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Approved Character John Smith


Inactive Member
Name: John Smith
General Information
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Family (or Creators): Deceased

Employer: None
Occupation: Assassin/Mercenary
Faction: Independent
Rank: N/A
Current Assignment: None

Physical Characteristics
Height: 6'1â€
Character Approved.
I know Wes has already approved this character but, I would like to address something.

Leadership: John is able to recognize ambush points, create effective combat strategies and tactics, and analyze intelligence information.

Your description of the leadership ability in my opinion more describes your character's ability to analyze and create strategy. I think it is part of leadership, but I believe it would be important to include something that denotes his ability to get that information to those he is leading, his effectivness as a speaker, how he conducts himself that makes him a leader.

Anyway being able to analyze and create strategy alone does not in my opinion adequately make somone a leader.

Anyway since the character has already been approved, I can only hope that this suggestion be considered and perhaps worked into the bio.

Good job on the rest of the Bio,

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