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SYNC Items for Sale

To: Seller
From: Anonymous Man of Business Standing Not To Be Trifled With In Matters of Money (Enzo Bortelli)

The following items are of interest of me. I will now make you a very reasonable offer for them, which you have my permission to accept.

Mint-condition decorative Nepleslian Flag (NMX War, TC: 28-69, IC: 1961-11235-94)

Pestris Pistol (NMX War, TC: 59-77, IC: 4600-20308-129)

Sersis Variable Pistol (NMX War, TC: 61-85, IC: 5242-312-139)

6-liter bar-tap bottle of Nepleslian whisky (Pirating, TC: 51-21, IC: 1128-498-66)

Box of Nepleslian Cigarettes (Pirating, TC: 27-73, IC: 2028-1736-97)

Crate of Alcohol (NMX War, TC: 48-93, IC: 4521-35025-136)

Fancy Pen (Pirating the UOC, TC: 8-1, IC: 57-260-9)

Fancy Scarves (Pirating, TC: 9-83, IC: 804-140-91)

I will purchase these items from you for the price of 820 DA. If you want more, go into details about nonspecific items. The final price may go up or down depending on what you reveal.
To: Anonymous Man of Business Standing Not To Be Trifled With In Matters of Money
From: Seller

We would be willing to accept 1000 KS for the lot but cannot go any lower. Remember the pistols are both military issue only (not on the normal market) and worth over 1000 KS each. The booze crate contains 720 bottles of John McSpartan's Old Blood Red Label No. 91 Whiskey, so you're getting a bargain price per bottle.
To: Seller
From: Anonymous (OOC: The Black Syndicate)

We are very much interested in purchasing the following items:

Ammunition said:
Crate of Ammunition, Nepleslian .45 ZA (Pirating, TC: 30-80, IC: 2457-3657-107)
Crate of Ammunition, Nepleslian .45 ZA (Pirating, TC: 37-80, IC: 3017-26617-113)

Vehicles said:
FIRE1a (NMX War, TC: 49-9, IC: 498-3405-53)

Structures said:
Na-O1-00 Drop Triage (NMX War, TC: 33-89, IC: 2994-33432-119)
Na-O1-00 Drop Triage (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 44-89, IC: 3973-14386-128)

Misc Goods said:
Large sealed storage crate (tagged with the Vinross Yu-Cranker emblem) (NMX War, TC: 25-52, IC: 1332-6141-74)

OOC: On the Vinross Yu-Cranker one, should I ask MoonMan what it is?
To: Anonymous (OOC: The Black Syndicate)
From: Seller

7500 KS.

(OOC: Yeah, ask Moonman)
From: Anonymous Man of Business Standing Not To Be Trifled With In Matters of Money
To: Seller

I don't trade using Yammie money. I'll give you 1628 DA for the lot of it, considering the contents of the crate. I won't pay retail for these pistols, nor will I pay half price. Because they're military issue only, I have to fence them if I want to make money, which means more money has to change hands for me to make a sale. No one's gonna buy these things off some guy on Nep Prime for 6000 DA, so I gotta buy cheap, savvy? No one else in his right mind is gonna pay you more for 'em. If you want the full 2000 DA, you can throw some ammo in with those guns, enough so's that I can see they works and all.


(OOC: The seller ignores Enzo's offer and doesn't respond to him. )
To: Seller
From: An Interested Party (Dominic Valken, 4th Fleet)
(OOC: Trying this out and not too sure on 4th Fleet finances)

Am interested in the condition of the following items and whether they can be restored. In addition, a price estimate for the items as is would be appreciated:

Heavily Damaged NMX Freighter (NMX War, TC: 73-46, IC: 3415-3967-111)
Heavily Damaged NMX Scout (NMX War, TC: 70-50, IC: 3557-5107-112)
Heavily Damaged NMX Line Battleship (NMX War, TC: 69-48, IC: 3369-3465-109)

Also, a price estimate for the following items.

Freighter: 100k KS
Scout: 150k KS
Battleship: 200k KS

They could be repaired with some work.

200 KS for the misc items.
To: Seller
From: Anonymous Purchaser (Sawyer)

I'm interested in prices and the items contained in the following:

300 KS for all of that.

OOC: The unspecified ammo is whatever type you need.
Will the equivalent of 600 DA be appropriate after conversion rates?

Will the crate of lorath ammunition fit the M'Cel grenade launcher?

The crate of ammunition will be for the Designated sharpshooter rifle.
Yes, yes, and okay. Sold!
To: Seller
From: An Interested Party (Dominic Valken)

I trust 400 DA will cover the payment of the misc. items?
To: An Interested Party (Dominic Valken)
From: Seller

OOC: Make sure to remove them from the list page.
To: Seller
From: An Interested Party

The money has been transferred, a pleasure doing business.
From: Anonymous (Alex)
To: Seller

I am interested in the following:

I'm willing to pay 18,000 KS for the lot.
From: Repeat Customer
To: Seller

I'm interested in purchasing the following:

I'm willing to pay 350,000 KS for the lot -- Most of these ships are discontinued and outdated, but they have their uses.
To: Repeat Customer
From: Seller


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To: Anonymous (Alex)
From: Seller

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