistant for the Premier.
"I suppose getting what I deserve is one way at looking at getting promoted to Taii. It's ruined my 'I work for a living' line." Sacre commented.

Sacre nodded politely at Hoshi, "A pleasure to see you as well, Captain."

Her gaze returned to William thoughtfully. "I suppose I could try lying to him. Your doing a good job soldier. No, no, your posture is fine. You are a good looking man, so strong and brave. You deserve all of the praise you are getting, you earned it. Intelligence is your best attribute, genius in all ways. Running directly into the the fire of the machine gun nest is a great idea, you should try it. Is that supposed to work with you now?" Sacre tried to keep her playful serious tone, but there was some genuine admiration buried in there too.
William rolled his eyes at the verbal ribbing, but gave a small smirk nonetheless. The look Aiko gave him told him he'd gone too far. As she left, a message scrawled itself across his cybernetic implant. "I'd stay and chat longer, but I'm needed. It was nice catching up Sacre. Let me know if you need something, Hoshi. Enjoy the festivities." He said giving a wave over his shoulder as he headed back towards where he had sent Yuri and Dmitri.
"One second before you go." Sacre looked around to make sure no one could overhear her and William. Her voice turned into a low desperate whisper. "I need you to do something for me. I have a Metamor, Aliset's husband. Leventé Barná. He's MIA. I know she thinks the world of him but... he's ... like you, a Nepleslian man and-" Sacre bit her lip. She had been kept a slave by Nepleslian men. "It's not rational, I should trust her judgement, but I have this fear in my gut. Look him up and tell me he's a good man." Sacre sounded vulnerable, revealing an insecurity to perhaps the only one in the galaxy who could help. She didn't need data, she needed reassurance from someone she trusted.
Aelya, Ihari, Vulre, Lynira

While Aelya was delighted to have the chance to reconnect with her dear friend, she could not help but notice that it seemed Yuri might have been masking something. The red-headed Norian was not sure what had bothered her friend so and it caused some level of concern. As soon as it would be feasibly possible she intended to get to the bottom of it, if Yuri wanted to or even could talk about it that is. “I am doing well, thank you” Aelya responded, looking over her friend with a soft look of concern. This look of concern in those ruby-hued orbs shifted back to mischievous glee as Yuri’s delivery location gave her a fun idea, “Perhaps, if it is alright with you, I could bring it by sometime?” Aelya said with a devious little grin.

Ihari’s eyebrow raised slightly as she overheard her mother’s machinations, her eyes remained looking over the others that surrounded them. “One thing is for certain, she is more social than I,” the more introverted woman thought. Vulre noticed that little eyebrow raise, but otherwise continued his observations of their environment.

Meanwhile Aelya’s conversation with Yuri continued as thoughts about the United Norian Imperium’s involvement in this event creeped into her mind. Yuri’s sweet words distracted her, “You are quite possibly the sweetest person I have met! It means so much that you have welcomed friendship and put so much into honoring my heritage. I can only hope that you feel the gift I have for you will do the same.” her smile switched from deviousness to genuine warmth as their exchange continued. As Yuri lifted out the Cherry Blossom Necklace, Aelya’s eyes widened in awe of its beauty. She gratefully accepted it, doing an excited little shuffle, “Do you think I should put it on now?” she asked with a bright happy look on her face.

That look remained on Aelya’s face until she received a vesper from Vulre. “It would appear the United Norian Imperium has arrived and it is not who you had expected.” Vulre shared with Tsenlanese Aester through vesper. “Speaking of our first meeting at Hanami, how is” Aelya’s string of intended questions about Yoshiro paused by an expected interruption. Yoshiro Tanaka was quite possibly one of the most attractive non-Norian men she had met. He was sweet and endearing, a true gentleman. Aelya’s face suddenly became awash with a more serious expression as she turned her attention to the approaching party. The Shadowguard’s vesper indicated to her that it was not her beloved brother Tetsuya who had come on behalf of the UNI. A series of questions raced through her mind as she held her composure while she looked to see her beloved uncle.

If this had been any other set of circumstances Aelya would have loved to tease Nira. That indeed would have been a dangerous game to play with the artful master, but he was devilishly delicious enough she would be tempted. “Representative Nira, a pleasure to see you dearest uncle.” she responded to his spoken greeting, replicating his slight tip with one of her own. With all his masterful practice it indeed made her muse that he did not know her feelings on that particular matter. Ihari’s fiery red gaze turned to focus on her mother’s uncle, all but intending to burn a hole through him. She had never met the man before, but she had heard of him. Vulre simply observed the interaction unaffected by the banter between the other parties.

“Representative? Dear Uncle, I am as much a representative as you are. Now, while I am quite pleased to see you again, I must admit, this is surprising” she communicated to Nira through vesper with intense feelings of concern for her brother Tetsuya. As Nira gestured to Aynu, Aelya and the other members of the Tsenlanese delegation immediately returned the special guest’s salute in kind. “Aynu, dear uncle? I am not sure what pictures you intend to paint for the people here, but I am interested as to why you brought Unya.” she communicated calmly to Nira through vesper once more. Thankfully things turned to Lynira before Aelya’s questioning about what chaos Nira was up to progressed. In the back of her mind it became painfully more obvious that things would never be the same as they were before. It was more difficult for her to remain calm as everyone seemed to come in and out of her life. There was no constant for her to lean back on.


Conference Center
Negotiating Table


Aelya had settled into her seat, paying great attention to all the details of discussions as they proceeded. The “duty to warn” policy was one she could see supporting, within reason. “Tsenlan would support adopting this policy and in such events. We would additionally be willing to offer manpower and aid where possible” she added following Toidorno’s support on the matter. She kept any other matters to herself until such a time as they would be appropriate to address, there were certainly a few. Silently she pondered on the implications of her brother’s absence and what that could mean for the future.

Toidorno’s commentary ripped her focus right over to him as she listened to what he said. He sure seemed to be bold, that much could be said for him. “What a set of testes to so openly suggest hunting others”, she thought inwardly as she reminisced on her own exploits in the past. One issue though, she was fairly certain his identification of a few parties as qualifying for a hunt of this sort was somewhat uninformed. Thankfully someone quickly rectified the issue rather quickly.


As an observer the Anisa Senator quietly watched as the discussion unfolded. One specific item of note that had arisen so far was the “Duty to Warn” policy that was brought up. Indeed it made her feel great admiration for those who ruled Yamatai, it was a kind gesture. Though as to what extent or for what purpose this was brought up raised her curiosity.

TSENLAN, UNI and one Yamataian​

Yuri's smile radiated with genuine happiness as she listened to Aelya's words of encouragement. It was heartening to hear that she was doing well, especially in the midst of such a significant event like the International Relations Conference. However, amidst Yuri's joy, a flicker of concern danced in her eyes as she noticed the subtle change in Aelya's demeanor.

Aelya's perceptive gaze didn't escape Yuri's trained eye. Despite her friend's attempt to reassure her, Yuri could sense that Aelya had picked up on something amiss. The thought gnawed at Yuri's mind, her concern mounting as she pondered what could have caught Aelya's attention.

In the bustling atmosphere of the conference, Yuri felt a pang of worry that her own unease might have inadvertently upset Aelya. Their friendship meant the world to her, and the last thing she wanted was for Aelya to be distracted or troubled, especially in such an important gathering of diplomats and delegates from across the globe.

Even as she maintained her composed facade, Yuri couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of apprehension. She silently resolved to address whatever it was that had caught Aelya's attention, determined to ensure that their time together at the conference remained focused and enjoyable.

Yuri's smile remained fixed as Aelya broached the topic of the gift she intended to bring, a glimmer of anticipation lighting up her eyes at the prospect of what Aelya had in store. Despite her underlying concerns, Yuri's gratitude for their friendship shone through as she eagerly accepted Aelya's offer, hoping that their shared moments would overshadow any lingering worries.

"Certainly," Yuri said happily, her voice laced with genuine appreciation as she accepted Aelya's offer. "In fact, on my next shore leave, I'll make sure to contact you," she continued, her tone warm and inviting. "And if need be, I'll remind you that you'd be welcomed at my mother's bar."

Yuri's eyes sparkled with excitement as she envisioned the prospect of spending time with Aelya in a familiar and welcoming environment. The thought of reconnecting outside the confines of their current setting brought a sense of comfort to Yuri, easing the tension that had been building within her.

"I'll also make sure to have drinks and food that would work for the Norian diet too," Yuri added, her smile widening as she spoke directly to Aelya. "Since I want to make sure you're comfortable there."

Yuri's words were sincere, reflecting her genuine desire to accommodate Aelya's needs and ensure her comfort during their time together. Despite the hustle and bustle of the conference surrounding them, Yuri's focus remained solely on her Norian friend, their bond strengthening with each passing moment.

Yuri's heart swelled with warmth at Aelya's heartfelt words. Her Norian friend's appreciation was like a balm to Yuri's soul, reaffirming the value of their friendship and the effort she had invested in honoring Aelya's heritage. A soft smile graced Yuri's lips as she absorbed Aelya's kind sentiments, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the bond they shared.

"It's my pleasure, Aelya," Yuri replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "Your friendship means a great deal to me, and it's only natural to honor and respect your heritage."

As Aelya's expression shifted from mischief to genuine warmth, Yuri's heart swelled with happiness at Aelya's reaction, her own smile widening at the sight of her friend's infectious enthusiasm. "Absolutely! Unless there are uniform rules that prevent it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with delight. "It suits you perfectly, Aelya."

As Aelya delicately fastened the necklace around her neck, Yuri couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment wash over her. In that moment, amidst the chaos of the conference and the weight of their respective duties, their friendship shone brightly, a beacon of light guiding them through the challenges that lay ahead.
Yuri's smile widened at Aelya's mention of the Hanami Festival, her mind drifting back to the vivid memories of that joyful occasion. Yet, amidst the recollection of cherry blossoms and laughter, another figure emerged in Yuri's thoughts — Yoshiro, the valiant soldier who had stood by Aelya's side with unwavering courage.

"Yoshiro," Yuri began, her voice filled with admiration for the brave comrade who had shown such dedication to their cause. Before she could finish her thought, however, her attention was diverted by the arrival of more Norians, clad in a uniform unfamiliar to her.

As the newcomers approached, Yuri's curiosity piqued, her excitement growing at the prospect of meeting new faces and expanding her circle of acquaintances. Despite the difference in uniform, Yuri's expression remained welcoming and open, her eagerness to forge new connections undiminished.

In the midst of the approaching group, Yuri's gaze settled on a figure who exuded an air of authority — Aelya's uncle, she presumed. The prospect of meeting someone so closely connected to her friend filled Yuri with a sense of anticipation, eager to learn more about Aelya's family and heritage.

"Ah, Representative Nira, Aelya's uncle?" Yuri inquired politely, her tone tinged with curiosity as she extended a hand in greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you, and everyone, with you; I'm Yuri, a friend of Aelya's. I’m honored to meet you, though I am certain this chance is unexpected." Yuri said to Nira and his group, who may be somewhat surprised to hear Yuri speaking in Nira'las, of course as a Nekovalkyrja, it’s a bit different but she hoped they understood her attempt. She wasn’t aware of Aelya’s feelings with specific individuals. “By the way.. If you’re comfortable with it, I’d like to give everyone a hug of greeting”

“I probably should go, Aelya it was nice seeing you again, I look forward to your gift, and of course to Hanami Festival again.” Yuri said with a polite bow to her friends and potential other friends as she proceeds to move away, Yuri didn’t know if she was supposed to return to the Resurgence, immediately, so she made her way slowly, allowing her to leave the area, make her way to her mother’s bar, to check on it and her mother, before both mother and daughter had to return.


As Alice, the Mining Guild's corporate diplomat, absorbed the reactions around the table at the International Relations Conference, she couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction mixed with relief. The weight of diplomatic discourse often rested heavily on her shoulders, especially in matters as crucial as interstellar policy.

The earnest nod from the Hidden Sun Clan's representative, a silent affirmation of their shared stance on the Yamatai Star Empire's Duty to Warn policy, had set the tone for the discussion. Now, as she observed the responses ripple through the assembly, Alice's keen senses picked up on subtle cues— the shift of postures, the inflections in voices, even the slightest flicker of expressions.

Her canine-like ears, a distinctive feature, twitched in response to the discourse unfolding. Each word uttered held significance, shaping the trajectory of future alliances and collaborations among the stellar nations gathered at the conference.

When Aelya, the Tsenlan's representative, voiced their support for adopting the policy, Alice felt a surge of validation. The Tsenlan's willingness to stand alongside the Yamatai Star Empire and offer tangible assistance resonated deeply with her. It was a testament to the growing consensus among the attendees, a sign of solidarity in the face of shared challenges.

As the discussion progressed, Alice found herself subtly guiding the conversation, leveraging her diplomatic skills to foster consensus and bridge differences. The exchange of ideas, the negotiation of agreements, all unfolded against the backdrop of a universe in flux, where alliances were forged and broken with each passing moment.

In the end, as the conference drew to a close, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the role she had played. The support garnered for the Duty to Warn policy was not just a triumph for diplomacy, but a beacon of hope for a galaxy navigating the complexities of its own destiny.

Alice's attention shifted as the Shuristan senator, a member of the Senti species known for their nomadic nature, took the floor. There was a unique gravity to his words, a resonance that captured the essence of solidarity and cooperation that defined the essence of interstellar diplomacy.

As the senator pledged his support for the policy, Alice felt a surge of warmth spread through her. His commitment went beyond mere words; it was a tangible offer of assistance that would significantly bolster the Mining Guild's efforts in adhering to the directives of the Yamatai Emergency Management Agency.

Her smile widened as he elaborated on the specifics of their support. The promise of leveraging the Shuristan logistics networks to facilitate the transport of lifesaving resources was a boon beyond measure. In a galaxy where every moment counted in emergencies, such logistical support could mean the difference between success and failure in relief efforts.

Alice nodded with gratitude, her appreciation evident in the sincere dip of her head. To have the senator reaffirm the pledge of aid, not just in private discussions but in the public forum of the conference, spoke volumes about the depth of their commitment. It was a testament to the strength of their alliance, forged in the crucible of shared values and mutual respect.

In that moment, amidst the backdrop of the bustling conference hall, Alice felt a renewed sense of purpose. The solidarity and support extended by the Shuristan senator and his people served as a beacon of hope, lighting the way forward in a universe fraught with challenges and uncertainties. And as she met the senator's gaze, she knew that together, they would overcome whatever obstacles lay ahead, united in their pursuit of a brighter future for all.

As Alice prepared to contribute to the ongoing discussion, her attention was diverted by the arrival of a latecomer to the conference hall. A flicker of irritation crossed her features, a subtle indication of her displeasure at the lack of punctuality. However, she maintained her composure, knowing that it wasn't her place to reprimand or chastise the tardy attendee.

Suppressing her instinct to address the issue, Alice reminded herself of the delicate balance of diplomacy. She understood the importance of maintaining cordial relations, especially when considering the potential ramifications for future collaborations, particularly in the context of expanding into the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. Any misstep could jeopardize the delicate negotiations and hinder the Mining Guild's ambitions for growth and cooperation.

With a practiced ease, Alice redirected her focus to the figure of the Imperial Premier, Hanako, who had begun to address the assembly. Her tone carried a sense of gratitude, acknowledging the collective agreement to the policy that had been the focal point of the conference.

Alice listened intently, her mind already churning with considerations and strategies for implementation. Despite the minor disruption caused by the late arrival, she remained steadfast in her commitment to advancing the interests of the Mining Guild and fostering positive relations with the gathered representatives.

As the Imperial Premier concluded her remarks, Alice felt a renewed sense of purpose wash over her. The path ahead might be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but with diplomacy as her guiding principle, she was confident in her ability to navigate the intricate web of interstellar politics and secure a brighter future for all involved.

As Hanako passed the floor to Toidorno, Alice's attention remained keenly focused on the unfolding dialogue. Her relationship with Toidorno, the representative of the Hidden Sun Clan, had blossomed into a friendship forged through shared experiences and mutual respect.

As Toidorno broached the topic of the remnants of the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia lingering in the Kikyo Sector, Alice's mind flashed back to the tumultuous history of the region. The Kuvexians, with their insatiable greed and expansionist ambitions, had once posed a significant threat to the stability of the sector.

Alice vividly recalled the collective effort of various factions, including the Yamatai Star Empire, Nepleslia, and the Mining Guild's original main client, the New Dusk Conclave, in repelling the Kuvexian incursion. It had been a time of great peril, a moment when the very fabric of the sector hung in the balance.

In the face of adversity, the miners of the Mining Guild had toiled relentlessly in the depths of the mines and amidst the treacherous asteroid fields, extracting precious metal ores essential for the war effort. Their dedication and sacrifice had been instrumental in turning the tide against the Kuvexian threat, reinforcing the resolve of their allies and securing the future of the sector.

As memories of those arduous days flooded her mind, Alice couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in the resilience and determination of her fellow miners. Their unwavering commitment to their craft and their unwavering support for their allies had been the cornerstone of their success in the face of adversity.

With a silent nod of acknowledgment to Toidorno's inquiry, Alice braced herself for the ensuing discussion, knowing that the specter of the Kuvexian remnants in the Kikyo Sector would require careful consideration and decisive action. And as she glanced around the conference hall, she found solace in the knowledge that she stood among allies united in their resolve to safeguard the peace and prosperity of the sector they called home.

"Indeed," Alice responded, her tone measured yet thoughtful. "The Kuvexians' allies, particularly the Elefirn, the Ehlen, and the Silanbar, pose a significant consideration in our strategic deliberations."

She paused briefly, recalling the complex web of alliances and dependencies that intertwined within the Kikyo Sector. "It's true that certain factions within the Yamatai Star Empire have extended protection to the Elefirn and the L’Kor, among others," she continued, her voice carrying a hint of acknowledgment.

As Toidorno elaborated further on the Kuvexian remnants' decision to integrate rather than impose their failed government's culture, Alice nodded in agreement. "Yes, integration rather than confrontation seems to be the pragmatic approach for many of the remaining Kuvexians," she affirmed.

Turning her attention to the matter of the Ehlen and the Silanbar, Alice's brow furrowed slightly in contemplation. "From what I've gathered," she began, "the Ehlen and its holdings are indeed experiencing a period of recession following the war's end."

Her gaze shifted back to Toidorno, a sense of resolve creeping into her words. "As for the Silanbar, I admit my knowledge is somewhat limited. However, I agree that redirecting our efforts towards Anti-Piracy Operations would be a more strategic use of resources."

With a firm nod, Alice offered her support. "The Mining Guild is willing to aid you in this endeavor," she declared, her commitment to cooperation and mutual assistance unwavering.

[ooc: 2,447 words, i am sorry][/b]
Ambassador Toidorno’s response to the Sky Marshall of Nepleslia was measured and respectful. “I acknowledge that the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia claims the Elefirn. We have no treaty with your nation, Sky Marshall, but in the… interest of… good partnership, we will consider the Elefirn your…” He paused, checking his translation device to verify the best word. “...Responsibility. If Elefirn remnants… incur into our space… Or if we find their number among the crew of a pirate or a prey ship, we will endeavor to render them up to… your control. Beyond our space we… will not select them as prey, if we identify their nature. Is this an acceptable proposal?”

Separately, he addressed Hanako. “Imperial Premier, does your Empire… claim the Elefirn as well, and the L’Kor? Those who are birds?”

To the entire table, he asked this question carefully, harkening back to his original query. “If the Kuvexian remnants, or the Silanbar or the Ehlen, are... similarly protected, I would… ask that this be declared. The Clan wishes to know who is claimed, and who is not.”

Alice Sursilvan had mentioned that the Ehlen’s holdings in a period of recession, but those holdings were an ‘arm’s length’ away in the Galaxy. Still, knowing that their home nation was in a state of struggle meant opportunity, and it meant that those Ehlen possibly remaining in the Kikyo Sector had a weaker base of support to call upon.

He had heard talk from the Senator of Shurista, as well as the Sky Marshall, about ‘civilians’. Shretas had made value statements about maintaining honor by not attacking civilians, and the Sky Marshall had claimed that civilians should be ‘left alone’. Internally, Toidorno braced himself, for that topic would not be easy to discuss, and would likely render the situation tense... But he felt it would be best to discuss the topic now. He waited to hear the answers of those at the table, resolving to clarify the Clan’s stance on ‘civilians’ afterward, for better or for worse.

Just wanted to throw this out there, I'm enjoying the in-character responses to Toidorno's question, and to the Clan's policies. Please do continue to roleplay your folks, I'm not an 'OOC Mixer' who takes things out of character. I want you to know that my roleplay of this character (who represents the faction) isn't reflecting my personal beliefs, but the established cultural practices and mores of the faction. The Clan does some pretty rough stuff.

For example, they:

Practice a form of slavery. (The practice includes a couple paths to gain freedom, but it's still a form of slavery)
Attack targets that are both military, or civilian. They basically engage in piracy themselves, by the way Nashoba described it. They believe in reincarnation, so killing others (even civilians) seems to bother them less than it might bother others. It seems like this is a hot topic, so I'll try to have Toidorno talk about this to the table.
Execute captured prisoners, or abandon them on random worlds, or ransom prisoners back to their nations.
Encourage ritual suicide in order to save face and preserve honor. (Again, they believe in reincarnation)
There's more. One of them, which has to do with their brain computers, is REALLY rough.

Anyway, if you're concerned about any of this, or my portrayal of the clan, please do let me know, I'd hate to portray these guys inaccurately. Holler at me if I missed something or if you just want to learn more.
Imperial Premier Hanako responded to Ambassador Toidorno. "The Yamatai Star Empire does not lay claim to any species. Territories, yes, property, yes, but never a species. Even Nekovalkyrja, our creations, are free to choose their own paths. We have found that indiscriminately treating all members of a species as a whole leads down a dark path, one we wish to avoid. That said, there are those among Yamatai's leadership who would make an exception for the Mishhuvurthyar, and see them eradicated."
Senator Tamafune Yokota listened to the current conversation, but she really focused when the ambassador mentioned the Kuvexian remnant and particularly the Ehlen. For the last year, the Fujiko Development Corporation had been sending pathfinders into the cluster of stars they deemed the "New Colonial Area" to assess the systems of Splrug, Fhasho, Hukka, Nougfran, Sbuhfaba, Bufarks, Higaflan, Rojbushra, and Moriva for the establishment of colonies and the status of the black market within the area. They have never had a pleasant encounter with them.

"The Fujiko Development Corporation has had encounter with these Ehlen pirates coreward around the system of Hukka. We..." Yokota said before Horatio cut her off before she could start the next sentence. She just faintly narrowed her eyes at him due to the manner he decided to interject himself.

"Nothing significant, just routine system surveying and prospecting missions as it has been awhile since anyone has been in that area of space since the Kuvexians came. These Ehlen would wait for prospectors and their escorts to make planetfall before they directly attacked. After overwhelming the escorts, they would take everything of valuable and have the crews limp back to Fujiko in an escape pod they would launch towards Yamataian space around the Mao Nebula. Oddly, they always give them some knock off Chateau Hanako rum." He said giving a perplexed look on his face regarding the rum. He quickly removed, his face resuming the near expressionless face with a half smirk on his face.

"There is one exception though. So in response we will just have to make more of a show of force over there. Might make them at ease we found someone new to concern ourselves with." he said, barely nodding his head towards the DION delegation.
"Sounds like the modus operandi of my own species pirates. Though they tend to attack when entering or leaving a system. Would you like a handful of light mining cruisers to assist? Or would you prefer we tell Katamura someone is breaking their rules?". Shretas gave a small chuckle. "Would perhaps solve two problems. Or make a larger one if the two groups decide to become friendly... Nothing our Nepleslian and Clan friends cannot handle, yes?"
The responses of the Imperial Premier, as well as those of the Nepleslian Reds and the Senti were appreciated. "Then we will consider the Ehlen, Kuvexian and Silanbar remnants legitimate targets. If those circumstances change, please see that we are informed."

He found himself smiling toothily at the prospect of pirate-hunting with these foreign forces who had offered vocal interest. "Joint operations are good opportunities for collaboration. I propose that we make notes to discuss such teamwork further at a later date."

Shall we leave this here then, and focus on the Day 2 thread?
From her place with the Yamatai Star Empire's delegation standing in the more dimly illuminated area behind Hanako, who was spotlit beneath directed lighting that highlighted only the factional representatives standing around the conference table's rim, Aiko listened as small voices from the Kikyo Sector's fringes discussed mopping up remnants of the Kuvexian kingdom. By her own hand, the princess had eradicated the last bastion of legitimate Kuvexian succession that remained on a conquered Yamataian world at the head of a combined Yamataian-Nepleslian task force, so she found it lamentable to hear these latecomers speak on a desire to hunt down an already defeated foe. There was no glory or honor to be found in pummeling thralls who'd only just found freedom from the yoke of King Kalapom's rule.

Thankfully, the Imperial Premier had made Yamatai's position abundantly clear. Aiko had scant reason to speak on the topic or offer any advice because Hanako's leadership had already dealt with the matter, just as she had guided the conference's initial intelligence sharing agreement before that. With two diplomatic triumphs already under Yamatai's belt and official discussion waning, the International Relations Conference's first evening soon came to a close.

But the intermission would only last a few restful hours, for the pageantry and parleys at Reikan Park were set to begin anew bright and early the next morning.

Continued in: Day 2
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