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RP: Abwehrans Johanna's Journal

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Inactive Member
OOC: This Journal is for the express purpose of attempting to summarize the going ons of the Abwehran Star Empire. Any major points will be roleplayed between me and the appropriate person in other threads, but for now, this is to show that the Abwehrans aren't just sitting on their hands.

AF 259, 34th Month, 12th Day.
Location: Palace Grounds

A week has passed since my second meeting with Doctor Rasalgethi and all though the Empire is still under peace time law with its slow (too slow) demilitarization efforts, the behind the scenes stuff is like a blur. Sometimes, it can be confusing, but for this journal I've decided to record it.

These are desperate times for our people. With an apparent genocidal species on our doorstep, I'm afraid Cephei is right and we need to leave our beloved homeworld. I've read as much history about the now-known galaxy as I can and it's horrifying, especially the power of the SMX. Destroying a star...that's akin to a race who has no problems with Total War, and that is a frightening prospect. Mother has decided to keep this information hidden from the general public for now, but we all know that will only stall then inevitable.

For now, the main news is that two programs have begun. The first called First Step is being done by Kaiserlich F&E and seems to revolve around the designing of a Scout Ship that can travel via this Hyperspace Fold System. Apparently, they are to construct these as soon as possible in order to seek out planets we can flee too. The second project is more secret. Project Rebirth seems to involve modifying many of our orbital facilities into life boats of a sort...or at least that's my opinion. In essence, they are being made into colonization vessels. I don't know the exact details, but apparently once the scouts find systems suitable for us, we are going to pack the stations with people and 'hyper' them to their destinations. Both of these projects started two days after my meeting, but none have seen fruition yet.

With this beginning, I have decided to do something no one has done since those ancient times of the Great Conflict. Much like those nameless few who took it upon themselves to record those dark times, I have decided to record the current events surrounding my lifetime. I can't honestly say I'm doing this all out of some noble notion either...since I pretty much need a term paper my next year and this journal will probably end up being my notes for said paper anyway. Either way, this stuff has to be recorded, for better or for worse.

Abwehran Commander Post subject: Re: Johanna's JournalPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:41 am

AF 259, 35th Month, 21st Day
Location: Great Imperial University

Over a month since my last entry and the Empire is alive with new technological marvels.

At the beginning of this month, Kaiserlich F&E developed the first Abwehran-built Quantum Computer. Though I have yet to see it due to my classes but from what my parents say, it will be used in corporate and military facilities rather than civilian. At least for now at least. Apparently, they are also working on decreasing the amount of crews ships will hold as well with more advanced automation and such things. Personally, I find it good that they are decreasing personnel on military vessels. It means less lives will be at risk and hopefully lead to a move to demilitarize, but for some reason I doubt this will happen.

It was only a week later when another development came out of the think tank. A new life support system for starships. Personally, I found this one more interesting since it's a move for both military and civilian ships than just military. It's called the Artificial Photosynthetic Life Support System...quite a mouthful if you ask me. The system seems to mimic the functions of natural plants using machinery, but that's really the only thing I understand about it. I'm not much of a scientist or engineer.

Just this past week however, Kaiserlich F&E announced a finished design for Project First Step. I can't help but feel they've been rushing their research now...or maybe they've just finished years of research with the help of CSEIA. Honestly, I don't know...I'm not a part of the information loop in corporations.

The real good news is that the first two COSS', COSS 4 and COSS 2, have been modified as colonization vessels. Given a slow 'hyperdrive' and removing many of the commercial sections to make room for more living space, these behemoths seem to be the real thing. They've left the industrial and agricultural sectors alone to provide the 'colonists' with food and an industrial base necessary to create civilization at any world they are sent. The next two stations of choice seem to be COSS 3 and COSS 5. Why aren't they working on the much large MOSS stations yet? They could hold nearly a billion individuals if they completely reconfigure them. These COSS stations only hold 20,000,000 individuals, not enough to transport our endangered population. I sent a message to my father about this, but have yet to receive anything back.

In the political realm however, things are not so good. The Imperial Parliament is divided and more fractious than ever. The House of Lords seems appalled by the sudden activity and the lack of military building, but that's only from the Conservatives. The Labor Party is in love with the current situation and all the jobs it is creating, though I believe they are starting to mull over the fact that greater automation is around the corner. The Progressives are still as unsatisfied as ever, stating we need to concentrate on reconfiguring the stations for agriculture purposes rather than colonization...if they only knew. The Constitutionalists have been quiet as usual, pretty dull and boring recently. This is mostly because they have had a lot of infighting. In my opinion, it is only a matter of time before that party splits and begins to merge with the other three parties or, quite possibly, creating a entirely new one.

Overall, it seems the times I live in have been transformed from a time of stagnation to a revolutionary time of change and conflict. Though these times will be highly interesting, I can't help but feel much suffering and sadness is waiting for the Abwehran people.

Abwehran Commander Post subject: Re: Johanna's JournalPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:14 pm

AF 259, 36th Month, 7th Day
Location: Great Imperial University

Shocked as I am, I can't seem to believe what I've been hearing from both the news stations and my parents.

The new Scout design has already had four ships built and are now waiting on Weltraumflotte HQ as crews are trained for them. I may not be an engineer, but two weeks seems a bit fast to build something as complex as a prototype ship. Maybe it's just me, I don't know the industrial capacity of AIY's shipyards.

But I received a call from my father as well. Both mother and he have actually been arguing the exact problem I messaged him earlier. Apparently, mother and daughter think alike on this matter. Because of this, the great 'Enforcer' has decided to relent to the matriarchy and begin refitting Defense Posts One and Two. COSS' Three and Five are halfway complete now and more work crews are attaching hyperspace fold generators to the shipyards, Outpost Alpha, Weltraumflotte HQ, and Research Prime. Apparently, there are no plans to convert those nine stations into colony vessels, believing their capacities should remain intact. Personally, I think they should just convert them so we can transport more of our people, but this was a compromise mother allowed father to have.

Either way, things seem to be progressing to the evacuation of Abwehr. My only hope is that the SMX don't notice us until then.
I hope you don't get mad Commander. Just figured that I'd do something productive since I was bored.
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