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Submission Type: Custom/Experimental Weapon and Ammo
Submission URL:
Weapon - MAW
Ammo -IRIS
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? I've got some.
For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Only the ammo.
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No
Notes: It's my first time, please be gentle. I would rename the pages but I'm stuck on mobile while in Vietnam and the option isn't present. I wasn't sure whether to leave the For Reviewers section blank so I filled it in for now.
Sure. It's sold by IIS on request. It used to be Seinosuke's design yet it was stolen before the IAAC was formed by the bad guy of IIS, behind the back of the rest of the company. Please see this thread.
@Wes this is the approval thread for the IRIS MAW, which is linked to the transmission and communication @Ethereal tagged you in. To my recollection, the Star Army of Yamatai didn't want anything to do with manufacturing this gun, but that's elsewhere. I want to know if Yamatai itself would allow IIS to manufacture it. It is being used as a starship weapon for the build your own ship submission.