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RP [Iruotl System] Whispers from the Stars

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Inactive Member

Margraiv Karaeshi Sunan sat at his desk, doing his best to sort through the morass that lay in front of him. As the commander of the Erla Miraiv, he'd been swamped with work for the past few months, and things only intensified when that message from the stars arrived. With a new objective and the potential hazards the expedition would face, things had only gotten more chaotic. He was exhausted and as work seemed to surround and crush him on all sides, he had the remaining duty of personally interviewing the captains that had been assigned to his command. Still, he looked forward to being able to personally command the venture himself and leave this all behind, eventually.

Lanranr Aefina Shaala pressed the doorway's hailing button, waiting to either be given entrance or sent away for whatever reason. After the last patrol had ended she had been feeling a little shiftless waiting for the Margraiv, but he was mightier and holier than her after all, and she was at the whims of the Vanguard. Dressed in her standard uniform rather than dress (so she wouldn't be overdressed compared to his) she smoothed her hands over each inch before pressing once more impatiently.

"You may enter." Karaeshi told the person at the door, expecting another one of his captains.

"Lanranr Aefina Shaala. Divine presence at our engines." The officer said in greeting as she entered, and stopped in front of her direct superior's desk. "You sent for me?"

"Dreamer's Peace, Lanranr. Have a seat." Karaeshi replied to the officer, gesturing to one of chairs in front of his desk. He didn't particularly have a preference for protocol, but the greeting was propper, and which was a good sign. "I am sure you know who I am, and the extent of my responsibilities, correct?"

"Of course, I thumbed through the manifest when it came through to us." She sat down, looking him over as she settled in. "I'm sure it's put you under immense strain, lately. There isn't an officer I haven't talked to whom hasn't had issues with it."

"The message changed a great many things, and the Erla Miraiv is in need of more than just a few promising recruits. I need starship captains. The situation itself was unexpected, but the way the Conclave is now, it really did not surprise me." Karaeshi continued, thumbing one of the loose dark brown dreadlocks on his scalp that had escaped his tight ponytail. "Suran's a Traditionalist. The conceptions of honor and justice run strong in his mind, but our Makuzhar has not had to raise a Laiz Rifle his entire life. Politicians with good intentions will be the death of the Vanguard."

"They don't understand what it means, I suppose." Aefina agreed, surprised at his insight. He was there for a reason, "You have one, I hope in me." She wondered what he was going to ask her about, but it seemed just a general probe of her mindset. The woman couldn't blame him, really. "The galaxy got bigger, and we're..." She smiled, "Well the Vanguard."

Karaeshi couldn't help but find her honesty a little refreshing. "And as such it is our sworn duty to protect the Iromakuanhe people and carry out the will of the Astral Commonwealth." He said, his deeply tanned and face cracking the faint outlines of an unpracticed smile. "And I think I may have, Lanranr. How do you feel about being at command of a forward reconnaissance group? A light cruiser with frigate escorts, likely."

"Just enough that we won't be missed if we're spread across the great bed of stars?" Aefina's smile widened. "I will take the chance, it beats another patrol. There's an equal chance we'll find what we're looking for. How long will I have before we depart, Margraiv?" The chances of dying were there every time she sat down in the commander's chair, to hold her hand out to the aliens would be thrilling, no matter how it ended.

"Two to three months, if things go according to plan. The message pushed the date back several weeks, as the Sengraiv wishes that our full forces be larger and better equipped." Karaeshi replied, shrugging. He found that an overly large force would likely be as bad as a small one, but knew better than to question his own superior. "In the meantime, probes have been deployed to nearby systems, and to the estimated origin of the message."

"Understand that I've received applications from a great many junior officers wanting to transfer into the expedition. Fresh out of the academies on Mazerin, bright-eyed and full of promise." He said, with a little sigh. The Iroma glanced up at the other officer, a smile on his face. "Promise is overrated. Competence, loyalty and a creative mind are my priorities. After all, what use is a star to my crops if it has not shone yet?"

"I can filter through those, and get a useful crew for the group. It would be just enough time to get them used to each other. I don't want to stick them all together at the last second. This could be the first, or last mission of the rest of their lives." The Lanranr motioned to the stack of papers on her desk. "They can't all be useless. A little of that helps, but I won't have dead weight on my crew, let alone escorts."

"Very good then. I'll have you transferred by the next passing of the two moons." The Margraiv replied, rubbing his eyes gently. "Understand, that as a captain of the Erla Miraiv, your duties may extend to diplomacy as well. There will be certain protocols to follow... and you may be required to learn some semblance of the foreign tongue."

"Do we even know what it's called, or have proper translations?" Shalaa asked, reaching up to touch the base of her horn in thanks to the assignment at the same time. "I am sure we will both seem odd to one another, working from there will be the..well the hard and interesting part." She wondered what they would look like in person, whomever they would meet first. "So we know exactly what course to set?"

"We can't be entirely sure of the name until we encounter some native speakers. As it where, the old colony ships had fragmented data on the language, which was difficult to transfer because our current technologies interface poorly with the old Saalii vessels' data networks." Sunnan explained, gesturing down to one of the many sheets on his desk. "We will be sending three probes to each system within 50 light years of our own. Any that show signs of life, or of previous inhabitation will be visited. Our main priority is establishing a waystation between Iruotl and the nebular cluster, and then moving on to the systems there, as it was estimated that the signal originated there."

"I see, will I be counted on to set up the preliminary construction site, or to merely to stop through on the way by?" The new expedition's commander asked. "Or will we just go in one direction and hope there is still someone there when we arrive?" She pointed to one of the sheets, "I'm sure we'll at least figure out 'hello' by the time we see anyone."

"I wouldn't waste you on construction duty. But expect to be charting the system and escorting survey teams while we are constructing the facilities." Karaeshi answered plainly, looking at the slightly younger officer. He was well into his forties, but did not mind the prospect of reaching middle age in a decade or so, and wizened officers tended command respect better than the younger ones. "Do you have any further questions about your assignment?"

No. We'll be ready, I can get the rest of the operational details from your office." Shalaa replied, rising to her feet. "If that will be all?" The younger woman was happy with the dangerous assignment, even more the breadth of responsibility that came with it. If they were going to die against some great unknown, it was better than growing old running the same patrol routes for 30 years. "When will my flagship vessel be ready?" She suddenly remembered.

"We currently have six of them under construction, to be completed in twenty-one Maekardan cycles." He answered, retrieving a document from a small folder. "Do you have any preferences for a name?"

"VSS Vetala. The rest to your discretion you'll pick something I like I'm sure. I'll be there for their blessing ceremony for each." The woman assured him, then touched the side of one of her horns again. "Touch divine, until we next meet."

"And may it be under a jarin's fortune when we do, Lanranr." Sunnan replied, dignifying her goodbye by touching the base of one of his own horns with his hand.

Opening the door by pressing the release, Aefina stepped outside and left him to his paperwork. She was already thinking of who she'd call to tell first, and had a list in her head of who to put on the crew.

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