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RP It's cold out here ((1v1))

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Edtoto laided on the deck of the ship, oddly fluffy pillows in her face. In her brain, she was panicking. She had to get moving. She bit someone who was on the ship. She could feel her fangs dripping slightly as they usually did after she used her venom. She didn't have to wait long though before she could start moving her limbs around again. slowly at first, she started to pull herself away from where she laid originally. Eventually, she was able to stand up and stumble further into the ships aft, before fiding a crevice to curl up in and rest.


Yui would start to feel the bite location start to sting tremendously, and breathing would become more and more of a chore. She would likely start to panic, but if she could keep a good grasp on her head she should be able to keep herself in control. Her reaction time would be a little sluggish as her mind clouds and her limbs stopped responding as effectively as they would normaly.
Hissing softly, Yui stumbled her way to the port wall of the cabin, gazing up at the medical equipment stashed near the ceiling. What a stupid place to put them when her strength was beginning to fail. She squeaked at Sally, telling her that she was in pain and needed the medikit. Her sister complied after a moment's hesitation, disengaging the Alcubierre drive, which sent a shudder through the ship's hull and released a deadly spray of particles out from the bow; scattering harmlessly into space.
The ambassador then leapt from the controls and rushed over to her sister, who was examining the bite carefully. "It is stinging. I think it is venom.", Yui told her calmly, stepping aside to give Sally room to climb the ladder up to the cargo cage. Soon, she returned with a white box, which she hastily opened and presented to Yui, who began carefully taking out some cleaning wipes and bandages.

"Your alien is hurt too. The Thoot stung it.", Yui stated, hissing with pain as she doused the wound with alcohol. Sally jumped. She'd almost forgotten. Grabbing some wipes of her own, she rushed over to Edtoto, pausing for a moment to observe the Vekimen. She had curled up as close to the wall as possible, with a cluster of cushions placed over her head. Thinking back to their first contact, Sally struggled to remember the sound Edtoto had used to refer to their helmets; the one true familial link that the two had with one another. Crouching down, she carefully mimicked the sound, holding the medical supplies in front of her.
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Edtoto seemed to rock back and forth, nervous of the spaces she was in. She tried as much as she can to enclose herself when she heard one of the creatures start to talk to her. What she was saying was complete and utter gibberish give that she was pushing something toward her. She looked and saw the Medical supplies, before deciding it was better to just accept the medical attention. She started to unclip her EVA suit and then started working on peeling away the Pilots Suit. It would seem that she had very thick bone plates covering most of her stomach and between her breasts. Where she was stung was easy to see, as it had swelled up a little. She really didn't seem to be in much more pain than the post sting discomfort, but she was showing signs of panic. Something was bothering her.
Sally let out a pleased squeak when she saw the alien appearing to recognise her intent, waiting quietly as Edtoto stripped off her suit. An Oo'tut would likely be all over the Vekimen, fascinated by the alien's physiology, but as an Ee'ith, Sally thought in line with her family's focus; she was more concerned for the alien's well-being. The only part of Edtoto's anatomy that drew her attention was the swollen wound. Sally let out a sympathetic whine when she saw it, trying to resist the urge to help directly in some way. If it bit Yui, it was likely best to let it operate at its own pace, and so she sat crouched, arms extended, waiting for Edtoto to take the offered supplies.
Edtoto looked at the wipes and took one. She honestly had no idea what it was, but if their medical supplies were anything like the ones she was used to then maybe they could get somewhere. She split the packaging on it and sniffed it, before shaking her head in shock at the powerful smell. Disinfectant wipes. She looked down at the wound and figured she wouldn't need a disinfectant. She placed the wipe package back into Sallys hands and waved a hand, getting up as she did. She realized that someone on the ship was bitten by her. She always knew, but now it became a point. She was stung by one of them, and they helped her. Least she could do was help the one she bit in return.

She walked back the way she came, following the sound of the I'ee trying to apply first aid to herself. Probably trying her best to figure out what was going on. Still obviously dealing with the pain of being stung, she walked over and simply held one of her clawed hands out to the I'ee. Didnt say anything, didn't seem to make a sound, just a very simple, blut hand gesture. Let me see
When the wipes were pushed back into Sally's clawed grasp, she let out a confused squeak. The alien didn't want them? Did it need something else? Had Sally done something wrong? The little ambassador was too caught up in her own worried musing to notice at first that Edtoto had slid past her and approached Yui, who was currently engrossed in her own wound.
The warrior I'ee was still in the process of dabbing at the wound using the sanitising wipe, too distracted to notice Edtoto until she noticed something strange in her peripheral vision. Her head snapped to focus upon the Vekimen, instinctively opening her jaws wide in a threatening display.
"Oh!", Sally butted in, toddling over towards the two and pointing to the alien's outstretched limb. "It wants to see your wound, Yui! Let it see!" Yui looked at Sally silently, chattering softly to herself before begrudgingly offering the Vekimen her wounded arm; mostly clean, but with some neat puncture marks in the exoskeleton.
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Edtoto stood silently waiting for Yui to notice her. When she was noticed, her body tensed but very little facial reaction. She kept thinking to herself "Just like at the station. Do not move, do not react, make intention known," over and over. The other creature seemed to understand what she was trying to do ad they seemed to speak to each other until the one Edtoto bit presented the bite. It was clean, which was good. The armour seemed to be taking the brunt of the digestive process anyway. She would make this easier because at this point she would probably be experiencing a lot of pain, harsh breathing problems, and it would be getting difficult for her to even remain standing. The fact she was standing now was impressive to say the least.
She pointed at the carapace, then at her own skin. She put her arms into the pilot's suit, pointed at it, pointed back at the Carapace, then took the suit back off, pointing at herself once again, and then pointing at Yui. Feeling she got her point across rather well, she grabbed a beaker and started opening up bottles, sniffing the content til she found a bottle of alcohol. While her plan would reduce the effectiveness of her saliva, it would make sure her bacteria didn't cause ay more problems. She poured some alcohol into the beaker ad then just opened her mouth. She drooled into the cup, before mixing the makeshift solution. It started dark and muggy, but slowly became clearer and clearer as she stirred. Finally, she walked back over to see the creatures hadn't removed the armour. She pointed at it, tilting her head in a quizzical fashion.
"I'm not sure it knows what it's doing...", Yui grumbled, sinking down to rest on the cushions while Sally rushed to her side, hugging her tight. "If it has venom, it might know how to cure it.", Sally replied hopefully, watching Edtoto work and stroking a clawed limb across her sister's abdomen, which pulsated rapidly in time with her breathing. The Vekimen's signing puzzled the two I'ee, though, watching her silently as she went to work on mixing something.
They still made no move when Edtoto returned, gazing at her silently. The only hint the Vekimen might have was in the movements of their abdomens; if it were plate armour, it would have to be extremely tight fitting to pulsate like that.
Edtoto stared at the two creatures sitting there. They didn't comply with her. Could they not take the armour off? Did they not trust her enough to take the armour off? She looked the two over carefully, noticing that the armour moved. Edtoto blinked, before tapping her black scales with a claw. The action made a clicking sound, then she pointed at the two. Regardless she would do what she could. Armour or not, she could, at least, get the mixture into the holes. She walked over, too the wound in hand and poured it into one of the holes. Almost instantly, Yui would feel the pain start to subside from the location. It would take a few moment for the pain to fully evaporate, as well as the other effects of the Venom but she could only do so much. Without understanding everything about this medical bay, or what chemicals were what, she had no hope of mixing a proper antivenom. The most this would do is let Yui retain control of her limbs, and have an easier time breathing. That would take a few minutes to fully take effect though. At least the bite wouldn't hurt anymore though.
While Yui was still uncertain, Sally gently coaxed her to raise her arm, twitching when Edtoto poured the liquid into the wound. After a moment, the two I'ee conferred with each other, Yui stating that she could feel a bit of relief. The I'ee guardian rolled over onto her 'stomach' and sank down onto the cushions, keeping her wound where she could see it. Sally, meanwhile, got to her feet and tottered over to Edtoto, almost assuredly surprising her by giving her a big, four-armed hug. "I know you can't understand me, but thank you.", she said, a sentimental thing, but she couldn't help herself.
Edtoto watched the I'ee lay down, before she was embraced rather suddenly. She didn't exactly know what to do, but the embrace was not aggressive. Slowly, she decided to put her hands down around the bug. She was unaware of what she should actually do, but she was not unaccustom to the action. She stood there, admittedly a little awkward till she mustered up the courage to try and push away. At this poit in time, they had slightly more important things to worry about. Pulling her helmet off the clip in was on when ot wearing it, she pointed at it. "Helmet?" She asked, hoping to convey her message. She then pointed at a pillow. "Helmet?"
The I'ee squee'd happily when she felt Edtoto return the hug, squeezing gentle with her arms, then releasing when she felt the alien pulling away. As the Vekimen began pulling her helmet off of her suit, Sally walked over to the pilot controls and peered out through the window, then at some of the glowing, orange displays. When she heard the word 'helmet', she turned around with another happy squeak, running back to Edtoto and pointing at the helmet in her hands. "Helmet!", she affirmed, then watched the Vekimen repeat the word whilst pointing at one of the red, velvety cushions at the back. "Pillow.", the I'ee stated, pointing her claw at the cushion.
Edtoto looked at the pillow, nodding. "Pillow," she said, dropping the pillow down. Then something came to her. "Pillow?" She asked, pointing at the pillow then at Sally. "Pillow," She repeated, pickig up the pillow and handing it to Sally. She pointed at the pillow, then at Sally, the pointed at herself and at her helmet. "Helmet." She was hoping to learn how to form phrases. She repeated the actions several times before giving a quizzical look. This was going to take some time, but it was clear that she was picking up on things faster than one would expect. From how well she was doing, she might be able to speak in simple sentences within a few hours of this.
Hours passed on by. The little Ee'ith sphere floated sedately through space, silhouetted against the blue sun, having left the asteroid belt light-years behind. Edtoto and Sally had made exceptional progress in communication, thanks mostly to the Vekimen's natural talent with linguistics. Already, the Vekimen was speaking simplistic phrases in Trade speak. The prior confusion as to the I'ee's physiology was put to rest, and both Sally and Yui found it quite amusing that Edtoto had mistook their exoskeletons for armour. There had also been a rather unfortunate learning experience involving the two pilot view ports: The Vekimen's natural agoraphobia was triggered by the vastness of space, and in response, the I'ee lowered the emergency blast shields down over them.
Now, with the light from outside gone, it left only the dim, comforting orange light from above. "Sally!", Sally stated in a clear voice, making a sweeping, up-down motion over her body. "Yui!" She did the same with her sister, now napping peacefully on the bedding. Then the ambassador waved a hand across Edtoto's serpentine body silently, hoping that Edtoto might give a name.
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Edtoto sat, having calmed down from the startling events that had transpired a little while ago. While unlike other Vekimen, she could somewhat handle the vastness of space. Usually, though, she was ready and expecting to be faced with it, not have it suddenly thrown at her. She admittedly ran as far away as she could, and was quite stubborn in her refusal to go back out into the main. Once she was convinced that the windows were all closed, she did manage to go out and discover they were telling the truth. Their Language lessons continued.

She watched the two indicate who they were, before smiling a little. "You... are... Sally!" She said, her voice sounding like a mix of the two translators aside from when she said the word, Sally. She then pointed at Yui, identifying her in the exact same way. The she pointed at herself and tilted her head a little. It wasn't a lost or confused expression, it was a pondering expression. When she opened her mouth, she made a weird set of sounds that probably couldn't be repeated by a normal larynx. To try and say the word without the guttural hissing and screeching you would get "Edtoto" ((Eh-doh-toe)). Not exactly a pretty name when she spoke it. "I...am... Edtoto" She repeated, still speaking in native voice when pronouncing her name.

She scowled a little at the prospective name. "Language" She said, pointing at herself "Hard, for you. Name is same, how you say?" She asked. She did seem to struggle when forming her own sentences, and her voice when not copying the two sounded like a blend of both of their voices. Even had the mechanical timbre to it. "You call me different? Give trade name?" She asked arching an eyebrow.
The I'ee ambassador squeaked happily, nodding her head and pointing to herself. "I am Sally!", she then pointed to Yui. "She is Yui!" Sally then listened intently to Edtoto as she said her own name, trying to mimic it using her translator, but only coming up with garbled nonsense. "Yes.", Sally nodded again solemnly. "I cannot speak like you. Say name again?"
She waited for Edtoto to repeat her name a few more times, trying to simplify it. "Echd... Edtuh... Edo...", she mused, then offered. "Edtoto?"
Edtoto thought about it. It resembled her name, but it wasn't her name. Regardless, she figured it was going to be the best the Trade Language could do. She let a small smile appear. "I am Edtoto. You are Sally, you are Yui" She said before thinking about how to say the next thing she wanted to say. She thought about how they broke up the sounds. "I am Veh...kim...en. Vekimen. I, and other are Vekimen. Not name, but a name" She added, seeming to be confusing herself by trying to explain. "Understand?" She asked
"Vekimen." Sally repeated, her antennae quivering intently as she listened to Edtoto speak. "You are a Vekimen." The ambassador touched a claw to her body, then pointed to the sleeping Yui. "We are I'ee." She paused, seeming to mull over how to further explain what role she and Yui play, and how they differ from the Thoot that tried to kill Edtoto.
Edtoto nodded. "You are I'ee," She confirmed. She looked around and frowned as her stomach growled audibly. She winced a little as it did before looking around. She was frozen for god knows how long and now her ship was destroyed. "Uhmm..." She mumbled, working her jaw again. She didn't even realize she was hungry until just now. She looked around in confusion. "Uhm..." She said again as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. She didn't know exactly how to explain this. "I... I am..." She started, but she didnt have exactly the words to deal with it.
Sally seemed quite confused by Edtoto's growing discomfort, touching a claw to her chin uncertainly and watching the Vekimen's body language. "Y-you are...?", she repeated, musing to herself about what might be wrong.
"Hungry?", Yui suggested, stirring a little on her bed of cushions and examining her wound again. Sally squeaked and nodded her head, pointing to her jaws, then to Edtoto's. "You are hungry? You want to eat?", she offers carefully, trying to think of a place where they might find food for the Vekimen.
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