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Approved Submission Jios system

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I understand that but without actual roleplay to correlate and confirm its existence it is simply soft cannon. There are ways to work around it and allow someone who is willing to put the effort into forming a system to do so. From the article the company is spread over several systems that have little to no information making it easy to put it in a different system. As well as its kind of funny that this company is spread over more systems than the factions of NDC and Neshaten. There is a lot of information missing and several things that do not make sense.
That's actually the other way around. The wiki is generally considered to be hard cannon. But if you want RP to confirm the company's existence in RP, well, I linked a bunch in a previous post. I get that you want to support your friend, but trying to badger another player who had a much longer-standing claim to the system(s) into submission isn't the way to do it if you want cooperation, especially if they're already trying their best to be accommodating.

I'm doing this because I'm the only one left besides @Ametheliana who was involved with creating Psychopomp in order to preserve the established history, but it's still not cool how you're behaving.
That is not what was told to me by Wes. Roleplay is Hard cannon and the wiki is the supporting soft cannon. Also whisper pointed out to me that in creating a product in all factions I have become part of each faction. So in all honesty I am simply looking out for the best interest of my faction.

According to this page, the wiki is "Firm canon"

Psychopomp has featured heavily in RP and at least one of its System 87 claims was the setting for a JP. Unfortunately, I can't search for the other ones on the forums, but the point is that this isn't something with no supporting RP. It's something with a LOT of supporting RP. The System 87D facility is hard canon.
The timer has expired, @Wes is this good to go? (voice chats are referred to, I wasn't there)
Timer Expired and no one else has come forward, Approved.
Hey sorry I want around for when this all went down @RaWolfe though I do want to make a correction and ask a favor.

for the correction @Alex Hart was wrong when he said they were just meant to be generic bad guys I had plans (and still do) to add more products from the to the setting as I learn how to make wiki articles though life has prevented me from doing so.
As for the favor I’d like to humbly ask you to do a pad with me as there was indeed some IC threads that made reference to the headquarters (I can’t grab them right now but off the top of my head there was a test done for a group back in 2018 that was held in the system) so I’d like to ask if you’d be willing to do a pad or thread where we have the CEO piece out a deal for selling the system or some other manner of transferring ownership as the systems were always meant to be a temporary residence for their operations due to its nearness to Neplesia while still remaining in neutral space so as not to be tied to any political agenda. I’m not going to make the deal anything big just something small to restore continuity. You will still have the system and maybe a bit more afterwards. Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Thanks you have a good one.
I will take this to DM and react to this post with the outcome of that conversation.
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