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Approved Character Jet Endurain

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Inactive Member
General Information

Name: Jet Endurain
Species: Human
Age: 14
Creator/Parents: Unknown

Physical Appearance

Hair Color: Gunmetal Gray
Hair Style: Spiked and Unkempt, Short on top, Bangs
Eye Color: Light Red
Build: Average, fit
Height: 5'5â€

And the kid is fourteen? Stop making power characters.
Is he related to Kai in anyways? Not to stir up any trouble or anything, but it seems like you're trying to fill the void that was emptied when your PC, Kai, was killed.
Jet only LOOKS 14 physically. And are there straight HUMANs in YSA at all as a racial choice? *wink* think for a bit on that ok?

If he isn't 14, why do you have that as his age? Put the real age. No, there is no human choice (Wolf is human, though) so are you trying to say he's something else? Then put it. This is your character sheet and it should have the description of your character, not false information. Maybe you're trying to make it suprising or something for RP, but you'd just have to trust people to play their characters right in that situation.

That doesn't matter, really. I'm fine with you making your character like that as long as it doesn't have some great history. But you're trying to justify his ridiculous powers. This is a power character plain and simple. You need to stop making "psychic gods."
You know you're right Thad. I'm going to have to do this:

I formally withdraw this character application. Please delete the thread.
Tyler don't get your character deleted because someone says you should and because they don't like it, stand up for yourself and look after the character that you created.

Show them how you can use him in a RP, and do him justice. Keep your chin up.
Daniel, Tyler and I talked. He came to the conclusion himself that he should delete the character. I would have been fine with it if he just toned down the psionic powers a bit, but I think he said that he made this character out of frustration, and he'd rather do another one. You seem like you're antagonizing me, Daniel.
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