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Approved Character JARED BARRETT


Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
JARED BARRETT is a player character played by JJANS002.

Species & Gender: Nepleslian Male.
Year of Birth: YE 18 (20 years old)
Organization: Nepleslian Space Marine Corps.
Occupation: Sniper
Rank: Private
Preferred Plot: Any

Physical Description
Jared is 5’8”, 150 pounds and average build. He is tan, with blue eyes, and close cropped dirty blonde hair. He has cybernetic eyes implanted, because as a sniper they help with target acquisition and interface with his rifle. He has a tattoo down his right arm of a tribal design.

Jared is duty driven. He joined the Space Marines Corps as a way to get a better life from the crime and gangs on his home world. He sees them Corps as a organization that saved his life, so he believe he owes his life to them. He works hard, and will play harder. On his time off he will drink, and if he is drinking, he gets drunk. He has 2 modes, mission mode and non-mission mode. When he is on a mission, he will be all business no fun, but when he gets back he lets loose. As a Sniper, he has been trained to be cautious and patient, but he still has yet to test himself and does not truly know how he will react.
He doesn’t have close relationships yet, he wont let people in due to past trauma. He is slow to trust. When he joined the Corps, he left all attachments to friends and family back home and didn’t look back. There is little chance he will ever go back and visit them.

JARED was born in YE 18 in the city of Funky City. He does not remember his family as they sold him to a criminal gang when he was very young. He grew up in crime, as a child, asked to steal things, be lookouts and just generally the small stuff that children are usually good at. Getting into small spaces and what not. He ran afoul of authorities, running up a precious rap sheet in a small amount of time. The entire time he was committing crimes was for his survival and not because he liked it. If one of the children failed at a task, they were beaten for their failure. Jared learned quickly it was less painful to be successful than to fail. He bided his time til he was old enough to join the military, and never looked back.

Social Connections
Jared has no connections apart from those typical to a Space Marine pretty fresh out of boot camp.

Skills Learned
Optional section. JARED has the following notable skills:

Nepleslia Sniper Training
Nepleslia Marine Fighting and Physical training
Nepleslia Marine Strategy (Tactics & Discipline) training
Nepleslia Marine Survival Training
Nepleslia Marine Communication Training
Technology Operations

Inventory & Finance
JARED has the following:

M3 Assault Weapon
Utility Combat Knife M01A
Marine Combat Axe Model 01c
Revolver, HHG ‘High Hybrid Gun’, with 2 extra HJP magazines
Nepleslian Standard Issue Equipment
Designated Sharpshooter Rifle, Model 1

Character Will
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):
Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more? YES
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The NSMC does not have the rank Private Third Class. We use Private First Class, if you'd prefer to not be a Private but want to be a new player.

Only other complaint is that "Other Necessary Military Equipment" is very vague and needs to be removed. You can find a list of standard NSMC equipment here: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=nepleslia:standard_issue_equipment

The additional equipment can be OK'd by the GM of your plot (such as the W3301), so nothing to add on that. And since you've not spoken to me, I assume this is a character for the NSS Inquiry. Once these things are fixed, the character looks fine from the FM perspective. Tagging the GM of the plot so that they can see this character. @GrammarPaladin
Ill go ahead and edit all the issues, but this was on the Wiki for creating a Nepleslian

"If you are just starting out and in the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, then you will have the private third class rank"

I was looking at some other pages for the equipment, sorry about the issues.
Must be a relic. I'll go ahead and correct it. That seems to have been from back when the Military was ONE branch versus split into the Navy and Marines.
As a GM I don't see any particular problem with this character, the only thing that I noticed is that Jared Barrett has no wiki page yet.

Regardless, I still APPROVE of this character! Just get a wiki page going my dude, i'll send you a message!
It looks really good!

Mind if I fix formatting up (the red links are broken until they're salmon-colored, inventory could be a bullet list, more things can be linked, etc)? Or I can walk you through how to do those things.

Just let me know here or on discord! ^^
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