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RP: Abwehrans [-Jaspis-] Second Chances

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Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
((OOC: okay, this first post is going to include a small summary of what should have been happening IC-ly with the Abwehrans. I apologize for not keeping up with them so far and I will probably make a few self-post later on to roleplay some of the major highlights of the time that has past, but for now I’m just going give everyone the highlights so you can get the setting and mood of how things are going now))

Alpha Patrol
Near Frontier II Station
AF 259

The vast void that was space was a beautiful site to behold, even from the view port of a military vessel of His Majesty’s Weltraumflotte. Kommodore Leah Adler gazed out of her day cabin’s view port as she rested her eyes from the amount of paper work she had to contend with. Major policy changes were being planned and argued over as she sat here and patrolled this lonely sector of space with her HMS Dauntless and two other destroyers (the HMS Fearless and HMS Grenadier). With the arrival and sudden withdrawal of the Star Army of Yamatai from the Jaspis System, Kommodore Adler had been the focal point of the entire debacle.

Being dropped down to a Squadron Commander, since the High Command couldn’t afford to demote a good officer, Leah was pushed back to this lonely sector of space. Everyone on Abwehr has mixed feelings about her and the first contact scenario. Some claimed her a hero to isolationism, other frowned upon her handling of a diplomatic situation (even though there hadn’t even been enough time for diplomatic relations), and the rest just saw their first chance at meeting creatures outside the solar system fly away and were crushed. The latter’s resulting despair turned to anger at her and decided to exile her to this portion of the solar system.

The Kommodore really didn’t care about this exile; it was merely just another station. She couldn’t help but worry about her subordinates, since their morale had plummeted with the change in station. After all, Frontier I had been a prime station with the major mining facility on the planet it orbited. Frontier II was on the opposite side of the solar system and built into a mined-out asteroid that was the former mining station of the Verdienstorden fascists, almost the anti-thesis of Frontier I, a punishment station where the politicians of the Empire exiled their officers that had screwed up.

But the Kommodore knew her exile was more than just covering up a screw up. With one matter out of the way, the government could concentrate on trying to create new military build-up plans. Kommodore Adler had suggested a plan of her own, but it was a plan that too many people agreed with and none of them were in the highest ranks of power. Those people wanted the Kommodore who had made first contact out of the way and the mixed feelings of the people of Abwehr had allowed them to do it.

Sighing, the squadron commander pinched her nose and went back to her paper work. Her flag captain should be able to take care of things while she was stuck doing house cleaning. Little did Kommodore Leah Adler know, that the universe was filled with second chances.


The Center for Science Enrichment (CSEIA)
Council of Deans Meeting Room

"… And the Faculty of Rapid Assembly has fallen behind their projected output quotas this month.” Cephei read off the notice from the computer panel on the conference table before him. Though designed to seat twelve, only three people were in the room at the moment; He himself the Dean of Academic Cultivation, Nashira the Dean of Boundless Creations, and Izar the Dean of Rapid Assembly.

“Don’t even think about blaming us!” Izar spat angrily. He glared at the seemingly disinterested woman beside him. “The Faculty of Boundless Creations blew out three gravity generators this week! We’ve had to divert considerable resources to repairs and replacements.”

“I admit,” Nashira said icily. “We may have overestimated the maximum capacity of the generators. We were only able to generate a field of 32Gs before the system overloaded. But according to design specifications they’re supposed to be able to safely handle up to 35Gs.”

“Yes, but not for an entire month straight! Not at that intensity, at least.” Izar threw his hands in the air. “Of course they’re going to overload if you run them that long!”

“It’s not as if we have a choice.” Nashira snapped, growing irritated. “We need to perfect that high intensity antimatter containment system by the end of next quarter if we’re going to fulfill our weapons contract on schedule.”

“Settle down, the both of you. You’re scientists, not squabbling commoners.” Cephei cut in, growing weary of their petty squabbling. “Now, let’s turn the discussion to something a bit more productive.” He turned to Izar. “Alternatives?”

Izar seemed to forget about his quarrel with the woman as he pondered the question. “Well, we won’t have time to produce the generators quickly enough for Boundless Creations to finish their contract. We could purchase some industrial-grade ones from Nepleslia or Yamatai, but the costs for a rush purchase would be quite hefty. Hmm… Oh, hold on. What about natural gravity fields?”

Nashira nodded thoughtfully. “Perhaps. Savant, bring up a starmap. Forty AU cubed, centered on the station.” The lights dimmed as the table’s projector came to life, displaying a map across the table. “Color the map based on local gravitational field strength.

“How about down near… No, that’s still a war zone at the moment. Hmm… What about this one, here?” Izar pointed at a bright orange blur on the map. “Looks like a gas giant. It may be sufficient for the prolonged high gravity you need. I think you could safely increase the total gravity using some of the station’s older generators too… I think you could easily hit at least 25G without much effort.”

“Good.” Nashira nodded. “I’ll make the preparations immediately. We’ll be ready to deploy within about six hours. In the meantime, I’ll need someone to survey the location for the standard hazards.”

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to do the survey. I haven’t been out of the station in a month.” Cephei sighed and slumped in his seat. “It’s been quiet all week. Not a single applicant to investigate and visit. And I’ll go mad if I listen to another one of Professor Diphda’s seminars on hyperspatial engineering.”

“Very well.” Nashira smiled, apparently somewhat amused. “Just the standard fare. Gravimetric, magnetic, and radiant energy sweeps. I’ll have the Savants Guild upload the specifics to the ship.”

“Anything else, or are we finished here?” The Izar chimed in as he stood up.

Cephei glanced down at the monitor before him. “Negative. Meeting adjourned, I suppose. See you all next week.”


Aboard a undesignated CSEIA "Peeper" Vessel
Several minutes later

Cephei leaned back in his seat, looking away from the sensor console a moment. The teleoperation of the Savants Guild would automatically imput the coordinates and jump for him, so there was little need for him to do anything but wait. He simply took a sip from his soft drink and sighed as his thoughts turned elsewhere. Nashira was quite a looker, but he knew he had no chance with her. It just wouldn’t work between two Deans. It was too bad, too. Her heart was in the right place… Her thighs too… Her breasts…

“Proximity warning.” The Savant computer chimed in, interrupting his line of thought. “Artificial entities detected at target destination. Entering normal space 5 AU from intended target. Diverting power to defensive ECM and ECCM. Awaiting further instructions.”

Cephei quickly put his drink aside and pulled up the ships sensor feed. A handful of defensive outposts. Had SMX territory advanced since the last telescope sweep? No. They would already have sent interceptor craft by now if that was the case. Yamataian? No, they have detected him long ago, too. Pirate, perhaps? Maybe, but CSEIA’s criminal contacts would have alerted them to something as significant as a base this close to the Center.

“How very curious.” He mused to himself as he read the data before him. It didn't match any organization the Center had encountered thusfar. Strange, considering the Center was only a short distance from this system. Had they been hiding from the Center, or did they simply prefer keeping to themselves?

“Savant, prepare a multispectral sensor ping. Full power, system wide. Let’s see what else is hiding in this system." He scratched his chin in thought. "Though that may attracted unwanted attention if these stations turn out to be housing hostile craft… Savant, have two security Peepers and jump to my coordinates. Armed and weapons hot, of course."

“Acknowledged. Automated combat units will arrive within two minutes.”

Cephei bit his lip. He was probably going to regret waking up the entire system like this, but he couldn’t help it. He was a scientist, after all. To him, his curiosity was the driving force behind his entire existence. "Activate the sensor ping."


HMS Dauntless (Alpha Patrol)
Near Frontier II

" to the bridge," a nearly panicked call broke the squadron commander from her work. Kommodore Adler couldn't help but frown in confusion as she pressed the comm. button on her desk, "On my way Communications," she reponded. With a bit of relief she could get away from the paper work, she left her day cabin heading towards the bridge.


All over the system, warships came to high alert and civilian vessels headed to port. What could be seen from a system-wide scan would be nearly a couple hundred-odd vessels all spread out over the system along with orbital infrastructure surrounding each and every planet and moon in the system. The majority of the singles would be coming from the Gas Giant known as Jaspis IV to the people of the System. The second largest concentration was orbiting the second planet from the system's star, six orbital stuctures orbiting one world. One structure was strange however. A large man-made structure about nine AU from the system's star, six signals could be seen leaving it and heading in their direction. It was strange that they would begin to move while the rest of the system seemed to be in a panic.


Entering the bridge, Kommodore Adler entered a hectic arena of military prowess. Even with their exile to Frontier II, she had kept up with military discipline and right now it was paying off as her Flag Captain was barking orders. "Status report, Mr. Chandler." she spoke as she sat down at her chair.

"A moment ago, all our systems began to catch interference very much like what we caught when the Star Army of Yamatai came in," the four-armed Surfacer male replied as his Squadron Commander frowned.

"So we can only assume that a modern vessel is out there some where..."

"We were able to triangulate the source using Frontier II's systems. It'd take too long to get comfirmation from HQ, but we're headed in the general direction now. Bravo Patrol with the Lancer, Archer, and Berserker will be joining up with us as she pass Frontier II. At full military power, we'll reach the general search area in 1.8 hours," he reported as he smirked at his Kommodore's approval.

"Excellent, Captain." she replied as she looked at her plot. "Have the squadron enter formation as we go, I don't want to leave anyone behind," she ordered. Besides...we never know what we'll exactly find.


CSEIA Peeper Vessel
Near the edge of Jaspis System

"Hmm. A colonized system." Cephei looked over the data the ship was receiving. "You're getting a live feed on this are you, Savant?"

"Yes. All data is being copied and sent via teleoperation uplink with the Center." The Savant replied. "I have seen fit to arm and prepare several more security units in the event you should require it. They will be positioned one light year away from your location, ready to jump in as soon as we detect hostile activity. And on a similar note, the two Peepers you requestioned should be jumping into system... Now."

Two more Peepers of similar design appeared beside his own. However, unlike his these mounted three coherent laser cannons on their modular hardpoints, as well as a rack of antimatter missiles. Not strong enough to fend off a fleet, but between their high agility and electronic warfare capabilities they could certainly hold their own against enemy units.

"Excellent, but I don't think further reinforcements will be needed. There are a handful of vessels incoming, but..." He double checked the sensor data. Odd. "They appear to be moving slow. Quite slow. I seriously doubt they're pose a threat to our vessels at that speed." He paused as he realized the significance of this. "You know, I think we may have stumbled across a barbarian civilization here. How quaint!"

"As standard protocol dictates, the Dean of Bureaucratic Operations has already been alerted to this discovery. Regarding the approaching vessels, what would your next course of action be? Contact, engage, or retreat from them?"

"Hmm... I think we should play with-- Gather data on them." Cephei quickly corrected himself. He hoped the Dean of Bureaucratic Operations hadn't heard that over the uplink. After all, he was gathering data. Would it hurt to toy with the barbarians a bit while he was doing so? "Sever your uplink with my vessel and reroute the connection through the comm arrays of the escorts."

"Done." The Savant replied promptly.

"Switch my ship's comm array to ECM mode. Set course to intercept the approaching vessels. When we're within range, scramble their sensors and long range communications, and move us into close proximity for a deep scan. Have the escorts record and forward the data to my own console and the Center." Cephei paused for a moment as he tried to recall if he had forgotten anything else. "Oh! And run a translation protocol and attempt to intercept any messages they may be sending."

"Setting course. Changing escort behavior to defensive mode. Running electronic warfare and reactive translation processes. We'll be in jamming range in 40 seconds, deep scan position within 120 seconds."

In perfect sync, the three teleoperated vessels turned and made their way to intercept the approaching vessels. They closed the distance much more quickly than their targets as they reached velocities a significant fraction of light speed. Cephei's Peeper then began to bombard the incoming squadron with intense signals intended to overwhelm sensors and drown out transmissions.

Cephei mused to himself as he waited for the vessels to enter deep scan range. This would be a good opportunity to see the true colors of the race, not hidden behind diplomatic masks. Were they perhaps xenophobic, or aggressive to the point they would immediately attempt to attack? Or perhaps sincere enough in their hopes for peace that they would attempt to pursue peaceful contact despite the provocation. Perhaps they would simply sit there and panic, feeling blind and overwhelmed? Yes, this was a rare opportunity to gauge the disposition of the race before diplomatic contact. One could even call it a psychological experiment of sorts.

He smiled to himself as he watched the sensor feed before him intently, waiting for the squadron to react. "Your move."


The entire bridge crew seemed tense at the moment as the squadron closed on the general direction of the previous signals. Only for the sensor operator to snarl in anger. "By the void! They're jamming us!" he cursed as the Kommodore merely kept her eyes on her plot. "Ma'am...they're disrupting our sensors on passive and active," the sensors operator reported.

"I can see that quite fine, Sensors," Leah replied as she activated forward imaging systems. Zooming in, she could only see three ships coming towards them at speeds faster than her own. "Activate point defense systems and target via visual comfirmation, but don't activate offensive systems just yet." she ordered before looking towards her Flag Captain with her typically expressionless face she had when in command. "Order all ships to execute a charged graviton pulse from their Gravimetric Radar at my command," she said as her second in command gave her a confused look.

"Aye, Kommodore," the officer replied as he turned to the communications specialist and barked orders.


A matter of minutes later, all six ships unleashed a spherical wave of gravitons. A strange system of detection, the Gravimetric Radar acted much like radar itself. Instead of the normal method of using radio waves, it used a wave of gravitons that were sent out from the ship only to reflect off of objects back towards the source. It was the main active radar and in charged pulse mode its range would be increased from the normal setting.

A charged pulse from a Gravimetric Radar was also known around the Abwehran Empire as a ship's way of say, "Hey, cut that shit out!".


"Cheeky little buggers, aren't they?" Cephei laughed as the ship neared the squadron and began to orbit at close range. "Level headed. Adaptive. Not overly aggressive. A good sign. We may be able to deal with these people. It certainly appears they will be a refreshing change from having to make dealings with the criminal sector. Yes, very good."

"Warning." The Savant chimed. "Possible weapons tracking detected. Changing flight pattern to erratic. Increasing orbit velocity. Reinforcing shields. Selecting firing targets. Permission to engage?"

"No. Proceed with the deep scan first. Defensive behavior mode only."

"Command confirmed. Beginning deep scan process. Please wait."

Cephei watched intently as the data began to pour in. As he suspected, their technology was quite limited. Their biology was... Somewhat unusual, but still with humanoid roots. Atmosphere wasn't radically different. Some trace elements, but nothing significant. He continued to look over the data, but slowly realized that this method would only achieve little. Soon he would have to choose between engaging, fleeing, or establishing contact.

"First stage of deep scan complete." The Savant informed him. "More detailed data on entity will require a second stage of scanning, and at least another 20 minutes. Continue?"

This was it. Time to choose. "Negative, thats enough for now. Prepare multifrequency broadcast to the entire squadron. Use any computer data gleaned by the scan to best estimate language patterns, and transmit the message in said language. Message as follows: The Center for Science Enrichment finds it most gratifying that you have shown interest in our automated research craft. As such, we have determined that you will not object to the sending of further vessels to perform research in the orbit of this system's gas giant. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have successfully received and understood this message, send reply using the electromagnetic frequency of your choosing. Send message."

"Command confirmed. Broadcasting." Cephei carefully watched the console before him as the three Peepers continued this erratic orbit of the squadron. He anxiously took another sip of his soft drink as he awaited a reply.


"We're getting a signal ma'am," the communications officer reported as she began to listen and run it through the computer system. After a moments time, the young Nightwalker woman looked up. "We're using the same language set up we developed from out encounter with the Yamataians to translate," she said as she put the transmission up.

The Center for Science Enrichment finds it most gratifying that you have shown interest in our automated research craft. As such, we have determined that you will not object to the sending of further vessels to perform research in the orbit of this system's gas giant. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have successfully received and understood this message, send reply using the electromagnetic frequency of your choosing.

Frowning, Kommodore Adler looked up at her Flag Captain. "Center for Science Enrichment?"

"A faction within those Yamataian's government? Or a separate one altogether?" the Flag Captain suggested questioningly.

"Hmmm...I guess we'll have to ask them up front," she replied before looking over at her comm. officer. "Record this and send it via radio," Adler ordered before speaking. "To Enrichment Center Ships: This is Kommodore Leah Adler of the Abwehran Imperial Weltraumflotte, Squadron Commander of the 102nd Destroyer Squadron. Though we are glad you are not hostile, we would appreciate that you use diplomatic negotiations deciding whether or not you are allowed to conduct research within Abwehran Imperial territory. We would be glad to escort you to proper negotiators if you would like to proceed with talks."

With a nod, the communications officer finished recording and send the message on its way.


Cephei swore under his breath. Politics was so tiresome. Maybe he should have returned to the Center after all. "Message as follows: Acknowledged. We will cease and desist our electronic warfare so that you may contact your hierarchs. Savant, make it so."

"Command confirmed." The Savant replied.

"Continue message as follows: On a similar note, this won't take too long, will it? Between the horrendously slow cruising speed of your ships and the bureaucratic squabbling of your superiors I mean. Boundless Creations is scheduled to begin weapons testing within six hours, and Nashira gets rather cross when she falls behind schedule. I really hope she doesn't end up sending another missile bombardment to clear out the system again. That last one put quite a strain on our budget..."

He trailed off as he remembered he would need to contact Nashira about the situation as well. He dreaded doing so, however, because she could be quite hot tempered when things didn't go her way. Perhaps it would be best to wait and let the Dean of Bureaucratic Operations inform her. In the mean time, first things first. "Oh, right. Savant, send the message. And desist erratic flight behavior and assume formation around the squadron."

"Commands confirmed. Switching flight behavior to standard orbit. Awaiting reply." The Savant said. Silence then filled the ship as he patiently awaited a reply. Cephei wondered if he had time for a nap while he waited for the politicians to finish their squabbling. But of course that could take days, weeks, perhaps even months. He winced at the thought of Nashira ordering an interstellar bombardment of the system. That would mean some big budget cutbacks this year. Hopefully the Dean of Bureaucratic Operations would keep her in check. Administration always had a cool head when it came to these sort of things.


Acknowledged. We will cease and desist our electronic warfare so that you may contact your hierarchs. On a similar note, this won't take too long, will it? Between the horrendously slow cruising speed of your ships and the bureaucratic squabbling of your superiors I mean. Boundless Creations is scheduled to begin weapons testing within six hours, and Nashira gets rather cross when she falls behind schedule. I really hope she doesn't end up sending another missile bombardment to clear out the system again. That last one put quite a strain on our budget...

"By the void...are all people outside of Jaspis like this," the Flag Captain griped as he dry-washed his face with his upper hands.

"He's just another person like we are," the Kommodore replied before sighing and motioning to her communications officer. "To Enrichment Center Ships: Since we definitely wouldn't want something like that to occur," she smiled with dry humor. "We'll allow you to conduct your experiments as negotiations commence," she said before pausing to think. "Though I must warn you, I don't know how far my word will go, but I'm sure it would be allowable for such an experiment to be conducted if proper safety measures are taken. The Gas Giant you are referring to is what the Abwehran homeworld orbits around, so it would be appreciated if you could be careful around the Jaspis IV Cluster." the Kommodore motioned for the comm. officer to send the message before looking over at her helmsman and astrogator. "Plot a course towards Weltraumflotte HQ, .4 c. We don't want to run our engines too hard and prepare another message, laser communication." she ordered.

"Aye, ma'am," a string of soldiers chorused as they went about their duty, the comm. officer awaiting the message.

"To Weltraumflotte HQ: Code Firebird - Char - Zero - Two. Escorting visitors to Headquarters. They plan to conduct experiments on Jaspis IV, so restrict civilian traffic in the region. HMS Dauntless, Kommodore Leah Adler commanding." she dictated before nodding and having the message sent.

"You know, Kommodore, people are going to not like us returning. Especially with foreigners." the Flag Captain replied.

"All too well, Captain. All too well."


"Savant, has Administration been monitoring the situation through the station uplink?" Cephei queried the computer.

"Confirmed." The Savant replied. "The Dean of Bureaucratic Operations as well as several professors have been monitoring the channel."

"Is the Dean watching right now?"

"Acknowledged. Shall I open up a private channel to him?"

"You read my mind, Savant. Make it so." Cephei turned his gaze back to the monitoring panel. The screen changed to a camera view of a cluttered room, filled with books and papers of all sort. Behind a desk sat the Dean of Bureaucratic Operations. He was short, a little stocky, bald on top, white hair fringed his head, and he had plump rosy cheeks. He seemed distracted as he watched the panel on his desk, but his eyes sparkled with a certain intelligent. He looked up from his panel, and nodded in greeting. "Rasalgethi. I was wondering how far you'd go on your own before contacting me."

Cephei shrugged. "I like doing things on my own. Otherwise I wouldn't be the Dean of Academic Cultivation, would I?"

"True, true." The old man gave him a jolly smile. "Well, I've looked over the sensor data you sent, along with the ping echo. It looks like they have quite a significant population in the system."

"I was thinking..." Cephei began hesitantly, but was cut off by the other Dean.

"Yes, they would be an ideal source of test subjects, labor, and perhaps even military personnel." The Dean sighed. "You have no idea how troublesome it is dealing with those pirate mercenaries on a daily basis. I'm almost tempted to pull a Nashira and wipe out their outposts completely."

Cephei laughed. "Speaking of Nashira, is she aware of the situation?"

The old man nodded. "I think she took it fairly well. Regardless, her mission is now second priority. I want you to survey their industrial capabilities. If we can pocket a nation with a powerful industrial base to manufacture everything we need, it'll significantly expand our annual budget. And keep an eye out for political fragmentation. If we can spark a civil war of some sort, we may be able to make quite a killing by selling arms. If we're lucky, maybe even install a puppet dictator and pocket the whole race."

"You Bureaucrats always think so political." Cephei shook his head. "Still, you're right, acquiring a large scale industrial base would considerably strengthen the Center."

"I'm putting five million in resource vouchers in an escrow account for initial negotiations. Start of by trying to rent use of their industrial base and acquiring right-of-passage permission so we can finish that anti-matter containment system. See what their going rate is on slaves and prisoners as well, we could use some more. If you need more, drop an uplink."

"I'll get too it." Cephei nodded.

"Stay safe." The old man gave him a small wave.

"Always do." The picture vanished. Cephei paused a moment, then turned to leave the bridge. "In the mean time, I think I'll have a snack!"


Weltraumflotte HQ
+5 hours after contact

A few hours later, the squadron of Weltraumflotte destroyers and the trio of CSEIA ships came ever closer to the primary Gas Giant in the Jaspis System, or at least to a certain spot in orbit. The closer they came, the larger a certain facility came to be. A massive structure, the Military Orbital Space Station designated Weltraumflotte HQ was a sight to behold. With a length of 25 kilometers, a depth of 80 kilometers, and a height of 40 kilometers, the Kommodore of the Destroyer Squadron couldn't help but wonder if their 'visitors' had ever seen an orbital facility this vast. Then again, they probably have somewhere before, so it wouldn't have mattered. The massive station looked like a massive cylinder with a structure orbiting it, though the massive structure of pylons and massive rectangular panels was merely rotating around the cylinder providing both offensive and defensive weapon on the scale of obscenity. The station itself could wipe out the entire Weltraumflotte Home Fleet if it wanted too, and it was only one of several stations in the system.

The answer Kommodore Adler received had surprised her greatly. Not only had they allowed the CSEIA ships permission to conduct their experiment while any negotiations took place, they were even welcoming her back with open arms. "A fickle people, Bureaucrats." she muttered to herself as she stepped back onto the bridge after having a meal with her senior officers. "Prepare to send a message," she ordered her Communications Officer before sitting down at her chair.

"To CSEIA ships: Welcome to Weltraumflotte Headquarters," she began as the station seemed to fill 3/4ths of her viewscreen. "I have received word from High Command that you have been granted official permission to conduct your experiments within the regions of this station. It will be some time before we can have a proper diplomatic envoy prepared, since we are bringing certain individuals from the homeworld. Therefore, you can conduct your experiments without having to worry about the bureaucracy," she said before chuckling to herself. "If there are any restrictions needed for a meeting, biological needs and such, I've been assigned as your liaison while you're in-system so you can message me if needed. HMS Dauntless, out." she finished her message and had it sent to the lead ship.


"Incoming message." The Savant chimed.

Cephei woke with a start when he heard the voice. Crap. Had he fallen asleep? He wiped some drool from the corner of his mouth. "Ugh. If we ever get as far as negotiations, we need to get these poor barbarians some better engines."

"Noted. Would you like to hear the message?"

"What? Oh, yes." He sat up in the chair when he noticed the large station before him, and wiped some sleep from his eyes. Much larger than the Center. If CSEIA could manage to get ahold of an industrial base and supply center like this system, they would be able to expand their operations tenfold...

"To CSEIA ships: Welcome to Weltraumflotte Headquarters. I have received word from High Command that you have been granted official permission to conduct your experiments within the regions of this station. It will be some time before we can have a proper diplomatic envoy prepared, since we are bringing certain individuals from the homeworld. Therefore, you can conduct your experiments without having to worry about the bureaucracy," she said before chuckling to herself. "If there are any restrictions needed for a meeting, biological needs and such, I've been assigned as your liaison while you're in-system so you can message me if needed. HMS Dauntless, out."

Cephei cleared his throat and said, "Acknowledged Dauntless. I'm going to have the Savant fill you in on the details. It -- Or, they depending on your perception of intelligence -- is the station's integrated polysentient supercomputer network. Savant, a brief overview?"

A different voice cut in. It was somewhat monotone, but spoke in clear male oriented voice. "We will be experimenting with high intensity antimatter containment units within the gas giant's gravitational field. Be forewarned, however, that in the event of a containment breach any ship within up to five AU of the blast point will be in danger of sustaining damage. We will try to maintain orbits that avoid proximity with artificial satellites, but local evacuation is still recommended. Please note the Center holds no responsibility for property damage in the event of such a containment failure, as improbable as such a disaster may be. This includes, but is not limited to, artificial satellite destruction, ship destruction, loss of valuable resource deposits in local asteroid belts, or the changing of planetary orbits. We thank you for choosing to cooperate with The Center, your number one choice for both legal and black technology research, as well as mercenary liaison and arms dealing needs. CSEIA: The solution in search of a problem."

Cephei's voice cut in once the Savant was finished. "So thats the word. Nashira and some Boundless Creation vessels should arrive within the next six hour window to work out the technical details. In the mean time it sounds like we have some time to kill, don't we? Shall I jump back to The Center in the mean time and await a signal from one of my automated escorts, or..." Cephei paused. "Would you fancy giving me a tour of your ship? I'll show you mine if you show me yours, as it were. Though I'm afraid Peepers are automated short-range vessels, so they're relatively small and spartan."


The Kommodore frowned as she listened to the briefing. "Five AU!" one of the operators on the bridge choked as he got a glance from the squadron commander. Nodding to the comm. officer, Adler cleared her throat before going on. "As you can see, our ships are relatively short-ranged themselves, so I believe we can arrange a tour," the Kommodore commented before going on. "However, I'd like to note that there are two inhabited moons within that five AU blast range you mentioned, as well as several mining settlements, civilian orbital space stations, and military assets. You mentioned damage, but how much damage are we talking about?" she asked.

"I'd rather not have the death of civilians on my mind if your experiment were to blow up in our faces," she spoke before pondering slightly. "Is there anyway we can minimize the consequences if the experiment should fail?"


"Look," Cephei sighed. He hated politics. "Collateral damage isn't our concern. If we had the extra funding or the proper industrial base, we could probably set up another Hotlab in orbit here, but we don't have the resources to waste over such a petty project. You may have the industrial base and spare resources to waste on such superfluous things but... we..." His voice slowly faded as he came to a realization. They had the industrial base, material resources, and most importantly, willingness to help. Why couldn't they build the Center another Hotlab?

"On second thought, maybe you can. If you would be so willing as to aid us in our negotiations. Your race, simple as it is, apparently the resources and industrial base to build such huge stations. We, however, have the technology to build Hotlabs with enough fortification to withstand anything up to, and quite possibly including, a black hole collapse. You know what? If your bureaucrats would allow us to utilize your industrial base, we could easily produce the heavy gravity generators we need so we won't even need to use the gas giant at all!"


Kommodore Leah Adler allowed the scientist to speak as she crossed her legs and pondered. What he was saying was definitely better than what he had intended to do before. "It is a sound plan," she replied before sighing. "But that's only if your people are willing to deal with us." she stated before sitting up straight. "We may have more resources than you, but those resoures are still finite. I'm a mere squadron commander from our frontier station and as such, I'm not too well-informed about current events. But I believe it would be in both are best interests to work together." she said almost conversationally now.

"After all, it is easy to note that we need better technology and the knowledge to build and maintain such levels in order to expand our territory and resources. it is also easy to see that your Center needs out infrastructure for its interests. So I think any negotiations the Abwehran Star Empire and the CSEIA start will probably go smoothly." the Kommodore stated before looking around her bridge. "If you don't mind, the rest of my squadron will dock the station while we go into an orbit. If you ship has a docking port or hatch, you are permitted to dock with us so that we can meet face to face."


"As you wish, Kommodore Leah Adler. Savant, dock with the flagship. Stationary lock, weapons safe." With a last glance at the console to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything, he stood up and left the bridge, moving towards the back of the ship.

"Docking via the starboard research module hatch." The Savant said.

As Cephei passed through the residential common room, he smiled. Research papers, half-eaten instant food, and cans of empty soft drink littered the room. It reminded him all too well of his own days at the Center's university. Quietly laughing to himself, he climbed the angled ladder into the starboard research module. It was mostly empty at the moment, the while walls bare of anything except power sockets, computer uplinks, and a large airlock to one side. He made his way over to the airlock.

He paused for a moment, checking his coat for crumbs of the snacks he was eating earlier. Satisfied that he was clean, he fixed his collar and straightened his posture. This was contact with a previously undiscovered race, after all. Even he would be somewhat nervous at times like this. Cephei cleared his throat and patiently waited for the far side of the airlock to open.

As both ships began to cycle through to equalize, both ships would find the atmosphere different from each other. Onboard the Dauntless, atmospheric pressure was 0.2 BAR above human norm with some trace elements, but it was nothing too severe to tax the foreign scientist. What could affect him was the higher oxygen content of Abwehran air compared to human norm.

As the doors finally decided to open, with both computer systems believing it safe, Cephi would come upon his first visual sighting of the Abwehrans. There, directly in the middle of the passage into the Dauntless, stood a 5'11" tall, pale woman in what looked like the Abwehran's version of a uniform. The attire included a tight, obviously padded, black turtle neck shirt with symbols on collar, shoulders, and right-side breast combined with a pair of black cargo pants and black, polished boots. The tight shirt didn't leave much to the imagination of how well conditioned she was as a shoulder or the fact that she was very much a woman. With shoulder-length black hair flowing down her head and clashing with her pale skin, it left the impression of exotic beauty. But a pair of thick, dark goggles dashed that as they covered her eyes from view.

Beside the airlock, just inside and off to the sides, were a pair of large, four-armed men dressed in similar attire only with forest green turtleneck shirts. Reaching heights above six feet, they had a similar build that one would find in Id-Sol's of Nepleslia and didn't wear the goggles that their Kommodore wore. They even held light tans compared to their squadron commander, almost the anti-thesis of the more toned, lithe woman.

<"Welcome aboard,"> the woman greeted in Abwehran with a polite smile before clearing her throat. "I must apologize if I sound.....weird or slow," she then went on to saying in English. "After that Yamatai flotte, entered Jaspis a quarter revolution ago, I've been practicing their language," she went on slowly. "I am Kommodore Leah Adler," she greeted calmly.

"Oh, quite the fascinating specimens!" Cephei Rasalgethi cried as he shuffled through the hatch. He glided over to one of the guards and slowly circled, inspecting him with a piercing gaze. And began muttering quietly to himself. "Bipedal, secondary sets of forelimbs, perceivably greater stamina...Very good. If these personnel accurately represent even a minor fraction of your race's physiological specifications, then perhaps we have finally found a viable alternative to mercenary and slaves without resorting to costly clone growing processes. I believe Provost will be quite pleased. Oh yes."

Finally he broke away from the guard and moved over to the Kommodore. He straightened his posture and gave her a bright smile. "But today I am a diplomat and not a scientist, so normally superfluous things such as mannerisms and ceremony must be attended to prior to satisfying my scientific curiosity. Do forgive my ramblings, I forget myself from time to time. Ahem." He cleared his throat. "I am Academician Cephei Rasalgethi, Dean of Academic Cultivation and Vice Provost for Center Affairs. Simply call me Dr. Rasalgethi, or what ever title your culture dictates is most appropriate. As I may have mentioned in passing, I am from the Center for Scientific Enrichment and Information Acquisition. Though my appearance may be similar to that of the Yamatai, don't do me dishonor of comparing me to those narrow-minded, dogmatic swine. We are worlds apart, they and I. Us and them. They and we. Oh, you get the point."

The guard could only eye Cephei as the scientist's eyes roved over him. Kommodore Adler, on the other hand, remained patient with her guest, her prehensile tail swaying and twitching as she waiting for the man to finish his assessment and greet her. "All well and good Dr. Rasalgethi, but please...try not to look over my Marine's in such a manner." she replied as she motioned for him to fall in beside her before beginning to walk down the corridor, the two Marines falling in behind them.

"And all male Abwehrans are like that, Doctor. Whether they are Night-dweller or Surfacer," she commented without explaining. "Though I am quite surprised by the fact you are different from the Yamataians. Then again, they left only a few moments after contacting us while you stayed." the taller woman replied as she gracefully stepped over the lip of a bulkhead and onto the metal floor of her destroyer's main corridor. "Academic Cultivation," she repeated slowly as if trying to translate in her head. " you're in charge of your organization' program?" she asked calmly before turning to walked down the main corridor. "And...second in command of your administration?"

The Doctor nodded thoughtfully to himself as his gaze flickered to her tail briefly. How many limbs does this race have? Hmm, I wonder if we could engineer their tails to have greater muscle mass and perhaps act as a heavy lifting mechanism? We'd have to compensate by lowing the center of gravity to maintain balance and increasing... He trailed off when he finally realized the Kommodore had fallen silent, awaiting his reply. He smiled apologetically and turned his gaze back up to her face. Those goggles...would make it harder to read her expressions, and might end up being troublesome when trying to read her body language to gain the edge during negotiations. She mentioned something about night-dwellers... A nocturnal variant of the species, perhaps? He'd have to ask when he had the opportunity.

"Eh? Oh, I suppose I am in a sense, though not in the traditional sense. Let me explain something. There are some individuals in society that may have talents and capabilities in unique fields, but because they do not fit into the standard pattern of employment they may appear lazy and ineffectual. For example, there was once a particularly bright biologist working as a scientist for a corporation. But due to the bureaucratic slog that was corporate research, she became quite dispassionate about her work, and therefore appeared little more than average scientist on paper. We brought her to the Center; An autonomous environment unhindered by laws and bureaucracy, and composed of intelligent minds open to just about any idea possible. Then we gave her the opportunity to pick and choose from any field imaginable, including so-called 'taboo' technologies. Her intellectual curiosity grew rampant, her passion for her work was rekindled, and a few years later she became one of the galaxy's top retroviral engineers."

"This is the sort of reason my staff and I exist, you see. We search for, track down, and personally assess potential applicants before inviting them to the Center. While its quite time consuming, we find it is a much more effective means of assessing someone's potential that silly standardized testing that national governments use. Potential geniuses slip through the cracks almost daily in Yamatai, you know. Such a shame." He became silent for a moment before continuing. "We retain most of our students afterwards, nearly all of them continuing on to work permanently in the Center's research branches. For this reason our annual recruitment numbers are extremely low in comparison to other institutions, so most of the time I'm left to idle at the Center itself. To keep myself busy I often do other miscellaneous tasks, such as utilizing my interpersonal experience to act as the Center's unofficial diplomat and negotiator."

Kommodore Adler listened to the Doctor explain his position, her face remaining polite and friendly the entire time. She neither showed a hint of impatience nor did she seem bored by Cephei's explaination. "That's very interesting Doctor. An organization dedicated to research without being bound by law or society," the woman replied as she clasped her hands behind the small of her back. "That's a diffcult thing to accomplish, considering you are probably disliked by a variety of people because of it," the Kommodore said as she continued at her leisurely pace.

The corridors they had been going through for a time weren't decorated at all. In fact, the entire ship itself was spartan as walls remained a gunmetal grey. Often, the duo would run into crewmembers who would go about there work or move out of their way. They would often stand at attention for their Kommodore, but immeadiately return to their duties.

They also passed by a larger room with many soldiers leisurely sitting about, relaxing with books and such. "This is the lounge," the tall woman absent-mindedly said as they walked by. "it is merely just a place for the crew to relax and unwind," she explained. "But I do believe a man of your caliber will want to see technical aspects of the ship, so we're heading towards Engineering," she said before looking down at Cephei.

"What science do you study? If I may ask?" she said slowly, thinking before saying what she wanted to say.

The Dean scratched his chin a moment as he glanced at the room. It wasn't particularly interesting to him, since its spartan and somber setting was not unlike those at the Center. Still, one could gain stark insight into the nature of a nation simply by observing a recreational facility for a few hours. After musing this, he finally turned his attention to the Kommodore's question. "I dabble, more for curiosity than actual progress. Psychology, sociology, biochemistry, mathematical theory...though my personal favorite has to be hyperspatial engineering theory. Superstructure manufacturing, pan-dimensional movement, faster-than-light propulsion, interstellar implosion bombs, and things of that nature. Oh yes, hyperspatial engineering is where you really find gods in technology. Absolutely fascinating." He chuckled quietly.

"Now Kommodore, I believe diplomatic protocol dictates that is my turn for a question or two, no? Let me see. So many, oh do I ever have so many. But I do not doubt your officials will have many government groomed, neatly trimmed cookie-cutter answers awaiting me for the standard ones. Hmm." He scratched his chin as he paused in thought for a moment. "Would you be so kind as to tolerate a few unusual questions? I'd imagine so, out of fear that you may irritate the overly sensitive and ever grouchy old beast that resides within most diplomats, neh?" He chuckled once again.

"Ah, well, let me see...Are your peoples egalitarian in matters of subspecies? Or gender? What is the most common pastime among your race? What is the most universally hated faction or thing? Is your species sexually polyamorous? Emotionally? Is sexual pleasure something to be indulged in, or shunned and hidden behind closed doors, if tended to at all? Would you describe your society as ascetic or aesthetic? How do they commonly weigh the importance of their ethics in comparison to practicality? How does-- Ah. Oh dear, I forget myself again." He sighed, giving her an apologetic look. "That is the Academician's curse, you know; We grow and prune our minds, but neglect to exercise our social skills with equal dedication. Thus we end up thinking much too quick for our mouths, and others, to keep pace."

The Kommodore seemed to show no signs of confusion or distress over the mile-a-minute series of questions the doctor posed for her. "Quite all right, Doctor." she replied calmly. "You've obviously never met a person with twelve brothers and sisters before," she commented before smiling. "As a matter of egalitarian matters, both Surfacers and Night-dwellers have the same rights. It wasn't always that way, but we've developed an understanding amongst each other...even with different cultures." she explained slowly in her English. "There are even hybrids, Surfacer/Night-dwellers in our population. Our royal family are the most notable hybrids," she explained before moving on.

"Gender-wise, females are mostly found in positions of power while males are considered more of the protectors, traditionally speaking. For good reason too, since approximately 33% of our population is male. Surfacers have a more balanced 40/60 ratio of males and females, but Night-dwellers such as I are different. We have a 20/80 difference between males and females." she said as she stopped for a moment and held out her arm to halt the doctors progress as too crewmen crossed their path, carrying a crate as they went. Pausing a moment longer, she moved her arm and continued on.

"Common past-times as a race? That would have to depend if you meant the current trends or what we've done for the majority of our history. From a military standpoint, I'd have to say we're pretty experienced in warfare on a variety of environments, having sixteen world wars and a variety of other military conflicts over a span of nearly eight hundred of our revolutions can do that to a species." she stated. "Societal-wise, we are a familial oriented society, treating our young as precious treasures. Anything involving harm to a child is a rarity and we tend to spoil them more than anything," she explained. "We legalize duels of first blood and vigilanteism for purposes of capture, killing in either endeavor is a crime. You'll have to narrow down your question if you need anything else answered," she replied as she paused to motion in another room.

"This is the armory," she replied as one could see with all the racks holding weapons and primitive (in comparison to Yamatai) versions of power armor. "We store all our infantry armor and mass-driver weaponry here," she explained before continuing to walk.

"Most universally hated faction would have to be....hmmm...well, they used to be the pirates and slavers we had in our system. But once the Weltraumflotte became fully operationally and after the Pirate Wars, we physically whiped out their entire existance. About two hundred of our revolutions ago, we used to be under the rule of an opressive, fascist government organization known as the Verdienstorden. The funny thing was it was the people who put them into power nearly four hundred revolutions ago because they were tiring of two ancient kingdoms warring over one another, but that is another thing entirely. So I believe all Abwehrans universally hate fascists, slavers, and pirates most of all, even if they hardly exist this day and age." she explained.

"We Night-dwellers are poligamist in nature due to our large difference between the male and female population, so we are both sexually and emotionally polyamorous. Homosexual activities are also acceptable to us as well as marriage between females. Surfacers, on the other hand, find polygamy and homosexuality to betray their more balanced population and ridicule such things between their own kind." she explained. "As far as sex in general is concerned, we don't shun it publically. Though there is a time and place for everything," she hinted.

"Surfacers, ascetic," she paused for a moment before cracking a small smile. "Neither go hand in hand with another for they are notoriously hedonistic. We Nightdwellers aren't such, but we are a bit more...frugal, in such things," she explained.

"We prefer to work by our ethics, but overall...practicality will outweigh ethics if it is for the good of our species survival," she explained as they finally stopped by a hatch by the floor. "We'll take the ladder down to engineering, if you're up to it."


Onboard HMS Dauntless: Currently docked to Weltraumflotte HQ
+2 Standard Days (+1 Abwehran Day)

Kommodore Leah Adler stood in her quarters, staring out her window into the expansive depths of the Military Orbital Space Station that had been given the name 'Weltraumflotte HQ'. It had been a quarter revolution since she had dared show herself at headquarters, but the first contact with the CSEIA had allowed her to return. The crew of her ship had been glad about this...even cheering the good Doctor Cephei Rasalgethi when they thought she wasn't looking. Honestly, Leah was grateful for the doctor's arrival as well. Her squadron as a whole was probably happier than it had been for a long time.

She had given Rasalgethi a tour of the Dauntless, allowing him to see one of her proud vessels. Well, she was proud of them anyway. She never got a comment from him, but she suspected that the Abwehran technology was primitive to him. She had even invited the doctor to dine with her officers, which was quite a surprise for them all. Especially when Dr. Rasalgethi had been informed of the general life expectancy of the Abwehran people as well as how long an Abwehran Revolution truly was. Even Kommodore Adler had trouble believing that there were people who lived somewhat shorter lives than her own kind.

After the dinner, the doctor had left for his ship, which was still in orbit around the military facility. His ship wasn't authorized to enter a military station considering his position was civilian based anyway. But with the arrival of the delegate from Abwehr, he would probably be allowed to dock. Which came to the current situation that Leah was uncomfortable with. The delegate from Abwehr wasn't just any random politician or businessman...she was the First Crown Princess of the Empire itself! Why the Imperial Family had allowed the young woman to be delegate in first contact, the Kommodore didn't know. But with one of the most loved individuals in the Abwehran public traveling off-world to visit their guest from outside the solar system, Adler knew full well HQ would see the tightest measures of security since the end of the Pirate Wars.

Princess Johanna Rosenthal had arrived in secret, with only the brass and the Kommodore knowing about it. Her Highness had wanted to avoid the ceremony of her arrival and had come in the dead of night, much to the station commanders dismay of course. Now she was preparing for her meeting with the CSEIA delegation, under guard of the most elite Marines on station. Kommodore Adler could only wonder how this meeting would turn out.

Weltraumflotte HQ, Conference Room 23

The conference room, Cephei was directed to was a rather large room with a large round table surrounded by plush, reclining chairs. The walls were decorated with a variety of Abwehran art depicting soft meadows and lush forests, probably one of the more pleasant environment upon Abwehr's surface. Lighting in the room was rather dim compared to the rest of the ship, but at least the gravity had been placed at a more suitable level for the Doctor's comfort. Along the round table, small computer screens and keypads were built-in and wired directly to the stations network so that information could be accessed when necessary.

The only two guards were seen outside the door, the two huge Abwehran Males wearing the typical green and black uniforms of Weltraumflotte Marines. But those guards had been carrying large rifles, as well as specialized patches upon there uniforms, probably symbolizing a special or elite unit. They were silent and didn't bother even looking at the doctor as he entered the conference room.

Dr. Rasalgethi nosily sighed as he entered the room, a degree of irritation notable in his demeanor. If there was one thing he hated above all else, it had to be politics. Power brokering made them waste precious funds on defenses, politicians fear mongered and turned the masses against them, and idealists shunned them for their practices. No, when it comes to politics, the Center rarely comes out better for it, he sighed as he took a seat at the table. I'm nearly tempted to give up this entire endeavor if it means I can avoid mucking about in ethics and bureaucracy for who knows how much longer.

It would only be five minutes before the door opened again. The first person to enter the room would be a familiar face, Kommodore Leah Adler. She set off to the side of the door and stood at attention, wearing a jacket over her turtleneck shirt and having replaced the cargo pants with a pair of black khakis. <"Thanks for not announcing me, Kommodore,"> a feminine voice echoed in Abwehran from outside the door thankfully as the source entered the room. The source being a very diminutive woman compared to the Commodore standing beside the door. With a formal attire of brown khakis and a black tunic with a brown vest covering it, this woman looked as if she were barely out of her teens and only reached 5'3" in height.

Turning to face Cephei as the door closed behind her, she smiled gently. "Greetings, Doctor Rasalgethi," she said in English, a bit more easily than the Kommodore had been during the tour. "I'm sorry you had to wait on me," she spoke in a friendly and rather honest manner for a politician. "Bureaucracy can be such a hassle can it. Allow me to introduce myself," she began as she walked over and held out her hand towards the Doctor. "I am Johanna Rosenthal, First Crown Princess of the Abwehran Star Empire."

Having witnessed some numerous forms of humanoid experimentation in the bowels of the Center, there were very few things left that could take him aback like her self-introduction did. However, he knew it was neither polite nor good negotiation practice to tip one's hand so easily to another, so he quickly composed himself. Rasalgethi stood up from his seat, eyeing her curiously for several moments. After a long pause he finally took the hand of the smaller woman, a hint of a smile upon his lips. "Well, you do not seem aloft enough to be a bureaucrat, nor old enough to be a power broker, nor dressed extravagantly enough to be spoiled heiress. I think, perhaps, I will enjoy doing business with you. I am -- Well, you already seem to know who I am, so please do not be offended if I choose to avoid such superfluous ceremony."

"So, another who dislikes ceremony as much as I do," the Princess replied as she shook his hand firmly. "It really will be a privilege to speak of relations between the Center and the Empire," she said as she broke the hand shake. "Kommdore Adler is here to represent the military side and I assume you don't need an introduction for her," she said as she motioned for both of them to sit down, waiting until they were before sitting down herself. "I've read the Kommodore's report and I must admit, I'm a bit puzzled on a few things. But I'd like to get straight to business before I go about satisfying my own curiosity, just as much as you probably want to get this done too. So I want to hear what you exactly want from this little solar system, if you please."

"Well, standard fare mostly. Eh, let's see... Right-of-Passage Agreements, Construction Rights Permits supply depots and Hotlabs, long-term purchase contracts for…" He hesitated for a moment, then leaned back in the chair and placed his hands behind his head. "The short and sweet is we'll we want resources; Bulk metals, isotopes, and so on. We're also interested in the people themselves: recruiting Abwehran military staff, technicians, and other specialists for station support and defense. There's also the standard political squabbling of travel, construction, and experimentation restrictions…" Rasalgethi inaudibly muttered to himself for a moment then piped up, "Oh, and of course we're looking for expendable elements of society as well. Slave and prisoner purchase contracts, preferably in bulk. Just about anyone you'd deem expendable and we'd deem fit enough for experimentation on. Oh yes." He nodded to himself thoughtfully for a moment. "Yes, I think that's about the bulk of it."

At the first word of slave, the Kommodore's jaw seemed to tighten as she began to take her goggles off for the first time since meeting Cephei, revealing glowing blue eyes. "I hope you remember what I said about slavers being a type of scum we Abwehrans' hated the most, Doctor," the military officer growled in anger.

"That's enough, Kommodore Adler," Johanna admonished as she turned back to Cephei. "Doctor Rasalgethi...I believe I can get you almost everything CSEIA needs," the princess responded with a smile. "The Abwehran Armed Forces has a sizable reserves that we can pull from for your security needs, though you'd probably have to give them a crash course in your technology. Resources are another we can give you; I believe about 10% of our resources will do." she listed. "I can easily push Passage and Construction Permits through the Civilian Space Administration Agency and probably discuss with the 'Manufacturing Triad' we have to give you support on your construction efforts. However, we have no slaves for you to purchase." she responded honestly. "And we have a constitutional amendment that deems cruel and unusual punishment as wrong, so I can't give you test subjects for experimentation out of our own living prisoner populations. I can try and make an agreement to give you the corpses of criminals who have been executed for their crimes, and even allow you to openly advertise the necessity of hiring experimental subjects for testing," she explained calmly.

"If I am be so bold as to interject," Rasalgethi cut in quietly, as he sat up in his seat. "You seem to have no problem spending absolutely gross amounts of materials on warships and stations of such magnitude. If you were to divert even half of such resources to stellar farms or orbital housing you could easily support an additional, say, 50 million more citizens." The Doctor continued to meet her stare without hesitation. "That is a 50 million children condemned to death before they were born, or just perhaps, up to a third of that number that have been born and are living in your streets in poverty at this very moment. it is little more that ethical calculus; statistics, if you will." He shrugged nonchalantly, "You sacrifice the unborn future generations, perhaps or the now-improvised, in order to reinforce your strength and secure the lives of the majority. We work along parallel principals. By sacrificing the few, we can conserve the time, energy, and resources to spend them on other constructive pursuits. Or, perhaps even produce a cure for an alignment a half-century before it would have been produced by other means." The Doctor motioned towards the Kommodore. "You are an avatar of war; of the ideology of force, might, unity, and destruction. Do not think yourself in a position to lecture me on ethical calculus, my dear."

"There are no orphans in our society, Dr. Rasalgethi," Johanna replied, intercepting the Kommodore before she could say anything. "But you are correct about our current infastructure and we are in fact decreasing our amount of warships to build up our reserve of resources to do just as you say," the Princess said. "Though, I must would make a brilliant politician with those words," she commented with a more grim smile. "Children our precious to the Abwehran people. After centuries of warfare, you could say we spoil our children no matter our class. But back to business, the 10% I was referring to was from our mining operations in the system. From our current supply of resources we have stored, we could definitely give you 40%," she explained. "This means you will get quite a large quantity of resources in our first transfer, with 10% of each mining cycle. I don't know how much other nations among the stars generate, but I believe we are being fair in this. Besides, you have yet to talk about what you will give us in exchange," she said as she leaned forward in her seat. "After all, the Abwehran Star Empire is a capitalist society, we won't just give you valuable resources without something in exchange."

"Yes, of course. The ethics of greed at it is finest." Rasalgethi gave the princess a smirk. "As a scientific institution, one of the foremost things we can offer is knowledge; technology, specifically. The Center has a rather colorful history in arms dealing and starship design for, shall we say, niche markets. I think you'll be most interested in our fold drive technology, which are among the fastest short of military-grade Yamataian vessels. If that isn't sufficient, we also have numerous schematics on other biotechnology, defense and offensive equipment, and so on."

The Kommodore sat back with a very serious look on her face as the Princess blinked in surprise. "That is quite a bit you can offer us," the young woman replied as she seemed to ponder for a moment. "Education in advanced technology would probably be the primary part of our deal, since we will have to learn about it eventually. If a few of your scientists would be interested in temporarily serving in an educational matter to some of our own scientists, that should be fine. This 'fold drive' you speak of, I assume it is a faster-than-light capable device. That would suffice along with any more advanced armor and weapon systems should do, though you'd probably have to talk to the Kommodore about the details." the seemingly fragile Princess explained. "But to summarize our dealings, it would be that we give you an initial 40% of our current resource pool with 10% per cycle following as well as a sizable portion of out reserves in the Weltraumflotte for security. In exchange, you provide us with any technology you can give us as well as educational assistance to a few professionals who will then pass their knowledge onto the rest." she summarized before sitting back. "Does this sound appropriate?"

"Well, a proper military force would be nice. Pirate mercenaries and aging automated defenses are more headache than they're worth," he sighed and crossed his arms. "Technology will be disclosed at our own discretion, of course. We don't want to wear ourselves out too quickly. Of course, you will reserve the right to terminate cycle payments and defense pacts if you believe we are in breach of contract."

"My, my, my, so accommodating of you, Doctor," the young woman replied with a smile. "Believe me, our reserves are proper military forces," the Princess said. "In fact, the majority of them are veterans from the Pirate Wars, so they should be more experienced than just sending you regulars," she explained. "And allowing technology at your discretion is fine, but I'd prefer a document on the technologies and weaponry you currently possess before any decisions on what we want are made. We wouldn't want to be uninformed about our purchases after all."

"Fair enough. But be forewarned, we don't operate on the same ethical scales as you do, and we've historically sold to more…niche markets." Rasalgethi began counting off on his fingers. "Biochemical weaponry, radiation bombs, retro viral engineering, nanowarfare, real-time genetic mutation. Very nasty stuff. Keep such things in mind when we're training your own kind, as well. We make it a policy not to needlessly cripple scientific progress by bowing to petty things like ethics or law."

"That is understandable," the Princess replied with a nod. "After all, it is not our duty to place ethical or legal restrictions upon you, as long as it is kept in the dark from the populace of course," she explained with a frown. "Though, I'm not accustom and I don't like secrets from the people, I understand the necessity," she said. "Either way, it is our duty to manage and regulate the knowledge and technology you give us. You can teach and give us whatever you want, but we ultimately decide what we use and what we don't use."

"Right, right. Now, I talked to the folks up at Rapid Assembly and Spatial Engineering -- Our manufacturing and engineering branches, respectively. Before we begin operations we'll need some information in return. We want the schematics for all vessels in mass production. First we need complete schematics on all your mass-produced starships, for technological assessment. We will also require a full report on your planet's industrial status, as I imagine that such a large technological leap forward will require an industrial retooling to better fit the new processes we will introduce. Some reports on local resource economy would be good as well so we can determine which manufacturing processes would be most cost-effective."

"I can give you that information in two days time, Doctor," the Princess replied. "I would have to contact all parties involved in our industries to gain the necessary data and permissions. But I'm sure I can get it to you in that time frame," Johanna explained.

"Right, right." The Doctor paused for a moment, and began patting down his coat. "Oh dear, where did I put my notepad? Never the mind, I think we've covered most of the key points, haven't we? Well, we can begin shipping out modules to built our HotLab in orbit of your gas giant, to act as an operations center and temporary research base until you start fielding your own high-end research equipment. Oh, one last thing. Our professors and academicians have a relatively low tolerance for any sort of dogmatism and lectures on ethics. Make sure the staff and students you select have open minds, or can at least hold their tongue."

Rasalgethi quietly added under his breath, "I really don't want slog through another public relations nightmare when I hear Academicians start feeding students to the bio mechanical test subjects again… "
lionheart86va: At this the Princess frowned, "I should probably just send over the professors of the Imperial University over there then," she said in annoyance. "I've got a few of them I want to get rid of before my next term paper," she joked before coughing into her fist. "Jokes aside, I do not believe it will be a problem over all."

Rasalgethi paused for a moment, then burst into laughter. "Oh, no, don't worry. It was just a one time incident…we frown upon such things as well. The educated are quite expensive to replace, though I personally think that particular student wasn't much of a loss given his dogmatic views. Minds are like doors; if they will not open, what good are they?"

"That is true. it is the same for ethical reasoning just as much as education, hence the reason I'm not preaching to you Doctor," the Princess replied with a smile. "Anyway, I do believe our business is done with. Now comes the part where the foreign visitor dazzles the fair Princess with tales of the outside world, right?" Johanna said with a grin.

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