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Is it okay to play as yourself?

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Neil John

Inactive Member
Hi,um... i'm new here and I was just about to create a new character but I realized this question. So,is it okay to play as yourself?
I would not recommend it. My opinion is the purpose of roleplaying is to utilize your imagination and creativity to develop the story. I have been witnessed to several attempts of what you are proposing and it has never went well.
It also depends on what type of person you are and what writing style you have. My main character is basically me, just edited to fit the setting better. He seems to be working rather well, but that's mainly due to my writing style and the fact that I had been using myself as a basis for characters for quite a while. I will admit, however, that I have had more fun with the characters not based on me, though they are more difficult for me to write for.
The technical answer is no, because Star Army's universe doesn't include Earth or modern countries like the one you live in.

You can, however, make a character with your exact physical appearance and personality, if you want to. It's been done before, in fact (by a Japanese female roleplayer named Sekiko).
I miss Seki... But yes, Wes is correct. We've all likely added a bit of ourselves into our characters. From facial, or body features and characteristics to simple personality quirks to more complex parts of your personality. Usually is a good way of jumping right into play since it'd be familiar, but this is not the only way of course. :)
My advice is to let your imagination run wild for a few days, but then centralize it to a character that could be based loosely on yourself. Just have fun and experiment with what you feel comfortable with. Good luck on your first character! :mrgreen:
Oh and i'm from the philipines so i'm pretty shy when I talk to you americans,and i'm pretty nervous if i'm going to add Kali sticks(is the spelling right?) to the inventory(because of my country history).
Those are martial arts weapons, right? That is fine.
Dude, we're totally international. We've got Norway (my mother nation), Malaysia, Canada, Britain, Australia ... California ... Quebec's practically its own nation, if you want to throw it in.

In short, you're completely welcome here at Star Army. If you need any help with your character, feel free to message Gamerofthegame, Fay, MissingNo or me. We'll be happy to help you navigate the site and the wiki and assist with your bio.
I agree with Doshii, I'm chinese and now I live in America. (For some reason. >.>)

Anyway, I hope you find something that'll work for you here. Here's to seeing you on the RP front!
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