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Abandoned Submission Javelin 12ga Assault Shotgun by Zen Armaments

Jack Pine

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  1. Nepleslia
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  1. I agree
Just a shotgun made from a model I had talked to @Charmaylarg Dufrain about the other night, and figured it would be good to get done, and give the model a home finally. Also need to poke @SirSkully for the GH attachments for this. @The KrimsonWulf as the other FM so he can look over this if he wants to.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Sorry for the delay!

I gave jack the greenlight for this a while ago, i just forgot to officially give it the thumbs up for nep!

FM approved for space AA12~
Hey Jack, thanks for the submission.

Couple things and questions:
  • This could use an editing pass, similar to the Brimstone submission, to get it to fit wiki standards more. Check your caps while you're at it and maybe touch on some simple formatting stuff for readability if you spot anything that could use it.
  • It says it's T4, Light Anti Armor, but I don't see mention of any wielding requirements. Is it for PA? I may have missed it.
  • Alex has a question above about the weapon's range vs ammo's range that could use an answer.
I had some doubts about the rate of fire, but found the Pancor Jackhammer which is a pretty good real-world equivalent to what you're doing here and it's in the same realm.

I'll resume this once the above has been addressed.

Firing the magnum slugs without PA would probably end up looking somewhat like this, not impossible but less than ideal lmao.

This seems to be largely based off the AA12 (another open-bolt shotgun with a similar ROF, as Char kinda pointed out lmao) and that has a massive spring system basically running the weapon's length that helps significantly dampen its recoil, so maybe Jack has something like that in mind?

Anyway I just wanted to clear up the recoil for that particular ammo type, it's not going to kill the shooter but it's going to be very uncomfortable without PA, I might spend a few minutes expanding on the respective recoil sections of the ammo article.
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actually it is not based on an AA12 despite me addressing that in person. It in fact, uses a magnetic coil assist in the barrel assembly to increase velocity of its fired rounds, which I did speak with Alex about and adjust to a better listing. As for the mentioned edits, I've gone through and couldn't find much on unnecessary caps honestly. I did note under "recoil" and "purpose", that firing normally is not recommended on the largest powered ammo. And as I said earlier in this message, that I have also adjusted the ranges as stated.
Now that we have all the weapons listed by their tier I'm looking at this and wondering why this has the DR to allegedly one-shot a Mindy armor when it's just a regular shotgun. It has the same DR as the DAISY M6's primary weapon. It makes no sense.
There's this section here in the middle of the article. I'll pull the relevant quote.

"Purpose: Tier 4, Heavy Anti-Personnel Is not recommended for use, unless mounted, or with PA. But can be used with lighter ammo by non-pa just fine."

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