Star Army

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[Irregulars] War Council


Inactive Member
Time Frame: The Opening Week of the Xiang Tou Offensive
Location: New Shanghai City

The approach was uneventful which meant they had managed to slip past any long range Surface to Air Defenses. Now it would be just one quick air drop and Thomas would be inserted into New Shanghai just as his team had been briefed. Already each operator was busy double checking any last second items. All of them were silent, corpses almost, their breathing hidden by the engines of the aircraft. A light went on and they all knew it would be any moment.

The city skyline broke into sight proving it was expansive. Much progress had been made to create a large metropolis before the battle lines shifted again. Now the Reds were contending for the city in their bid to consolidate their gains over the past few months. The Greens needed to stop the advance before it got closer to Funky City. Already the local militias had been mobilized but regular forces were needed to reinforce them. Stretched thin by the sudden shift of the battlefield only smaller auxiliary regiments could be spared. These were regiments that had not recovered from previous engagements and were still under strength. Unfortunately that was what Thomas had been air dropped to support. Another desperate holding action just like last week. And the week before.

At first the city looked peaceful enough. Maybe the Reds haven’t begun their main offensive yet? Thomas thought as he drifted down towards the city block. Every operator in his team had been dropped and spread out. They typically worked to coordinate their efforts with the two men on each opposite side and form a ‘line’ so as to hamper the enemy’s approach. Thomas was just about to touchdown on the roof of a building when the artillery began to rain down. “So much for wishful thinking.” he said aloud just as his feet hit the concrete. Ditching the chute he quickly gathered his gear and looked for the quickest way down off the building. Unfortunately the only way down was the stairs. By the time Thomas made it to the ground level the Red’s attack was well underway. Green forces had begun to scramble to their posts in response to those already in position. Militias mixed with regulars had assembled makeshift defenses should the outer perimeter be breached. It would seem that they would soon be tested. Another bombardment followed only this one was not from artillery. This was from mobile ground forces and armor.

The smoke was beginning to clear which meant time was running out. Already data from his fellow operators was being sent in which meant he needed to get into position to form the line. With urgency Thomas moved while the sounds of gun fire rang out everywhere. It was strange but the sensation of breathing was suddenly present as he ran. It seemed wrong and then right at the same time. No time to worry about it though as he was too busy running through the now mangled streets of a city.

"Goddamned Reds! Where's our air cover!?"

"More incoming!"


Finding cover behind a ruined pylon Thomas quickly pulled out his small sub-machine gun and knife. More fire was let off as he used his positional tracker to give him an idea as to what was going on around him. The small radar could be easily interfered with but it was useful when it worked. Data from a comrade fed in and located an advancing squad. Ten blips of hostiles on foot were approaching quickly from his right flank, twenty meters away, which gave him a few moments to set up. Making a sprint he crossed the street and avoided more enemy fire to a junction point. Once there he smacked the back of his hand to a wall. The glove instantly attached a small shaped explosive and set it to explode via trip wire which was now being deployed from the same glove. Thomas ran the line to the opposite side and did the same over there as well. After laying a few more traps he quickly moved behind a half demolished wall facing the enemy's approach. In less than a minute he had turned that cross way into a gauntlet of death and waited to see the results.

The soldiers were Red regulars, wearing the typical uniform and carrying the standard issue armament. Typical clone cannon fodder. They moved fast and while the point man had been careful he wasn't careful enough. The first two men were obliterated by the leading explosion. The rest stopped before they began to scramble for cover. That cost them four more as each side they attempted to seek shelter in caused them to fall into more traps. Already reduced to less than half, the small team began to collapse on themselves and fall back. That was when Thomas activated the proximity bombs. Now that the sensors were online they detected the retreating men and blew them up eliminating the last four.

Satisfied with his grisly work Thomas moved on to hamper more enemies when he was suddenly ambushed. A straggler had apparently caught up and arrived just before Thomas's radar cleared up. They were locked in full contact and unable to fire their guns. Thomas had his firearm pinned by the Red soldier's rifle to his chest. Angry at having been taken off guard, Thomas snarled and pushed back with his knife hand on the rifle to swing the enemy soldier around and into the nearby wall. They crashed and he then swung the knife to slash at the man's hands holding the weapon. The knife stung and cut at the soldier's fingers which gave a slight bit of release on the rifle. With the opening that created Thomas wasted no time pushing down with his other arm and open fire on the man's chest. The three rounds struck his chest and caused him to stagger back. Pressing his assault Thomas then rushed and drove his shoulder into the man's chest. He could feel the armor plates that had saved the man's life upon contacting them with his shoulder. In the same charge he stabbed his knife into the enemy's neck, pushing him down with his momentum onto the ground. He died soon after, choking on blood and blade, before Thomas pulled the knife out.

Then there was a tap on his shoulder. Thomas immediately wheeled about, knife flashing for another kill.....

Except now there was no knife. He wasn't in a battle and there was no dead man at his feet. He wasn't even breathing anymore. His system didn't 'need' air. His arm was up as though he were about to strike with the knife and his whole body felt tense. The figure of Shannon O'adair stood before Thomas, looking at him with impatience. "Are ye really sleepin' like some old man? I thought ye had that removed already." she said with a hint of irritation in her voice. Thomas looked around and realized he had been dreaming. He then quickly checked his internal chronological tracker and grasped what time and place it was.

Time Frame: The Opening Week of the NMX Conflict
Location: Former Black Claw Facility Underground Nepleslia

"Huh, I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. I removed my sleep simulator two days ago so I suppose me system still quirks it. I was tryin' t' resonate with me ancestors and must have nodded off instead." he replied, sitting up from the pile of rubble he had laid in. "Old and daft is what ye be. I can't believe me sister was able t' get any sleep next t' ye." Shannon replied. "Get up, the others are gatherin' and Cody has a report."

Thomas was immediately alerted to a growing din on the telemetry net. "Aye, lets go see everyone." he replied, standing up. The room was practically barren of any furniture unless debris could be counted as furniture. The walls were a drab concrete that looked old and decayed. Time could be felt in the room and the halls. Signs of electrical wiring were missing as though it had never existed at all. Ancient murals had at one time marked the walls and most were faded but a couple bore signs of deliberate defacement made a long time ago. Thomas and Shannon walked quickly down these dark halls. Sound didn't seem to travel down these halls as though time made the walls forget both light and sound.

As they approached the end of the hall it began to expand to a larger room where now many more cyborgs were seen mulling about. Here it seemed that a huge den of activity was occurring. Cases were being piled up while another few were setting up a relay system for communication equipment. Others busily worked on stockpiles of weapons, both regular and obscure, while some appeared to be tinkering with machinery of sorts. Thomas took it all in, observing the cyborgs who at different times of his life had represented different things: allies, enemies, friends, comrades, and now family. Until now he had mostly been using Shannon for his proxy and aside from Cody no one else had seen him in person. For the first time in what felt like ages he was seeing everyone again. Having left over twenty years ago he had cut his telemetric signal to the others but for the first time he was now removing that block. The second he did so the busy cyborgs all stopped and looked, actually looked with their main receptacle sensors, at Shannon and Thomas.

Over the telemetry net whispers were heard between private senders but outbursts were made immediately.



"It really is him!"

"O'adair was telling the truth!"

"The Angel of Death is back!"

Thomas was then immediately beset by the welcoming appendages of his old comrades. “Aren’t ye lot a sight f’r sore eyes?” Thomas said in general greeting to everyone. “Now before ye all be lettin’ nostalgia get th’ better of ye, don’ forget that I left ye all abruptly. If there be anyone here who doesn’t want me back let them say so now. I won’t have me being here makin’ any trouble f’r ye.”

“Hah! Trouble is all we got into when you were around!” joked one cyborg.

There were a few laughs but it soon died down once another cyborg walked up to Thomas. The cyborg’s body was thin and wiry. The limbs looked as though they could turn in any direction and the only thick sections were focused mainly around the chest and arm sections. The head unit was an elongated triangle with no features save for small angled eyes and a slit at the lowest point where a mouth might be. “Thomas, we know why you left and it was hard for all of us. Just the same we were all suffering from the pain of our losses. Those of us who are here today managed to scrape by a living but I don’t think any of us who lost our families have had any sense of purpose for years now. I been patching these guys up all this time but only because its all I know. Besides, when CuCullahn announced that you would be the best to lead us even after he won the clan tournament we respected his decision. So without dragging this on further we have work to do and a mission to plan, Clansboss.”

The rest of the crowd gave a silent murmur before all others would affirm it loudly: “Clansboss!”

Thomas nodded and silently gave thanks to his ancestors. “Aye, then Clansboss it is.” he said before walking up to the middle of the floor. There was a pile of metal containers with wires attaching them to each other. At the top of the small pile was a holographic image display projector resting there. The room appeared to be a central hall from which many a meeting had been held before. Thomas looked around and grinned inward. Already his telemetric receptors were lining up with everyone else’s.

“Alright Cody, I heard ye have a report f’r us. Let’s hear it!” Thomas announced. Immediately the consoles in front of him came to life and began to glow. Small holographic screens appeared and began to synchronize until Cody appeared. He was glowing a brilliant blue and appeared seated on a many legged horse. “Ch, were ye Tekkers always so flashy?” Thomas remarked at the sight. Cody just chuckled a bit.

“Clansboss, good to have you back at your full station. I only felt it right that I return to mine now that my children have been returned to me. Though the higher gods of the Avanet are gone, we lesser deities are still the true rulers of the digital heavens.” he replied with a flash of light emanating from his eyes. Sensing Thomas already grow impatient Cody then immediately continued. “With Cherize’s help we were able to restore all ten of my girls. As a result we are canvassing PANTHEON for any information that may help us determine old boy’s whereabouts. It turns out your old friend, the top cat herself gave us the best lead so far.” Cody began.

Thomas winced a bit at the words ‘old friend’ being used. He had fought alongside Yui during some of the battles during the Elysian wars but they had never really connected. Although he did watch her intently. Upon witnessing the strength of the first Nekovalkyrja he predicted that someday there would be more like her. Entire armies of the beings would arise and just as he had imagined that day had come. At the time he had observed and been impressed at the abilities of the young woman, now one of the oldest surviving member of her kind. It took a lot of cunning to live that long even with Soul Transfer technology available. Now those memories were soured by the disgust he held for her creator.

“Yeah boss, looks like the top cat has been in contact with the old boy. Of course she kept this all a secret from the royal cat. When she told the royal one she about had a heart attack. They’ve both known about the new squid invasion which explains why they’ve been so busy building up lately even though there’s been a peaceful meeting of nations going on. Old boy’s fleet has run afoul of these new squids and some of their crews made their way back home to warn her and ask for help. They even said he might be coming BACK. Whatever it was they met it’s been kicking them bad.” Cody reported with a slight smirk to his glowing face. Shannon meanwhile gritted her teeth, a furious expression on her face while the talons of her feet began to scrape against the ground.

“I knew th’ bast’rd wouldn’t jus’ leave his precious empire behind.” Shannon growled, her eyes flashing between red and yellow. “Fook’n bast’rd and his loyal little dolls!”

Thomas bristled a bit as well, along with many other of the cyborgs around him. One cyborg tensed up so hard before suddenly falling to one knee and letting out what sounded like sobs. His body was big and bulky, with heavy armor plating and a very mechanical face. Beneath the sobs could be heard a man’s electronic voice muttering over and over: “My little ones… they‘re all dead…” Thomas immediately moved over and placed an arm on his shoulder which caused the sobbing to stop abruptly. Instantly the man stood up and looked over at Thomas. “Clansboss! You know that mission we got coming up? Turns out both me and Robin have a role so I was wondering if your Titania would be able to watch our little ones.”

“Howard, reset ye chrono again.” Thomas replied. For a second Howard paused and shook his head before looking down in apparent shame. “Forgive me Clansboss. My chrono still quirks on me, sends me back to the day my children died. Then I get sent back even further to before that. Doc can’t seem to do anything about it no matter how many diagnostics we do.”

“Is alright Howard. Not much any of us can do ta fix this sorta thing when its something that hurts in ye soul. We all ‘ave our quirks.” Thomas said understandingly. “Now let’s hear what else Cody has ta say.”

With a slight bit of apprehension Cody nodded and continued on. “Right well we’ve been scouring PANTHEON for anymore information. Turns out old boy has quite the interesting history. Hidden deep in SAINT and pre-SAINT files he’s been involved in all sorts of key murders, assassinations, manipulations, you name it. His efforts have expanded the big family from the shadows even while the top cat expanded the physical borders of the empire. His hands are covered in so much blood he’d never be able to wash it off. One thing the little slave princess was honest about was deleting all of old boy’s ST backups within PANTHEON. The girls couldn’t find him anywhere in any system. Doesn’t mean we’ve stopped looking but not much escapes their sensors. I have Parvati keeping tabs on top cat at all times in case she gets anymore communications from old boy.”

“Are ye sure ye can’t be detected? As much as I would love having old boy exposed for the murderer he is we can’t have them knowing we have access t’ PANTHEON.” Thomas asked.

“It is impossible for my daughters are pure perfect code. Their coding is evolved beyond anything artificially programmed and can blend in undetected so long as they do not tamper with anything. Even their searches go undetected because their code is not seen as a foreign entity but rather a natural part of the PANTHEON coding itself. Ironically enough, the top cat’s body has constant access to PANTHEON but it’s that access which is helping Parvati with keeping tabs on her. Whatever top cat knows, Parvati knows.” Cody said, adding a laugh at the final bit. He had no love for Yui, especially for being the key figure in banishing the Avanet from Yamatai in the first place.

“Just be careful around her. That cat is not t’ be trifled with. Its how she managed to live this long.” Thomas cautioned.

“Right boss. Well given what we’ve found, unless the old boy slips up, our only chance to find him will be if we go out looking for him. According to some of the data recovered from encounters with these new squids, their latest trend has been to assimilate Yamataian forces into their own. Not so much like the old parasites which control a host in a zombie state. Rather it is a full conversion where the host is still alive and aware while at the same time loyal to the squid cause. Information is still sketchy and research is still being conducted so we’ll keep digging. If what has currently been reported is true then we could attempt to find old boy by tracking him through the squids. All we need to do is find a converted ship from old boy’s fleet. If we find one it may lead us to others which may bring us closer until we finally catch up to him.” Cody suggested.

“Hmm, aye, that sounds like a good idea f’r now. Now then what about th’ data on th’ Nekovalkyrja themselves?” Thomas replied.

“Easy enough. I have a file with all the technical and combat data from both actual combat recordings and manufacture specifications. Every model’s data is available from older ones, NIWS, to the latest restricted military classes.” Cody said before the data stream began to upload at the computer system Thomas stood by. As the information filtered in all the Irregulars absorbed it and adjusted their combat computer systems accordingly.

After a long moment Thomas let out what could only be considered a sneer of disgust. “Well then, aside from th’ squids, as ye can see these are our enemies now. Aye, they be strong make no mistake.” Thomas said before turning around and physically looking around at everyone gathered. “But WE be th’ chosen Einherjar of Th’ Forge! WE fought th’ wars that allowed them t’ exist! WE perfected our warcraft through decades of conflict while they be mere babes. Everything they learned WE learned first!” he then shouted. In response all the Irregulars shouted back in confirmation.

“Aye, then until we find our vengeance th’ Irregulars are in a state of war against th’ murderer Uesu. If that means we have t’ tear through th’ rest of his clan then so be it! Th’ man sought t’ be a god but he will only discover what happens t’ all those in man’s bloody history who believed they be a god.” Thomas swore before punching his left fist into his right palm.

“I want two teams of operators, each one able t’ support th’ other if need be. We need two Infiltrator ships. Cody, be set t’ move. Ye and ye girls will be key t’ helpin’ us move undetected. And everyone remove all unnecessary functions from ye bodies. We will not taste food or drink, we will not sleep, we will not tire until we are victorious.” Thomas then ordered. Immediately several Irregulars began to move in compliance with the orders. Cody, himself on the screen simply nodded his head. “Of course boss. I have Sativa holding the Outlands for me. Can’t let any of my workers know I’m gone now, can I?” he said whimsically.

“What if the squids decide to attack Nepleslia, boss? Just because they left us alone last time doesn’t mean they won’t this time.” asked Howard.

“Aye, our two operator teams will not require all of us.” Thomas had to put his hands up visibly and shake his head as protests began to be heard over the telemetry net. “I know! I know! We ALL want t’ be on th’ mission f’r Uesu but we can’t. If we all die then who will be left t’ pick up th’ flag and keep going? More importantly, someone has t’ stay behind and keep an eye on our families. Those of us who remain will set up t’ protect what few precious children we have left. If the squids attack then we will need ye on this end t’ keep us from worryin’ on ours. Understood, lads?”

Grudgingly but understanding and with no further argument, the rest of the Irregulars consented. Thomas was Clansboss again after all. “I’ll have selections f’r our teams in a minute. Stand by.” Thomas then broadcast to the Irregulars. There was excitement coursing through his entire body as he tabulated the data from every Irregular present. This was what he lived for, what he IS. He looked again at the images of the Nekovalkyrja arranged on the computer screens. A long time ago he wanted to see just how strong these newly created soldiers would be. Now it would appear he would get to find out.