Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Nepleslian Orders [IPG.SecureNET]>Peacekeeper Castellan Six Five


Well-Known Member
> Route

>Send Complete

Peacekeeper Castellan. It has been some time since our last meeting. My superiors are offering a proposition to your Mercenary forces, concerning <INTSEC-ROUTE-OVERRULE=Replace>Common Enemies>. We would appreciate it if you would be so inclined to negotiate between us and your people on terms for this proposition.

M. Mercir

>> set/sender/proxy: 6595873730/@sec.node
>> set/sender/user: 65-9587-3730, Castellan
>> set/recipient: [IPG.SecureNET]
>> set/subject/RE: Common Enemies

I have forwarded your message to the OSC, and they have sent me a reply, which I have attached to this message.

Oh and by the way I wasn't sure whom exactly I should forward this to but: Can you ask Cal Vanderhuge, if he's available, maybe he'd like to escort me for a night in Funky City? I'd absolutely love the opportunity to spend some time getting to know a man of his huge...sense of duty. Yes. Really. Anyways, here's the file.

Health and Happiness,
  • -- Castellan Six Five

* * * * *

OSC Public Relations said:
>> set/sender/proxy: [OSC Network Address Pseudonymization Gateway] > 6595873730/@sec.node
>> set/sender/user: Opportunists Social Club
>> set/recipient: To whom it may concern @ [IPG.SecureNET]
>> set/subject/RE/RE: Common enemies

Salutations on behalf of the Opportunists Social Club. We thank you for expressing interest in our establishment and hope we can find an operational artistry organization to meet the goals of your endeavor. To better protect your needs for privacy, contact can be made through one of the following: modulating digital message drop box addresses, limited-use real time communication relay probes, or a remote location for person-to-person contact for confirmation purposes as well as the delivery of mission critical objects/persons.

You will be required to send the parameters, mission objective type(s), mission theater type(s), and any other immediately available relative information to be logged into our internal missions listings so that our various operational artistry organizations can determine whether or not they are capable of fulfilling your requirements.

Disclaimer: Disclosing insufficient information may result in a significantly lower probability of an operational artistry organization accepting the mission, and will result in an increase fee by those who do accept it. Significant unexpected changes in mission parameters not forewarned about, whether intentional or due to outside circumstances, may result in a significant hazardous oversight fee being charged to your account. Failure to comply with this charge may result in your organization being blacklisted from further use of the OSC, and a mid-mission recall of the fielded company at their discretion. While the above agreements may be waived at the contracted company's discretion if previously negotiated, we still recommend releasing as much available information as possible. Remember, a safe and caring mission theater is a happy mission theater.

>> set/END
> Route

>Send Complete


Thank you for your cooperation. Enclosed is the briefing External Intelligence has compiled.

Also, we examined Mr. Vanderhuge's schedule, and are confident he is free tomorrow night. We have taken the liberty of reserving a table for you at the Ralfarian Lounge, a high-end eatery in Northern Funky City for exactly 8 PM. Mr. Vanderhuge shall be alerted of his plans shortly. Enjoy.

OutInt briefing said:
This mission will require deployment in a rather limited time frame. For full success, it must be completed in exactly five days. The planet Vedder in the Kennewes system has several moons, and has served as a supply center for the Red faction for several weeks since the beginning of the assault on the Kennewessan central world.

The mission will require a sizable force, with both a heavy naval force and enough ground units to both retrieve several VIPs.

Kennewes System, Vedder, 3 AU from star

For the next five Standard Nepleslian Days, a Red convoy will be present within the Vedder system. Our latest intelligence on its size indicates several Capital ships, with a sizable escort. The military ships are guarding a fleet of transport vessels packed with supplies and fresh soldiers. There are anywhere between 25 and 30 starships present in the system. We believe that once they finish refueling and stocking up on Vedder, they will then attempt to approach Kennewes itself. The supplies they are carrying could lead to a number of complications for our units stationed there, and could provide a blow to the stability we have begun to establish there. Engage and destroy all vessels. They will be in orbit around the planet Vedder itself.

Once the fleet has been defeated, move on to the ground facilities on the planet itself and its second moon, Ameliabus. The facilities on the planet itself comprise of a sprawling compound located in an easily accessible prairie (45 longitude and 30 latitude are its coordinates). We have reason to many of the structures are primarily subterrainean. It will be heavily defended by anti-air weaponry, and a number of soldiers. Our sources confirm at least three battalions of combat-ready soldiers, and several hundred Power Armors. This compound must be destroyed.

The moon, Ameliabus, however, will require some tact. It is a considerably smaller facility, with a sizable prison complex making up the center of the compound there. There are two Intelligence Pacification Group FIOs located within this facility. Their pictures and what has been declassified of their personnel files have been attached. These agents must be rescued from the facility and brought safely to our fleet above Kennewes within one hour of the missions completion. Failure to bring back these personnel will result in a 25% dock in overall pay for the mission. Once the Nepleslian operatives have been extracted, destroy the base. At this time, we are unfortunately unable to provide a figure as to the forces staged here, but they are known to be in excess of seven hundred Power Armors with pilots. If better intelligence is unearthed, it will be given to the OSC immediately.

Should the operation be completed satisfactorily, with all enemy vessels destroyed, and all ground installations appropriately disabled, the IPG will deposit 5 billion DA into an account of the OSC's choosing. This figure may be negotiated upon.
OOC: 5 billion? Please post where the money is coming from!