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Approved Submission IRIS-MAW


Banned Member
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Custom/Experimental Weapon and Ammo
Submission URL:
Weapon - MAW
Ammo -IRIS

FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? I've got some.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Only the ammo.
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: It's my first time, please be gentle. I would rename the pages but I'm stuck on mobile while in Vietnam and the option isn't present. I wasn't sure whether to leave the For Reviewers section blank so I filled it in for now.
Last edited:
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Edits have been made @Ametheliana

For sake of records, the IRIS effectively is in the same realm of effective damage as a SLAM but without massive splash damage.
@Wes this is the approval thread for the IRIS MAW, which is linked to the transmission and communication @Ethereal tagged you in. To my recollection, the Star Army of Yamatai didn't want anything to do with manufacturing this gun, but that's elsewhere. I want to know if Yamatai itself would allow IIS to manufacture it. It is being used as a starship weapon for the build your own ship submission.
Sorry for the slow reply, I think it doesn't make sense for the Star Army to invest/promote this weapon.

Given that the creator's no longer around, I think the best way to resolve the issue is to simply remove if no one is using it.

I show only two characters with it in their inventory and both of their creators are no longer active. We could easily remove the broken links.
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