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Approved Submission [ISC Phoenix] - Phoenix Service Group


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Group/Unit, ISC Phoenix storytelling aid,
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=isc_phoenix:phoenix_service_group

Faction: ISC Phoenix
FM Approved Yet? Yes, by yours truly.
Faction requires art? Yes? (I'm not sure what this section means, actually)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No.
Contains New art? Yes, unit symbols and PSG Logo pixelling. Some more art may be on the way.
Previously Submitted? No.

I've had this idea cooking around for a bit and started writing the article around September. Unambiguously, was wearing my heart on my sleeve to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain as I was writing this up.

This is also part and parcel with Nepleslia's expansion into the West. @Koenig808 contacted me shortly after I started writing this asking if I could make a mercenary unit of some sort to help police the westward expansion of Nepleslia. I was happy to oblige and doubled down on writing it up.

The intended purpose of this submission is to give the members of the ISC Phoenix staff with day to day tasks and support, and to allow the story to progress into the Nepleslian West for a bit and deal with the trials and tribulations of colonisation, building, and seeing how much authority a PMC has - and how much is given - in such a situation.

In addition, the end of the current Phoenix Missions (4L and 4Q) will be the inception and reveal of the unit, as there (in canon) is six months of time between when those missions started, and now, which is more than enough time to amass the resources and funding necessary.

Plus, we has house now, and people can come visit. :3
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Bump, any takers for review? I've added a couple of sections about Branch Offices and misc Deeds/Holdings. Neither have anything in them, but the sections are there for future expansion.

I should also add something about contractors, as @Syaoran has expressed interest in working with PSG.

In addition, there could be benefits for working for these guys, like citizenship in Sargasso...
Well written, thoroughly filled out, given awesome treatment -- and even has unlockables! I like seeing the progress get measured in an easily interpreted way.

This is approved!
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