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Bah, take care of what you gotta do Sub. We'll be lurking. And now a quick word from our sponsor, Raptor Jesus.

Those crew wounds on your hands sound like they hurt like a [I've been censored by Wes! WEEE!] so take your time.

<Edited by Cipher after being cited for a board warning for using language that wasn't even meant to be used in the context our board operator was thinking it was mentioned in>
Koku told me about the JP Subby, so try and give me a time for it and I'll do my best to be there if or when you decide to do it.
We're going to try and JP out most of the little mind-crush things for you guys. Soresu, think you're free for yours tonight?
You know I'm still here and waiting for the IPG to get rollin' again. You should anyway.
Initiate ready, sir!

Funny. Today I got bored on the bus and ended up taking another shot at drawing Nelew. I'll probably post that in my art thread soon.

And hey, this one even has a name!

As a note: I'll be breaking up this mission into numerous different threads, instead of keeping them all in a uber-huge, multi-dozen page one.
This one sounds like the most psychotic mission in Nepleslian history. And the oddest part is, legally it never happened.
Yeah, and remember since the IPG isn't officially recognized, Yamataian soldiers are instructed to kill IPG agents immediately, whereas they'd rather keep marines prisoner to question and then drop-off back at the border. Because IPG agents have self-destructing brains, it's generally not worth putting the extra effort into trying to capture them--easier just to blast and be done with it.
Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence Wes.[/sarcasm]

As if it wasn't already hard enough to face off against your invincible death-trooper empire.
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