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Is it okay if I re-do my character's wiki page?

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Post subject: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:42 pm

And if so, do I have to put it up for re- approval afterwards?​
I want to know because I was looking over my first character's wiki only to see how horrible it was, and that it needs substantial changes.​

Miss Strangelove
Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:48 pm

No, you can reword it so it better fits your current character; many older chars end up picking new skills, or having their personality changed by events around them, so tweaking here and there is common. Just nothing "huge" without asking permission from a GM first. Huge would be, umm, like making him an interstellar pop star.**​
** -- As a certain Sakura rookie edited into his bio a while back without first getting approval. I bet all those millions of fans were in mourning after he was decapitated by Midori...bwahaha...good times.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:53 pm

Ah well, the profile is rather Noobish and doesen't quite add up, and I wouldn't do anything without permission first, hence this thread.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:45 pm

Run it by your GM if you want.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:09 am

I'm kinda at a loss as to who that is at the moment... could be Wes, could be Fred, could actually be just about anyone in the Miharu plot. Knowing who it is could be helpful.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:28 am

Miharu is specifically Fred.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:30 am

My character is in Fort Ready and Wes asked Fred to help, so Fred asked the Miharu players to help, and so led to my confusion. though since i'm going to the Miharu soon, I guess Fred is the best choice.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:43 am

Kai, you can give your character a makeover so to signify his completed training (as far as history goes) and flesh out existing information.​
But that's essentially all you should do - flesh out to make it better, not change who your character is.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:50 am

That's basically what i'm doing, not changing who he is at all. I was amazed my bio had even been approved in the first place after looking at it.. Doshii must've been slipping that day.​
Edit: Wow.. I just noticed i'm combat arms yet have no fighting skill, though the original history said he had fighting skills, his skill set did not show that. could I change the skills a bit to account for noob mistakes? (such as my putting of power armor skill under tech operation)​

Doshii Jun
Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:49 am

kai wrote:​
That's basically what i'm doing, not changing who he is at all. I was amazed my bio had even been approved in the first place after looking at it.. Doshii must've been slipping that day.​
As far as I can tell, the reason I was "slipping that day" is because I can't find your completed and approved bio for Kai Nakamura on the forums anywhere. Can you point me to it? No offense, but I want to make sure I wasn't slipping.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:52 am

uhh.. it's lost to the old forums, I can give you a link to the wiki page, however which has the current bio and the replacement bio (both marked separately) on it:Kai Nakamura​

Doshii Jun
Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:54 am

That's probably why I was slipping. I've been more aggressive about biography work since the forum switch, and Wes might've just instapproved you before I got a chance to go there.​

I like that you're replacing the eyes that change color.​
I'll go through the new bio and make sure you're not doing anything wonky. Cool?​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:56 am

yeah, that's cool. Thanks for helping me out.​

Doshii Jun
Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:00 pm

No problem. Gimme a day or so.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:02 pm

Hey, Doshii, Have you finished checking this yet, or did you lose it under a pile of new characters?​

Doshii Jun
Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:22 pm

Gah. Thanks for reminding me Kai; I'm on it right now.​

Doshii Jun
Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:17 pm

I'm going to do a rare thing here. Wes already approved this character, as well as your new version, as it's just reformatted and with a longer history.​
I'm overturning his approval, and asking you to make edits outside the scope of your request.​
The reason I'm doing this is because Wes allowed you to have some skills you shouldn't have, and allowed some wording that's not fair to others.​
Your history, with a reputation "even in neighboring colonies," is a stretch at best. I realize you're trying to justify Leadership, but it is not fair to do so after the fact, especially when you should not have had it to begin with.​
The history is not approved.​
a. Leadership: This skill needs to be replaced.​
Leadership's an officer-only skill unless there's a very off-the-wall circumstance. You don't start with leadership; you grow it, and to be fair, you grow it in the RP when you start at the bottom.​
b. Please remove the second line of Survival & Military.​
c. Modify Knowledge to say "Knowledge (limited)." This qualifies the skill the way your third sentence is trying to.​
d. Fighting is an approved skill addition. Good show there.​
So there you go -- those things are what you need to complete to get the okay from me.​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:06 pm

History: I put "in neighboring colonies"? I meant neighboring towns or cities... I'll just put "in his town" If that's still too much, just let me know.​
A: Leadership changed to :​
Strategy: Kai has a bit of Familiarity with basic Military strategy, And can help Coordinate squad movements, even to the point of planning ambushes and small attacks. He is constantly learning new strategies, and finding ways to use the ones he knows in diverse situations.​
B: Done​
C: Done​
D: Sweet. Engineering erased.​
Thanks for doing this for me, I really appreciate it.​

Doshii Jun
Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:11 pm

Ohhh, that's what you meant by colonies. Well that's fine then. On planet is acceptable, inside a small range; I thought you were talking on other PLANETS, which would be something else.​
... I'll let Strategy go. I don't think your character should necessarily have that either, but we'll see how it plays out in RP.​
The reason I hesitate is the same reason I regret making Yukari an intelligence officer -- I'm not intelligent enough to play said officer type. That's not to say you can't strategize well enough to pull it off, but just be careful about being put in a position where you'll be forced to really use that skill in ways you didn't anticipate. Kai's also a bottom-rung soldier; if he's involved in the strategizing, it might be on a minimal level.​
Fred has a propensity for really stretching your level of play. So watch out!​

Post subject: Re: Is it okay if i re-do my Character's wiki page?
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:52 pm

Thanks Doshii, I really appreciate the help. The thing is, this character is meant to be as direct a translation of me as possible, with a few twists (like ditching his parents) and I actually do this kind of stuff.​
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