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IPG Crast Strike Helicopter


Well-Known Member
Crast Wiki

A stealthy helicopter for the IPG. Kim and I used one for the IPG plot, but it wasn't actually seen (it was night time out) or described in massive detail, so I decided to make a submission out of it, so as to make it available at a later date.
DANG IT!!! I'm currently designing a nepleslia stealth attack helicopter and I doubt they need two

EDIT: Never mind hopefully I cleared this up threw PM.
Wes said:
Atmospheric (Gravitic) Mach 3.5
What would a better speed be? Also note that that's with the tail gravitic drive and rotor going, and that Nepleslian power armors have broken that speed before, getting up to mach 4.5 and 5 with the VOID and NOZH respectively.

Wes said:
Fusion Reactor
They fit?
I'd assume so. Nepleslia has been able to fit multiple fusion reactors in everything from Power Armors to Capital warships.
Wes said:
Atmospheric (Gravitic) Mach 3.5
Sorry, but I have to ask...why not? The vehicle has very little in the way of drag-producing features (such as wings), and I'm sure there is a way for the propellers to be tucked in to prevent being ripped off.

SUBLIMEinal said:
What would a better speed be? Also note that that's with the tail gravitic drive and rotor going, and that Nepleslian power armors have broken that speed before, getting up to mach 4.5 and 5 with the VOID and NOZH respectively.
Nevermind. I was writing my post as he was putting his reply up, and rotors cannot push an air vehicle at mach speeds. Otherwise we would have found ways for turboprops to do so.

An analogy would be an adult pushing kids on a merry-go-round. If he pushes it by grabbing onto a bar and running around, he can only go so fast before the merry-go-round is trying to surpass him and his continued running would only slow it down. That is similar to the propeller use. To go faster than that maximum speed, he needs to shift to standing in one place and giving the occasional bar a push as the MGR spins. This would be the gravitic drive taking over. If you have one adult running alongside and one adult pushing from one place, then the running one will slow down or be forced to let go before the MGR can go faster.

(I hope this analogy was alright...playground user-propelled merry-go-rounds are basically these where I live: [Picture to be found and posted when I am not running VERY LATE!]

Power armors have significantly less drag than what is created by a helicopter's propeller. I was assuming the main propeller folded back and then the gravitic engine took over. That would be more reasonable.
Looking back at the submission, I now realize that the mach 3.5 speed is using only the heavier gravitic drive, which is capable of moving in space at .1c or so. The rotor/ mini-grav drive speed is only 500 kmph, which is actually only about 150 kmph faster than a Soviet Hind chopper.
I like this creation...nicely done. I will let others comment/resolve any issues before going further.

In terms of the power source, is there maybe another direction we can consider for this type of Vehicle ? I too have some difficulty seeing that kind of reactor there, and yes I understand there is some preceding examples--but can we do better?
I'm not quite sure I can. I decided against hyperspace tap/ aether due to the fact they light up sensors like Times Square when used, and fossil fuels seem extremely dated and inefficient, and considering the amount of energy generally needed for a gravitic drive to function, I'm not quite sure it would even work. Solar power is definitely out, as the Crast will quite likely be flying a very high number of missions at night.

Honestly, I'm at a loss as to what else could effectively be used.
I will think on it, you think on it....maybe we can come up with something.

I mean what you have works, but a fun little project this could be. ;)
Sub, on the IRC, I asked Andrew if he liked the idea of fuel cells, which he did. Perhaps you use that clean, yet effective, form of energy? Or something similar to it?
After a fair amount of thinking it over, I'm really at a loss as to what could effectively power this vessel for more than ten minutes that's lower tech than a fusion reactor. Requesting this be approved with the power source as is. Sorry, Drew :/