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Approved Character Jo Midori


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Inactive Member
Name: Jo Midori

General Information

Species: Nekovalkyrja, NH-27 model
Gender: Female
Age: 2

Family / Creators: Ketsurui Zaibatsu, The scientists she was created by, and her trainers.

Employer: Ketsurui Zaibatsu
Occupation: Samurai
Rank: Santo Hei
Current Assignment: YSS Sakura

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 99lbs or 45kg
Bra Size: 36c

Build and Skin Colour: Very athletic and well toned, Muscualar, without being excesively, a Nekovalkyrja NH-27 model, her skin a tanned white.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Usually void of expression,and rather normal, save for the scar on her cheek, Red eyes.
Hair Colour and Style: White hair, shoulder length done into a tight braid.

Distinguishing Features: The claw scar on her right cheek, born that way to distinguish her from the other guards.

Psychological Characteristics

Since her disgrace, Jo has become much more outward. All the feelings she has always had to coup up, have come to the forefront. She is rather flirtatious, and very friendly. She is always willing to listen to a friend if they have a problem, but usually bottles up her own problems still.

Likes: Swords and other Weapons, Reading, Music, Running, Dancing, playing the Flute or Violin.
Dislikes: Rude people, Annoying people, Loud people, Spiders, Loud Rock music, people that snore (even though she does as well, but claims she doesn\\\'t).
Goals: To rise in ranking, and become well known enough that she wouldn\\\'t shame Ketsurui Hanako with thier relationship. (Since Hanako is a princess, and Jo just a enlistee at the moment.)


A weapon created to protect the higher-ups of the Ketsurui Zaibatsu. She received her training while being created, and is currently waiting her first assignment into the forces. She was created on Yamatai, and after receiving training there, she was moved to another base, this one closer to those she was to protect, as she began much more intense training there. Her first assignment was aboard the YSS Destiny, weeks before it was taken over by the Nepleslian Army.

That was where she met Leiko, and followed her transfere to the YSS Sakura, shortly afterwards.
Her first experience with the Sakura was a boarding of a Mishu infested ship, which was also her first taste of battle. It was a little tough on her, but Jo came through it none the less.A day or so later, the crew had a truth or dare party, in order to get to know the new crew better.

After the party, they had another run-in with Mishu, this time with thier warships. The Sakura, under Chui Kiyoko's use, was able to cripple one ship enough to enter and explore the ship. It was here where they found the Mishu/Neko hybrid "Pumpkin" whom would later wreak havoc to the Sakura. After saving a female star army member, herself and Leiko escaped with them two captives back to the Sakura.

It wasn't to much longer before she lost Leiko to a transfer, her lover leaving the sakura as new people came aboard. After another party, Pumpkin attacked the ship on her own, destroying a better part of the ship. It was around now that Hanako died. Her emotions in the way, Jo did not pay adequate attention, and as a result, Hanako died. Soon after, Ketsurui-Kotori stopped a attempt at suicide by Jo, just before they went to the surface of Lor.

After the disaster attempt at negotiating the treaty, Jo was stripped of her rank by Ketsurui Chisou, and made a servant. She passed from Kotori to Hanako, and went shopping with the two women while on Yamatai. After the trip to Yamatai, Jo went with the crew to Hanako's star, and relaxed for the day before they went after the Black Spiral.

Originally, they went to Hoshii no Iori, but after a mistake in the compound, and a scare on the bridge, they left for the Black Spiral headquarters. It was then, that the Sakura faced another attack.

Mishu warships, and Pumpkin, the neko/mishu hybrid, as well as a NH-28 NIWS unit devistated the ship, severly injuring Jo in the process, and stealing Hanako.

After her recovery, Jo went with the crew when they invaded the PNUgen headquarters, and fought along with the crew. In the end, she was able to save Ketsurui-Kotori, with the help of Ketsurui-Kosuka, and Miles Gunn.

Jo has recently regained her station of Samurai with the sponsorship of Ketsurui Kosuka. It was after the Sakura's return to the planet Lor, where she ended up saving a injured Kosuka, that she regained her station.

After the crew split, part of them going to Kotori's new ship, the Sakura crew took a leave. The leave was peaceful for the mostpart for Jo, but the battle they were in afterwards tested Jo, since it was the first time she had led the armor division.

With the failure of that operation ((atleast in Jo's eye)), the crew went to Kennewes, where they are currently being held.


Communication:: Jo excells in telepathy, so she is able to communicate, give, and recieve orders in the blink of a eye, even in the most intense of situations. She is still getting the hang of using starships to communicate, though can do so when needed. She mostly uses her telepathy when in her power armor, but has been known to contact via the channels when needed.

Fighting:: Jo is a master of melee combat. She is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. While she is beyond proficent with many types of weaponry, she prefers exotic blades over anything else, and enjoys scimitars and Falchions, using them in blade dances she preforms.

Information Technology:: Jo is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. She is proficient in entering and/or searching for information, as well as being taught a few hacking skills, in order to both dive deeper to find different blocked files, and so she is able to secure a system, so only advanced hackers can get in.

Knowledge:: Jo familiar with the laws of the Yamatai Star Empire.

Language:: Jo is very fluent in English and Japanese, and calligraphy of both. Lately, she has been picking up lost languages, attempting to learn them in her off time.

Mathematics:: Jo received basic mathematics training, to including up to algebra and trigonometry.

Entertainment:: Jo is a great dancer, having studied in a few different types, such as: Blade Dancing, Exotic Dancing, And Belly dancing, as well as a few others. Also she has taken up playing the flute and the Violin, and is currently a great performer. After being around other women for so long, and of course a few of them invading her bed *ahem*, she has learned how to please a woman rather well. From the many books she has read, she is also able to tell very good stories from memory.
You need only change the format: the current one is difficult to read. You can look at others to see how the different information should be grouped. The character itself is good. Have fun.
Well ... my first comment would be that I quite like the History. It is simple, and with no details that need to be RPed out.

However she has been made so in every skill she has she is great, appart from maths. She is a great fighter, dancer, performer, is studying lost languages, is more powerfull in telepathy than a normal Neko, and is a great at hacking. She's not very balanced. However Thad is the one to judge that sort of thing.

I quite like the personality, it's intresting.

Oh, and I'm not a great one to talk about balanced characters. It's a good thing my original draft of Apesael doesn't exist. Much embarasment.

Edit: And Thad got there first. Ow.
Looks good to me, too. I think she has a formatted version in HTML.

As for the balance, that sort of thing is expected for a Ketsurui Samurai (save for the hacker thing--you know how wary I am of hacker characters, lol).

Character approved.
thanks! ^_^ And as for the hacker part. Bah I just put it in really. *doesn't know the first thing about hacking.* I had a friend on another forum do a RP where he was a hacker, so I looked at a few things on there. Thats it.
I'm fine with it, as long as Wes have told you about the strict codes of behavior that the Ketsurui Samurais observe (no laughing, no smiling, no displays of emotion in public, once sword is drawn it cannot be sheathed until blood is drawn, etc.) and you're willing to try to obey those codes while RPing.

Welcome and have fun. :)
I love it! ^_^ It's perfect Wes thanks a lot! You even got the cooly scar on her cheek. Sorry for the odd language but I'm excited about the picture is all, as well as me running a fever of about 100 degrees right now, so I think imma head to bed now ^_^;
This character sheet is really out of date.

Character sheets are supposed to be updated so they're pretty current.

Please update your character sheet, Tiff.
The sheet was already approved. Wes' asking for an update. So, I'll list what's wrong with it.

The format, in general, is unpleasant to look at. It'd be a good idea if Tiffany could try following the sheet that's provided in the CCG.

Also going back on the typos and sentence structure wouldn't hurt.

  • I doubt Jo's age is 20. She doesn't act like she's 20 and it doesn't fit her background.
  • Current assignment is inaccurate.
  • Completing measurements could be an idea (optional)
  • Appearance changes (if any)
  • Personality changes (if any - it's been awhile)
  • Likes, Dislikes, Goals updates
  • History was updated, which is nice.
  • Skills update, if applicable.
Good girl. Still a few mistakes in the text, but you updated Jo's profile and it looks way better than it was before too.

Thread transfered back to the Approved Character Biographies.
2 Star Army bodysuit uniforms
2 stretch bodysuits, red, with appropriate panel colors
2 mesh undershirts, light red translucent
with "Hinomaru" patch on right arm, fleet patch on left arm
2 pair mesh stockings, light blue translucent
1 pair leather gloves, dark gray
1 pair leather boots, dark gray
1 pistol belt, leather, dark gray, with holster for Type 28 NSP

Weather Uniform
1 black tricorner hat, thick felt with red border (or white for officers)
1 black overcoat, thigh length

Uniform accessories
1 Rank Pin, Santô Hei
21 Medals; Exploration Award (6), Combat Award (5), Service Award (5), War Ribbon (1), Secret Operations (1), Tomoyo Kikyô (1), Combat Lifesaver Award (3).

Civilian and workout clothing
1 yukata (cotton robe), white, with Star Army of Yamatai Hinomaru logo print
1 black sash for yukata
2 black bikini swimsuit bottom with Star Army of Yamatai logo on left leg
2 black T-shirts with pocket on left breast
1 pair black sandals

4 black panty
6 black sport bras (double as swimsuit top)
4 pair of black boot socks

Weaponry and Tools:
Ketsurui Zaibatsu Type 28A Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol
with 2 additional BR-28A Battery Magazines

Survival knife, solid diamond with rubberized grip and lanyard
with black leather sheath with loop and clips for belt attachment

Wooden Medal Case, velvet interior, engraved with Star Army logo on top
Put your medals in here.
Exploration Awards: 6
Combat Awards: 5
Service Awards: 5
War Award: 1
Secret Operations: 1
Tomoyo Kikyô: 1
Combat Lifesaver Award: 1

Personal Hygiene:
1 Bottle of shampoo
1 Bottle liquid body soap
1 Toothbrush and tube of toothpaste
2 washcloths, white
2 towels, white

Recent Purchases:
2 swimsuits
3 skirts
3 turtle necks
1 dress
5 ribbons
(all purchases made by Ketsurui Hanako)

Purchases made by herself:
1: Katana (engraved: "redemptio") - 230 KS
1: Zesuaium plated Targe - 8000 KS
1: Sai pair - 50 KS
1: Naginata - 200 KS
20: Shuriken - 200 KS
1: Nunchaku (Full metal construction) - 30 KS
1: Tonfa pair - 30 KS
50: Throwing knives - 800 KS
1: Synthetic Leather Bull Whip - 10 KS
1: TA-14 Diamond Utility Knife - 250 KS
2: Butterfly Knife - 40 KS
2: 3 Inch Bladed Daggers With Boot Strap - 15 KS
1: Punch dagger - 15 KS
1: Machete - 8 KS
1: Kukri - 10 KS
1: Saber with scabbard - 70 KS
2: Manrikigusari - 40 KS
2: Butterfly Swords - 100 KS
1: Kama Pair - 30 KS
2: Dirks - 30 KS
1: Stiletto - 25 KS
1: Switch Blade - 14 KS
1: Scrimitar - 25 KS
1: Cutlass - 25 KS
1: Kusara Kama - 25 KS
2: Shuko - 20 KS
2: Metal Fans - 120 KS
1: Solid Metal Staff - 50 KS
1: Grosse Messer Sword - 150 KS
10: Sword / Gun racks - 300 KS
1: Sharpening Stone - 5 KS
1: Sword Maintenance Kit - 30 KS
1: Gun Maintenance Kit - 50 KS
1: TA-2 Waist Belt Set - 100 KS
1: TA-19 Gloves - 80 KS
1: Emrys Industries Sniper Rifle - 3300 KS
1: Zen Arms Precision Sniper Rifle (Nepleslian decals
removed) - 2500 KS
1: WickedArms GP-16 - 600 KS
1: No-PS-1a "Veil" - 1500 KS
2: E-Knuckleduster - 60 KS
2: Batteries for the E-Knuckleduster - 40 KS

Total: 18,775 KS