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Is the RP action-packed? What's popular?


Inactive Member
Hello everyone! I'm a new player and look forward to playing this well-established game.

There's a TON of stuff to choose from in making a character, and I took a bit of time looking through each of the characters to get a feel for the game.

But before I dive into character creation, I was wondering if any of the long time players/mods can answer some questions of mine.

What's the general composition of the Star Army? Are we in an action-packed game or a politcally-charged one? What are the most popular career paths chosen? The least?

What opportunities exist for say... if I were to create a space fighter pilot or take a complete 360 and make a psychiatrist?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Reactions: Wes
What's the general composition of the Star Army?

Mostly Nekovalkyrja. The rest are Geshrins, Nepleslians, Elysians, and Yamataians. Species recently brought into the Empire, such as the Fenyaro, are also starting to show up.

Are we in an action-packed game or a politcally-charged one?

Both, really. Although there hasn't been much chat RPs lately, mostly due to the larger time-usage overhead. There are several plots currently running, of various flavors.

What are the most popular career paths chosen? The least?

I don't really keep track. Ask Wes.

What opportunities exist for say... if I were to create a space fighter pilot or take a complete 360 and make a psychiatrist?

We have fighter pilot characters, and I do believe we've had a psychiatrist character before. It mostly depends on how much effort you put into it really.

Oh, and welcome.
Reactions: Wes
Thanks for the welcome! I suppose the reason why I'm asking these questions is that my character is a mindset rather than a skillset, something that can fit into numerous molds.

Personality is king!
Reactions: Wes
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