Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 188604 Job Posting: Looking For Healer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


Posted on Pasco's List:

We are looking for individuals with experience in medicine, surgery, and cybernetics.

Working conditions can best be described as 'frontier medicine' and responsibilities will include developing local infrastructure as well as medical duties.

Pay is negotiable. Interested users please submit your resumes, and we can arrange for an in person discussion.​


The meeting place was in one of the nicer areas of Nepleslia... not 'streets paved with gold' nice, but certainly nice enough that you didn't have to worry about a gunfight breaking out just because you looked at someone wrong.

The meeting itself was simply a space rented out in a hotel, the host, a woman with a thing for dressing in all white, adjusting settings on her datapad, as two black suited guards watched over things from the doorway... though they certainly seemed a bit under-prepared compared to the Hotel's own power-armored security force.

They all seemed to be waiting on the first of the scheduled interviews for the day.
Even by the often eccentric standards of Neplislians, the figure who entered certainly seemed odd. Rather short, barely standing more than five feet in height, and swathed in a slightly stained and ragged looking labcoat, she offered a curt little wave and what any onlooker could only assume was a smile, given that her face was completely obscured. She claimed to be the pupil of one Werhner Elselach, a man well known enough wthin his own relatively obscure circles. A well respected if unconventional medical practioner, he was known as one that would do any job for the right money, and in a discreet manner aswell.

She strode into the room in an exuberant manner, her labcoat trailing behind her as she fiddled with her own dated looking microcoomputer. She seemed completely focused on something on the tiny screen for several moments, before finally looking up again. "Hello!" Her voice was bright and girlish, though distorted by the breathing apparatus. "I am Ryoko, one of the best surgeons and geneticists you will find on such short notice I expect." She slipped the microcomputer into a wide pocket on her hip, before crossing one arm across her chest in a theatrical bow. The pair of pointed, cat-like ears protruding from behind her mask twitched slightly. "I understand you are representing some sort of colonial firm, yes? The messages I received were scarce on details but I am certainly intrigued by the prospect of frontier medicine."
"And my name is Ivory, USO's... Chief of medicine I suppose... Why don't you come have a seat and we can discuss the situation?"

The woman in question seemed to share Ryoko's sense of style, a white lab coat, a white button down shirt, skirt, belt... even her blonde hair seemed to accentuate the medical look while making her red lipstick really pop. Certainly far more clean and pressed than the ragged labcoat covering Ryoko.

"I take it you are a neko? Not that there is a problem with that... other than I suppose we should be sure you're clear of entanglements with Yamatai," Ivory started, taking a seat at the table.

The setup was fairly straight forward, a few bottles of water had been set out, and there were some chairs positioned around a rectangular table. Nothing fancy besides the projection equipment in the center of the room.

"We did not ask you here just for your surgical skills," Ivory hesitated for a bit, pleased that Ryoko had brought up the prospect of frontier medicine right away, but not too happy that she would have to explain what that entailed, "... you're also here for your resourcefulness. When I say Frontier Medicine I do mean that we will be a few hours away from the nearest resupply, and a round trip can take several hours. The problem is compounded by not having a lot of sterile space to work with, and no real onsite procurement for medical equipment.

We need to setup an entire medical infrastructure for what could be about a billion people on a minimal budget."

Ivory would watch Ryoko intently, She'd either run away right now or be a solid candidate for this job.
The eccentric neko took one of the bottles of water, slipping it into the pocket of her labcoat as she looked at the chair for a moment. "I would rather stand if its the same to you, Miss Ivory." She then took up position behind the chair, grasping the back of it with one hand and leaning on it. "Well most of my work has been in around freespace stations and Neplislian undercities. Improvisation is key! Though I would of course prefer to have a proper set up for my work, having to make due with what is available does make things more interesting, doesn't it?" She chuckled softly, bringing up a gloved hand to cover the end of the ventilation unit on her mask.

Despite their similar choice of garb, the figure Ryoko struck was a stark contrast to Ivory. Ryoko looked like the sort of figure one might expect to find sifting through the debris in an undercity scrap dump, hardly a medical professional. "Medical infrastructure though, hmm.. really are starting om scratch here aren't we? A completely fresh planet is it? How habitable is it? Issues with radiation or atmospheric toxicity? It does have an atmosphere, yes? Though I suppose if it doesn't there are ways to work around it.. hmhmhm.."
"um, I suppose that is fine." Ivory said, listening and taking notes as Ryoko explained her experience.

"To start, the planet is habitable by Nepleslian standards. Clean air, though the oxygen content is a bit lower than what you might expect. There are also plenty of particulates in the air like sand but we have not done a proper study of the planet's atmosphere so I can't say for certain exactly what you'll find in it. Respiratory problems do seem to be common in the indigenous people. I can safely say the planet is fresh enough that we don't really know all that we're dealing with yet."

Ivory smiled a bit, Ryoko didn't run away, and she seemed quite interested in the hard work beyond just the medicine.

"We do have some manufacturing and resourcing on site. But there is no road map for turning the raw materials in the ground into usable medical facilities... much less getting together and training the local population to help themselves from a medical perspective. At best, I have a similar skill set to you when it comes to patching people up... but this kind of long term work is something that requires I bring in outside help."