Star Army

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IRC channels?

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Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
Are there consistent channels that we should post about, other than #StarArmy? I'm an IRC noob still, so I just went and created my own channel. But it looks like anyone can do that ... *shrugs* I'm just curious.
#HIGA tends to be an unofficial hangout of DocTomoe, FM and Osaka. I often tell IRC-Banned people to go there so I can get their host information.
I was thinking about having a gaming channel for discussion of things like EVE and SS13, because some of the gaming discussion is really getting out of hand and flooding the channel with non-SARP-related stuff that is confusing to the new players logging on for SARP help.
Most of the EVE players just go to #SARPEVE when they're nerding out. We also had #StarArmy/techlabs which was the domain of Osaka for talking about sciency things.
There's also #GamTrosha for the Gam'trosha players.

Doshii Jun said:

#SARPGaming ?

It's a good idea, but the problem is trying to get people to actually 'use' the channel, I would; but what about the others?
I saw something last night that I wanted to talk about.

Several SARPers were discussing ways to improve the site and then one guy suggested they go into another channel if they wanted their conversation uninterrupted by SARP stuff. #StarArmy is the official SARP channel and is for SARP-related discusison. It's also the only channel I keep logged. So when an OP like Kyle tells you to take the non-SARP stuff to another channel, please listen to him. SARP-related stuff always takes precedence and if a user is constantly interrupting it with off topic stuff, that's disruptive.
There's #ISCPhoenixII for all of your ISC Phoenix Volume II needs, but I don't know how to give myself mod privileges and all that. I cannot into IRC admin properly, and there's a shortage of people who'll always stay online since the usual players have such disparate time zones.

There's also #LazPlot, which is for Me, Shotjon, Mog, Lam and Osaka for when we discuss the ever twisting, ever windy and mysterious Lazarus Consortium conspiracy and link each other the JP's for them.
But you're telling people they can't discuss things in the channel if some people are discussing something else, Wes. That means it's kinda more restricted then a purely OOC channel would be. I understand the push towards wanting to keep SARP first and foremost in the channel, but at the same time, pushing other people out of the channel because it's not directly involved kinda takes away from the community aspect of things.
I just want to chime in that I really do approve of the changes proposed for IRC. I don't often log in lately, and it's because those gaming discussions have done a lot to help me feel out of context and even unwelcome.
I ignore the main channel most of the time and just take what I need to Private Messaging. It's full of useless nonsense whenever I log in. All it gives me is a roster of who's around. If I need more than one person, we either use the Nep IRC or make our own.

The SARP channel does not facilitate discussion about SARP because conversation about other random nonsense does not go away unless we touch upon something supremely important.
Perhaps we need to change the rules so it's on-topic discussion only.
Eh, it's fine when it goes off topic, but it can be a little annoying when the conversation is dominated by something that a minority have an interest in. ie. It's one thing to talk about SS13 in #Stararmy while people aren't playing, but it can get pretty spammy when people are actively playing.

I think if people utilized #sarpgaming a bit more, it'd solve the (relatively minor) issue.
Either the channel is SARP only, and needs to be treated as such, or it's a true OOC channel, and needs to be treated as such. The indecision on where the line actually is causes all of the disagreements.
Eh, it's fine when it goes off topic, but it can be a little annoying when the conversation is dominated by something that a minority have an interest in. ie. It's one thing to talk about SS13 in #Stararmy while people aren't playing, but it can get pretty spammy when people are actively playing.

I think if people utilized #sarpgaming a bit more, it'd solve the (relatively minor) issue.

The problem with the off-topic discussions is that people often times, and understandably, get passionate about those discussions. The issues arrise when someone wants to talk about SARP stuff but get drowned out; I have seen this many times in the past year, and usually when I ask people to take the off-topic stuff to PMs or to another channel, I get barraged with attacks via PM's or even on the chat itself.

It has, many times, made me not even WANT to join the channel and just stay in my GamTrosha channel.

Having said that, these problems cause more issues than people really think. Our #Stararmy channel is our persona on the IRC network, its our face, our image.

Thus, I feel that the channel should relate only to SARP OOC (IE: Out of Character Sarp Discussion)'s and that anything not related to SARP should be taken to a SARP Off-topic channel, IE a channel where anything not remotely related to SARP should go.

However, because these other channels can ALSO be the faces that people see, they to should be moderated by SARP operators (Toshiro, Wes, Raz, Myself, Nashoba, Kai, Doshii_Jun)

What some people need to realize, is that while the way we act amongst ourselves is joking and understandable, newbies may not see it that way and our site can't survive without fresh blood.
I agree with the above except for the off-topic channels. It's not SARP's responsibility or desire to moderate non-SARP stuff and there's an infinite variety of non-SARP topics out there. I could see moderating a SARPgaming channel for SARP gaming clans, but only stuff with our name attached to it.
I'd like to reiterate that SARP isn't just the website, it's a community of people. And forcing us to go somewhere else to talk about things only breaks that community up. What about members who can't take part in SARP right now, but want to hang out and just talk with everyone else? Are they not allowed to hang out with everyone anymore? The whole point of having an OOC channel is that it doesn't have to be related to SARP constantly, especially for a community like this.

Honestly, I'd rather see a bit more of a puch towards actually enforcing the "SARP comes first" in the channel we have now then a new channel entirely. Especially since Wes seems so opposed to it being associated with SARP. :/
Aendri said:
I'd like to reiterate that SARP isn't just the website, it's a community of people. And forcing us to go somewhere else to talk about things only breaks that community up.

100% agree with this. We come to the forums for Star Army and roleplay. We go to the chat to hang out with people who we roleplay with. I can't recall a situation where one conversation has hurt my ability to follow another conversation unless there's some serious chat rules breaking going on.
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