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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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"I can use her for that unless you have another role planned for her," Lenz commented simply, pulling up a weather report of the area on his data pad. "So we're going for the hooker plan as our A. What's our back-up plan if this shits the bed?"
"Eliminate everyone, then retreat," offered Nelew. "Tear gas will just alert everyone outside that something is going on. The gas will be seen above the house if it escapes through a window, and the canister can be traced back to the military."
Chandler looked dejected. "Alright, but wouldn't the fight be easier if we hit 'em with something before we went in? If they can't shoot straight, that means fewer of us will get shot."
"I'd also suggest if possible to cut their communications lines if we can." Alaster commented idly.
"I... I can remote hack them and disable the system if I'm within 2o meters of any of their terminals." Cyrene said quetly, gently setting her sniper case at her feet. "Of course... the trick would be to get that close."

"You can deploy me to infiltrate and open them up for an attack, and serve as a spotter for the rest of the operation."
Nelew narrowed her eyes at her trigger-happy squadmate. "Initiate Chandler, the goal is to do this so that they won't even know they are supposed to be drawing their weapons until they are either dead or our target is dead. Which, incidentally, is the goal of a 'black operation'. In and out before they know we've been there at all."
"Alright... Connection with the local authorities..." Piped Hatu, in a working tone of voice, "Severed. I've cut their lines, so you're job just got a little easier. Other than a few phone troubles, they shouldn't suspect something wrong. Mmm, I've also disabled the local communication tower and satellites connecting the area. So now they can't communicate wirelessly either, all you have to worry about are walkie-talkies now.

"I can also cut the power if you won't shoot yourself in the dark. All it would take is a bit of hacking into the local power grid, and overloading a transformer or two. Other than that, is there anything else you would require of my amazing abilities before you arrive?" Hatu ask, satisfaction obvious in his voice.
"That would actually be a good contingency plan," Lenz reluctantly admitted. He didn't like the notion of giving the haughty man more fuel for his pride but he was doing his thing as their tech support.

"30 minutes, gentlemen!" The co-pilot barked from his seat up front before sitting down with an audible thud in his chair.
Nelew showed no reaction to Chandler's reply. Instead she looked around to the other initiates. "Have we decided on a plan of action? We have three options, with two or three sub-options." She looked up and to one side as she listed them.

"We can use subdued brute force: All, except snipers Lenz and one other initiate, break in and eliminate all who are inside, including the target. Or we can leave two snipers, and two guard on opposite corners of the grounds while the others go in as quietly as possible.

"We can all snipe while one of us or none of us goes in to lure them to windows or outside. This would create the appearance of a gang hit.

"Third Option: One or more of the females finds a way in and maneuvers the target toward a window, where the sniper can take the shot. Second sub-option: The female can make the kill herself. Third sub-option: The female or females acquire entrance while the remaining initiates take out the guards with headshots while their backs are turned."

She looked around again. "The sooner we choose an option, the sooner we can execute it upon landing. And the sooner we finish, the less likely it becomes that we will be discovered."
Alaster tapped his chin a little. "Please keep the power lines option open lieutenant." He replied to Hatu before looking to his fellow initiates. "Several varying options Nelew, although we lack the numbers and distinctive fire power for 'brute force'. Now though...I do have another option. It would be a part of one of yours Nelew, firstly, who here has cybernetic eyes, and what settings do they have?"
"Both of mine, 5X telescopic zoom, low-light and rapid motion tracking." Cyrene said, as she looked straight at the Initiate, her own eyes glowing dimly around the iris.
Nelew almost replied, but paused. Her own vision easily outmatched the detection range of standard cybernetics (though not necessarily the distance, which she had not tested yet). "What did you have in mind that would require ocular cybernetics?" the initiate inquired.
"Simple, one of our female counterparts infiltrates the compound, manages to get close to the target, eliminate him, and we cut the lights allowing them to slip out under the cover of darkness. With the lights out our friends may not be able to track her easily. Though if they have cybernetics that could prove a problem. That'd be where our sniper or snipers come in and lay down covering fire from their hiding spots." Alaster said as he looked at the map again, stroking his chin slightly.

"We maybe able to flush them all out once the deed is done, and eliminate them all, that is if it is require to completely pacify the compound."
Athrylis elected to remain quiet until the inquiry about cybernetic eyes was asked. "My eyes are capable of 5x zoom, range calculations, and infrared," she said simply.

After her short comment, she went back to listening over participating.
The IPG operative who had so pleasantly greeted the squad earlier stood, and made his way to the cockpit of the large chopper. A moment later he returned, this time outfitted with a SPK-R.

"Alright, boys and girls. Pilot says you're nearing your GTFO point from IPG Air. Your boss is apparently already there. Hope you kids know what you're going to do once we get there."
Lenz nodded, "Sounds like a viable plan. Now or never time, it seems." His grip tightened on the strap on the backpack he held on his lap. His expression hardened as he reminded himself to focus- he had a job to do and a sister to try to save. Failure means death of everything including Mei... we can't fuck this up.
"Alright, then if it is decided, who ever has the cybernetics that fit the bill so to speak amongst our female comrades is now the carrot on the end of the stick." Alaster commented idly as he put his data pad away.
Cyrene sighed quietly and glanced over to the lead initiate curiously. The cyborg removed her armband and picked up her rifle case, and walked up to about half a foot away from him. "These uniforms might pose a problem, even if we're only wearing basic enlisted outfits right now. Before we infiltrate, we have to ditch the IPG armbands and our heavy weapons. Sidearms shouldn't pose much of a problem, since most people carry a gun." She explained, holding her rifle case up to her chest.

"If I'm going to go in, I'd ask that you take care of these, for now." She asked Alaster, staring down at his feet.
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