Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Ixari Forerunners

Ixari Forerunners

Inactive Member
The Ixari race have been in existance for an unknown period of time. The Ixari themselves estimate from the first records of Ixari history, and from the estimated time of Ixari evolution, to be billions upon billions of years old. However, unlike the other ancient races hailing from around the same time period, the Ixari have no ascended to a higher plane or even evolved much more in the past few millenia.

The Ixari hail from the verdant planet Ixan which was once in the North Western quadrant of the Milky Way. The planet was completely eradicated by a rampant supermassive black hole that managed to tear a massive region of that space appart. At this time, the Ixari Empire which was already locked in massive wars on several fronts, was eradicated completely.

A small number of Ixari escaped the catastrophe that was imminent on hastily constructed world ships. The date of the destruction of Ixan and their entire empire has still not been forgotten by the current denizens of the Ixari Forerunners, some of them from such an era thanks to their enitre personality and memorys being saved and implanted into a new cloned body.

These Ixari Remnants kept themselves away from galactic civilizations. Their race grew and their technological advancements carried on, untill this current point in time millenia later.

The Ixari High Council has decided that it is time to re-introduce the race into the galactic civilization, and share with it their philosophies, views, and their helping hands.

Nature of the Ixari
In nature the Ixari are an extremely friendly, docile nation. Their expansive protectorate treaty promises fair aide to those in need no matter what race they are, and no matter what political affilation, as long as they are not being hostile at the precise moment in time.

The Ixari tend to collect data from as many fronts as possible. For the time being the Ixari are happy with their technological prowess which suits them comforably, and are focusing on the cultures and biology of alien races of all kinds. The Ixari are quickly compiling an expansive database about the galaxy and its denizens and locations.

The biology of the Ixari race is a result of a low gravity environment like that of their homeworld. With the low gravity, their bodies have grown to many times the height of a human being. An avarage ixari is seventeen foot tall.

The Ixari skin is bleach white to reflect as much of the harmful ultraviolet radiation and heat coming from their blue sun, but over the course of their evolution it was no longer needed for the atmosphere of their planet changed drastically, and blocked out a huge amount of such radiation. However the light from their sun still penetrated of course, and the Ixari are used to extremely light conditions. Conditions like that of Earth would leave an Ixari almost blind.

The Ixari also have an extremely advanced vocal suite. Their language comprises of a massive array of subtle notes in code like form which is completely impossible for a race not similar to the Ixari to decifer or speak. However the Ixari can speak a massive range of other languages.


X'Ar - The planet X'Ar in the system of the same name was colonized only some 2000 years ago. The heavily forested world has been left largely alone by the small Ixari population with only one, yet vast, metropolis city in one of the planets desert equatorial regions.
It's in the right place.

If I see something out of place, I'll move it. :)
So it's a bit ridiculous that the only info I found on this on the wiki was like... three sentances compared to this.

Was this due to the Ixari being removed by request or not being expanded on/reinforced as time went by? It seems like a cool idea having ancient races/forerunner species lurking about with details/artifacts. I know there's a few that are actively maintained, but this sort of stuff is good for independent RPs to utilize/maybe even "reignite" these societies via tech/cultural findings.
The player brought the Ixari from another site he RPed on that was called Galaxy's Edge (Katsuko's Galaxy Expeditionary Group was a mission to that universe) and later Ad Infinitum (both now defunct). The YSS Nozomi made contact with them here in the SARPiverse where they were on Kxi'ran. But the player didn't stick around and we removed most traces of his faction from the setting because it was abandoned. I suppose if there was interest, our TOS would allow us to recycle this old content and make something with it.