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Approved Character Jannafette of the Xylem Sprawl

Just out of curiosity, what' s the holdup on determining her height (maybe length might be better for her since she's not an upright-standing creature?)?

@LittleWasp, perhaps this should be tweaked into an unaligned lawless world in one of the existing regions? Seeing the ease of body-mods and STs already in place, this place will fit right in among the various "dark space" worlds here. As long as there aren't any "alien" aliens, of course.
Just out of curiosity, what' s the holdup on determining her height (maybe length might be better for her since she's not an upright-standing creature?)?
I'm no good with measurements, so I've been avoiding it. The same goes for her weight. I just don't know what it ought to be.
I'm sure we could help figure it out, do you have an animal in mind that Jannafette would be the same size as? Cat? Dog? Large Dog? Tiger?
I do, indeed. She's meant to be about the length of an average human torso and her height being about half that of a house cat (mainly because of her stature).
So maybe we could say she's "a little less than a meter long" or something.
House cats are only ~10inches tall (source: I just googled it) You may just want her to be about that height as well since having her 5 inches tall would make her very flat looking.

I'd go with maybe 40 pounds for the weight? Heavy enough to knock things over but not too heavy to jump up on the sofa.
I'll use those suggestions for her page. Thank you!

Edit: I changed height to length and set it at 3 feet. Does that sound good?
If it sounds good to you, it works for me.

Character approved.

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