Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Introduction; Unsure of what roleplay to look into


Inactive Member
Hello! I'm Siverson.

Some call me Siv, or Silver, depending on how far back I've known you. To my knowledge, there's no one on this site that I know. Silver or Siv is still okay. It's definitely wonderful short-hand for 'Siverson' which is both weird to type and weird to pronounce. I ramble. I like to pour my inner monologue into my writing, and then cut it down to proper size. I'll ramble throughout this introduction, to better introduce who I am, so I apologize ahead of time. I do my best under other circumstances to cut out the extraneous fluff of my writing.

I've been lurking Star Army for a couple of months. I love some users' writing. (I won't say who. I don't want to look like I'm flattering anyone etc.) and I like how some plots are handled by GM's, regardless of player writing. Heck, even if the GM's aren't so great of writers themselves, I can appreciate a decent plot arc.

When, after my recent college semester, I received my laptop here I decided I'd try to begin to participate. I'm someone who wants to write, roleplay, and I'll do my best to try to relate and have fun with the other people in this community. My rambling in writing also kind of extends into my social skills. If I think something, I try to talk about it. It's hard to shut me up. That may be part of why this post is so long in my opinion...

That all said. I'm kind of stuck on where I'd like to start, plot-wise. I want something that has "enough" action (vague, I know) but also some chance every now and again to really deal with a social situation. Is there any specific plot like that? A lot of what I've read when I've been "lurking" is bits and pieces of everything. I'd skip pages and posts to kind of skim and get the idea of what's going on. I'd light down on posts I thought were well-written, but I don't truly have an idea of what plots would fit me as a player and as a writer.

If it helps, the kind of character I'd want to make would be a character that prefers to be supportive rather than proactive in general interactions throughout the roleplay. They'll be the medic, the mechanic, etc.. That's the simplest way I can put it without developing the concept into something more ungainly.

Is there any roleplay accepting players currently that would be able to fit the kind of character I want to play, and is consistently active (maybe once or twice a week I'd have to post?).

Also, I find it's much easier to introduce myself to a new group of people if I let them ask questions of me. You can ask me anything you like, and I'll do my best to answer (within reason).
Hey Siverson, welcome to Star Army. I'll cut right to the chase though, cause I just woke up though and don't have the brain at the moment to be very eloquent. Here at SARP the majority of Plots will actually switch between action and social plots. Usually the action section will be labeled something like "Episode 2" and the down time section will become "Episode 2.1" or something similar. Of course to varying degrees. What I would do if I was you would be to look at the List of Active Plots, see if any of the plots spark your interest, then look more into them and ask the GM about what exactly goes on there.
It's definitely sound advice. It'd be better to ask the game masters directly whose plots I'm interested in, rather than hope they somehow find my introduction thread where I'm rambling. :)

Final question, if someone could answer.

Is it appropriate to include a writing sample in a PM I send to a GM?
EDIT: Also, I can't see some of the plots that are "active"? They're listed as 18+, which I assume means they're on some hidden adult end of the site. What is the process for being able to view these? Possible erotic writing doesn't really phase me. I assume these hidden plots are more than just erotic, at any way. If that's all they are then nevermind haha.
You PM Wes, the site administrator. They are not softcore porn, no. You should PM the GM of the plot you wish to join before jumping into it and find out what they want of you, though!
Hi @Silverson,

Just thought I, resident newb extraordinaire, would extend to you a nice warm welcome and a bit of advice from someone that's still relatively new here. That being said....

Welcome to SARP! *sets off a dud firework that fizzles instead of explodes*

Er... Uh, well that went poorly. :confused:

Anyways, the best thing to do is get your 18+ access and research a little into all the plots and see what you'd like to offer in any one of them. Plots vary just like the colors of the rainbow and you can pretty much find a place to jump in with the flavor you want, or if nothing suits your fancy you can strike up a RP of your own in Open Roleplay after garnering interest for your plot in the OOC section.

These two different pathways let you choose if you want to jump right into setting canon right away, or potentially add to the canon in a different and possibly new way. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, we don't bite (hard, unless... well you get the picture :p). Also... DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS!

"Caution yellow, the bestest way to confuse a new guy. Way to send mixed signals Arch."

Aha... jesting aside, we hope you enjoy your stay and find yourself nearly overwhelmed with options and, most importantly, fun.

As a parting note, we have an IRC you can reach out for help on, I'm on there by the same handle. Hit me or really anyone up and we'll answer what we can or point you in the right direction.

Happy storytelling :)