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Approved Character Jlu Ciranth

Re: Jewel Ciranth

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ir ... ccupations

Fairly good so far. Just be sure to pick an occupation and tweak her skillset so that she has equivalence with the requirements for that role. You don't have to copy what I put in to there, but at least have something similar that covers it.

Another note. The last name Ciranth is alright, but I'd rather you considered a more foreign sounding name than Jewel. Western European names are very rare for Iroma, almost to the point where I could say they almost never happen.
Re: Jewel Ciranth

Okay, I've revised her profile. How does it look?

I'm also giving her some extra clothes besides the common stuff. Would bio-organic clothing give her increased strength and agility if she uses the ports to make a neural interface? I can post the details here if you want them.
Re: Jewel Ciranth

Let me approach this as a standard biography review, then.

Name: Given name still requires changing to maintain cultural consistency. Check out Meaning of Names if you need inspiration.

Species: The structure I would suggest for this is | [[iromakuanhe]], [[Iromakuanhe:Eyr Ranr]] |. That's in wiki code, to be clear.

Everything between Species and Skills is up to par with what I'm looking for.

Skills: Again, her skills are not equivalent with the basic requirements for a soldier of the Vanguard in any position. The 'core' skills at the top, while they can influenced by upbringing, are things that Astral Vanguard characters are trained in.

Her domestic non-occupational skills are fine, however.

Items: Iroma currency is KD, and she starts out with 12000 of it.

Faction Manager Exhack rules that this biography still requires some work, but is close to approval if certain minor fixes are made. The player must post in this thread when it is ready to be re-reviewed.

Note: Organic clothing might be an interesting idea (one that I've been fussing over but am too busy to handle right now), but you'll have to submit it as a separate tech submission. If you want to discuss how to put it all together, contact my YIM at Grb2hack, or on the IRC channel. My handle is basically the same there.
Re: Jewel Ciranth

I'm sorry, I totally didn't see the note you had on her name. I was focusing so much on her occupation and skill set that I didn't get to it. I changed it now, but it doesn't change the page name, so I guess I gotta make a new page. Or can it be changed?

I changed it to Jlu, by the way. Jlu was actually her original name when I first made her, I just changed it to Jewel because I had been RPing in a more modern setting before, but it'd be nice to have Jlu back. If not I could combine her two names and come up with a new last name, but I really would like to have them seperate.

I changed the species and her skills so they're more clear.
12,000 KD?! That's a lot.

I signed for Yahoo Messenger, but I've never used it before. Same with IRC. Would you happen to have AIM? Thanks for all your help!
Faction Manager and Plot GM Exhack gives this the good to go.

Unless Doshii or Gamer have any issues they want to bring up, that is.
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