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[Iromakuanhe] Lavans-type Synthoid

Re: [Iromakuanhe] Dosadi-type Synthoid

If they can supposedly create all these body parts and organs to make a Synthoid, aka Iroma-neko

Why don't they just use the technology to replace the damaged limbs and organs instead of converting the injured into superbeings?

And how is it now all of sudden this research was going on more than 40 AD ago?

And how are those who opt for the NI conversion going to fit into society, since at that point, there is nothing living. Just a copy of the personality. How is this going to fit within the Iroma Religion? What's to stop multiple copies from being created?

And I presume that with the introduction of the Consciousness Insertion in a NI Core we will soon be seeing a Sout Transfer equivalent technology.
Reactions: Wes
Re: [Iromakuanhe] Dosadi-type Synthoid

Also could we name this something more original, instead of ripping off Frank Herbert?
Re: [Iromakuanhe] Dosadi-type Synthoid

Nashoba said:
If they can supposedly create all these body parts and organs to make a Synthoid, aka Iroma-neko

Why don't they just use the technology to replace the damaged limbs and organs instead of converting the injured into superbeings?

Because if you do that, then said being would be genetically incompatible as a result of the extensive symbiotic replacements and other inconsistencies would crop up. There is only so much genetic/symbiotic therapy you can do to a body before it gives out or becomes "Superhuman" or any other series of random variables.

Also. "Iroma-Neko" is an incongruous term to this since Neko are inherently female (A.k.a Gynoid). While these can be either gender which made 'Synthoid' a neutral standing title for both genders.

Nashoba said:
And how is it now all of sudden this research was going on more than 40 AD ago?

It's AR, not AD.

We've already used a prototype body in the setting during I believe Mission 1 of Bahram Wing with an NI named 'Enlil' now known as 'Ninlil'. There is nothing stopping such research from going on really since this is akin to saying. "Hey, this is starting to see more use on the mainstage, so why not make something for it so people know what it is." So I can't really see why it is an issue. The body for Iromakuanhe has been around somewhat longer I believe with the NI version only now becoming more prominent/in use within the last 20-40 years to allow sentient NI the option of a body, the capability to retire from service and lead a normal life amongst the general populace, or continue active duty with their own physical form.

The body is typically used by both the infirm, and NI personally with very slight differences between the two to better support either one. You cannot make multiple copies. You literally take an NI core and insert it into the body. The same for an Iromakuanhe brain inside of a specialized case. The mind is a big deal with the Iroma, inherently tampering with it I.E: If you straight up copied it. Would be kind of bad I imagine, but a transplantation of the brain to an alternate form is not really looked down upon, and could be shown as a transitional phase from one life to another with your physical and mental mind completely intact.

The genetic imprint that is you, or anyone else from your previous form would be upon the body. If a sample couldn't be taken directly from your body then it'd be taken from on record elsewhere.

Nashoba said:
And I presume that with the introduction of the Consciousness Insertion in a NI Core we will soon be seeing a Soul Transfer equivalent technology.

I don't think that would be possible considering if you tried to ST an NI it would fragment beyond repair. Besides that, I don't think the intent is to make Soul Transfer equivalency. If your brain or the NI's core are destroyed, that's the end of you or the NI with this. No second chances without the brain or core to transplant.
Re: [Iromakuanhe] Dosadi-type Synthoid

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the name Dosadi. Nothing. At. All.

If Sword of the Stars can get away with naming a planet Zha'ha'dum, we can get away with naming a synthetic body Dosadi.

Also, it's already stated that at the point where you would change someone into a Dosadi body, their original body is far too heavily damaged that the ways of fixing the body would be mutually exclusive to each other.
Re: [Iromakuanhe] Dosadi-type Synthoid

No You can not use Dosadi, it was the creation of Herbert, and is also the name of a company Dosadi LLC.

The planet name in Bablyon 5 was Z'ha'dum not Zha'ha'dum.

If Sword of the Stars used the second version they changed the spelling enough to avoid copyright issues.

I would suggest that the spelling be changed to avoid any copyright or trademark issues.


Although it is not a cloned body and is instead grown from scratch using an existing or reproduced genetic template,

If you can grow it from an existing genetic template, aka the original person's DNA. Then why couldn't you grow just the parts which would be the same DNA as the persons and there would be no rejection issue?
Re: [Iromakuanhe] Dosadi-type Synthoid

We're allowed to use Dosadi. It isn't copyright infringement. It counts as a Homage. I've checked.
Re: [Iromakuanhe] Dosadi-type Synthoid

Whatever. I already got a lawyer from Fivem*rks LLC, (the name is still wordfiltered; the star is an "a") bothering me because the name "Fivem*rks" was used on the site, and I don't want to go through that again. As Brian said, it's a company's name (and companies are legally compelled to defend their trademarks or lose them) and if we do a Google search you'll see it's pretty much exclusively used in connection to The Dosadi Experiment.

This submission cannot be approved with the current name.
Re: [Iromakuanhe] Dosadi-type Synthoid

Nashoba said:
If you can grow it from an existing genetic template, aka the original person's DNA. Then why couldn't you grow just the parts which would be the same DNA as the persons and there would be no rejection issue?

Because those organs are more then likely Homunculus organs grown with the person's specific genetic code to avoid rejection.
The name and location of the article have been moved to resolve the issue of copyright and trademarks. Although I was quite sure that it was not possible for us to be sued over the name, it is better to be safe than sorry.

In the defense of the idea, this is not an 'Iroma Neko' any more than a full conversion cyborg is a 'Robot Neko', or getting cybernetic or biomechanical prosthesis could be considered 'Nekofication'.

This is not an ST, or a brain spider, either. It's a replacement body that has to receive a specialized insert comprised of the recuperated brain inside of a container. The consciousness section also doesn't really mention any actual copying of mental data, for the NI or a Iroma inserted into the body.

Fragmentation and transference of data refers to classified information being moved away from the NI's physical core into those encrypted cashes. It is not explained anywhere that the consciousness is being divided or replicated.

As for the issue of ST technology arising?

No. But really.

Just... no.

If an Iromakuanhe are going to attempt to pursue one form of immortality or another, it's going to be a struggle, since they'll only have one copy to work off of. Outside of data constructs, there is no actual mental data to work with, and the process of replicating an NI does not yield a duplicate.
Ok, you've answered the majority of my concerns.

I can see them offering a stronger, faster body to the military, but shouldn't the innocent civilians get something that is comparable to their original?

My main concern, is I like the Iroma, their culture, etc. I'm afraid that once this becomes active, that every 'new' Iroma will be a Synthoid. Perhaps a restriction on it, to a) advanced players, or b) like the limitation on the NH-29H series where they have to get approval first.

Nash, this is only for crippled vets and NI.

I've already asked for this for my Iroma. the answer was a resounding "Not Unless Malik gets heavily Injured and Crippled."
If he were crippled beyond the capacity for symbiotic or regenerative therapy then the possibility is there. Otherwise, no he wouldn't get one. This would also be approved on a case by case basis to begin with since Exhack pretty much already combs through every Iroma character himself. So if someone were to make one, he'd likely question it, and the reasons behind it right off the bat as would I. Really, I don't see these becoming an everyday occurrence.
Ex and I already had the discussion about them, and I had suggested the prior approval required and he agreed with the idea. I posted that after his and my talk so it would be on the record.

I have no more concerns, if no one else raises any I plan to approve this tomorrow.
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