Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Rejected Character @ [#ISCphoenixII]Brant Samyr


Inactive Member
====== Brant Samyr ======
Brant Samyr is a [[guide:characters|player character]] played by [[user:]].

^ Brant Samyr ^^
| ||
^ Species: | Human |
^ Gender: | Male |
^ Age: | 53 |
^ Height: | 6'0" 178cm |
^ Weight: | 90kg |
^ Organization: | |
^ Occupation: | Freelance Doctor |
^ Rank: | |
^ Current Placement: | |

===Preferred Plots===
- #ISCphoenixII

===== Physical Characteristics =====
* **Height:** 6'0" 178cm
* **Weight:** 90kg
* **Measurements:**

**Build and Skin Color:** Caucasian, athletic build, slightly old.

**Eyes and Facial Features:** Brown eyes,

**Ears:** human ears

**Hair Color and Style:** Short-cropped brown hair, greying hair around his sideburns

**Distinguishing Features:** Thick walrus moustache

===== Psychological Characteristics =====
**Personality:** A world-weary soul, Brant is a jaded fellow who always puts his work first and brooks no shenanigans within his med-bay. Outside of the med bay, he is kinda your gruff uncle, always full of practical advice and not afraid to tell someone when they're being silly, but has a kind and caring soul underneath the gruff.

* **Likes:** Professionalism, brandy, a good book and a comfu chair
* **Dislikes:** Slackers, bad manners, anyone messing with his equipment.
* **Goals:** To do his job to the best of his ability and to make sure others are able to do the same

===== History =====
Brant was born on a frontier world, raised by his country doctor father when his mother died during childbirth. When he wasn't at school or playing with his friends, Brant was usually seen with his father as he did the rounds. When he was eighteen years old, Brant was struck by wanderlust and left on the next shuttle out, promising his father his father that he would visit next year. His travels were eye-opening, the young Brant plying his trade as a doctor's aid, seeing and experiencing a great many things before returning home, only to find raiders had attacked the homestead and turned the small frontier town into a smouldering wreck. With no-where else to go, Brant took back to the skies, throwing himself into his trade in order to carry on his father's legacy and growing in skill and knowledge with every passing year. Nowdays Dr Samyr works for the highest bidder, never leaving a contract once it is signed (and as long as it is still being upheld).

=Family (or Creators)===
Father: Clyde Samyr (deceased)
Mother: June Samyr (deceased)
=== Pre-RP ===

===== Skills =====
==== Communications ====
Fluent in the Common tongue, able to operate most common forms of communications devices

==== Healing ====
Proficient Doctor, able to identify and treat most known illnesses and able to figure something out if it's unknown more often than not.

==== Surgery ====
Proficient Surgeon, and all that entails.

==== Athletics ====
Fit for someone his age, just don't expect him to win any races.

===== Inventory =====
Brant Samyr has the following items:

===== Finances =====
Brant Samyr is currently a in the .
^ Total Savings ^ Addition ^ Subtraction ^ Reason ^
| 3000 KS | | | Starting Funds |
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hi Brant,

I can't take any new players for the ISC Phoenix at the moment. There is no convenient way for a new character to appear in the story at the moment.
Sincere apologies for this, but I can recommend some other plots in the independent sphere of influence that may be able to take you:
There are also more military plots on offer in each of the major factions.