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Is there an armor that can take hits, heat, and radiation?


Inactive Member
I ask because I have a mining ship idea, but it would require the vessel being constructed of a material that can take a decent amount of force, excessive amounts of heat, and radiation. This vessel is designed to mine molten asteroids in close proximity to stars, perhaps closer than most ships are accustomed to. The mining method is largely worked out.
Hmm, the Zesuaium that Star Army vessels are constructed from can endure all the above. But I will assume this vessel is not constructed by Yamatai.

Neutronium can take a bit of punishment, titanium carbide could maybe do the job, diamond in this setting is available in large quantities. Those materials would solve the issue of molten rock impacts, but the main issue is the sunlight and radiation, which I am currently at a loss for solving.

If I come up with a brainstorm, I'll see what I can contribute.
Hmm, the Zesuaium that Star Army vessels are constructed from can endure all the above. But I will assume this vessel is not constructed by Yamatai.

Neutronium can take a bit of punishment, titanium carbide could maybe do the job, diamond in this setting is available in large quantities. Those materials would solve the issue of molten rock impacts, but the main issue is the sunlight and radiation, which I am currently at a loss for solving.

If I come up with a brainstorm, I'll see what I can contribute.
Perhaps instead of blocking the energy, they can absorb it and turn it into power for the vessel then? Anything like that with innate energy conversion attributes, or something I can perhaps manipulate to get such an attribute?
Yeah, but I'd still need some moderate hull strength.

Edit: I thought about making this ship big considering it is dealing with mining freaking asteroids, so I decided to make her 850 meters long. I then looked at the size ratios and calculated that the vessel would roughly be 850m by 650m by 160m. I then becan to look at the sizes of the cargo bays, trying to calculate just how much room I would have, and got 210m x 147m x 130m for the Left and Right bays. Center is a bit longer. However, later I was browsing the specs of the Sakura...

Low and behold, it'd be a tight fit, but the Sakura could fit in one of these bays...sideways OR flat. Do you think I made it too big, and if so, what size should she be? Keep in mind she's an asteroid miner, and would likely be meant to have mecha and smaller defense ships to aid her.
In specific response to the "Is she too big?" question, at first glance, since this ship is not armed and relies on an escort, I'd say no...Especially if most of the interior space is used for the mining and cargo.

Though, the first image I got from the basic description -- and the assumption that it engulfed the astroids and processed them within itself -- was the Planet Eater from ST:TOS... (
Ooh, awesome. Zesuaium or Yamataium with mercurite radiation shielding shoudl do the trick.
Hmmm...possible....but to make a large ship with such materials would be an undertaking...Still, it might be worth pursuing, given the Centrimine system it uses, and the fact her niche, molten matter mining, is largely unexplored.. I'll keep writing up a bio for it and we can see where it'll go from there.

Edit: I'll post what I have so far on the Hikari, though I am still trying to work out the FTL and shielding systems. Some snippets of Vampire data are still in here, either because they work or I'm not sure what else to use. Some previously Yggdrasill specific tech is there too, but that is less likely to be removed. I think I need some knowledge about designing systems OTHER than weapons, such as shielding and propulsion to name a couple. For the FTL, my target speed is roughly 2x that of the Vampire/Yggdrasill type, 131,400c (0.25LY/M, 15LY/H).

After reading it, I'd like suggestions, especially ones that involve using the two centrifuges to augment FTL or Shielding. They are near the center of the ship, and rotate in opposite directions at high speed, and might have some effect on shielding of certain FTL propulsion systems. (I've heard that a rotating body alone has its own effects on space-time.)

Here's what I have so far for the vessel. I do not know if I will seek immediate approval, as the ship might not be introduced for some time, at least until my IC character attains the need and experience to design her.


Designer: Yuki Toshiro
Mining Vessel Hikari

History and Background:
Yuki Toshiro, having designed a vessel named the Yggdrasill, showed a modest skill for implementing novel ideas without using extensive resources, as well as fairly simple and reliable technology. The Hikari continues this trend. The Hikari gets its name from the light of a star, which it is designed to be in close proximity to, closer than most other ships. Hikari, like the Yggdrasill, is meant for navigating in relatively close proximity environments, though with asteroids rather than debris and wreckage. Unlike the Yggdrasill, the Hikari is large and can not avoid all objects. Due to this, she has a more modular shielding system/matter direction system available to avoid collisions. Even if a collision occurs, Hikari's hull is designed to take matter impact and heat well, so heated matter, the kind she is more likely to encounter, does relatively little harm, especially if the heat has molten said asteroid and reduced its density.

Also, where the Yggdrasill class has the Grappler system, where the Hikari class has the Centrimine system. This simple yet versatile system uses heating elements and centrifugal force to take in molten matter (and small bits of solid matter which can be melted) through the nose of the craft, and separate it using fast moving, super heated centrifuges around the main body of the ship. Finally, the separated matter is sent to the rear area of the ship and cooled into bars or whatever storage method is prudent and available. The side barrels can do the same thing on a smaller scale, though there are grinders for larger pieces of matter, and more modular.
Furthermore, due to the nature of the ship, there are two modes, B (Battle) Mode and M (Mining) Mode, for the ship's operational status. In each mode, the "barrelsâ€
Alright, well firstly this is very much the wrong forum now you've actually posted the technology ...

Oh, and your layout could be better. Look at recent ships - we like to describe the rooms and internals of ships now.
Yeah, but I'm asking for suggestions to a ship that doesn't yet exist, and am not to the point of asking for isn't fitting anymore, true...but where should it go?
For the armor, since...

DocTomoe said:
Neutronium can take a bit of punishment, titanium carbide could maybe do the job, diamond in this setting is available in large quantities. Those materials would solve the issue of molten rock impacts, but the main issue is the sunlight and radiation, which I am currently at a loss for solving.

Doesnt take radiation and sunlight as what is says, why not hybridize it... I mean, diamond with reflective lead underneith ? :?

Sorry, still very new to these things. :|
Well, lead could be a backup for the hull, though perhaps the deflector could be beefed up to push away stray particles...

Neutronium and higher should be able to handle the job at least for impacts, being that it comes from the core of a star anyway, right?
Abwehran Commander said:
I got a question that maybe a hint off topic. What program are you using to make these 3D renders? I've been trying to find something along those lines for several years, although I have been having trouble with a consistant search via school and work.

Oh, and this may help with your radiation problem.

Ooo...not bad. Not bad at all. Also, I am using a program called 3D GameStudio.

There's a demo there, though it may only support 256 color textures, rather than the normal color palette of the main program.