Star Army

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Approved Character Johnson, James


Inactive Member
Name:James "Jimmy" Johnson II

General Information


Family/Creators:Linda Johnson(mother), James Johnson(father)

Employer:Star Military of Democratic Imperium of Neplesia
Rank:Soldier 3rd Class
Current Assignment:TBA

Physical Characteristics

Weight:150 Lbs.

Build and Skin Color: James is short and wiry; he has well defined muscles, but is definitely not buff. He is caucasian with a moderate tan overall.
Facial Features and Eye Color: James has a sharp jaw line and well defined chin. His cheek bones are also well defined, giving him a somewhat sour appearance.James' eyes are a pale slate grey, it's a side-effect of the nueral enhancements that give him excellent eyesight.
Hair Color and Style: James hair is dark brown and very thick. Few people notice though, since he keeps his head shewn at all times.

Defining Features: Slate grey eyes and a scar on the right side of his jawbone from a scuffle when he was younger.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: James tends to keep to himself as much as he can. He usually doesn't open up to people very easily and is often misunderstood because of it. James has mastered the art of not being noticed as a result of his fear of new people.When James does manage to become comfortable around a person he can be very loud and playful, enjoying practical jokes and friendly competition between friends. James is very intelligent in a select few fields of study. Military tactics and historic battles are what James enjoys talking about the most, but he will talk about anything when he is drunk.

James also suffers from "short man's" complex. It's a mental problem (a lot like a tic) that causes him to resent big or tall people. For this reason, James tries to either avoid ID-Sols or make them look stupid.

Likes:The military, close friends, and alcohol.
Dislikes: Loud noises, crowds, and ID-Sols
Goals:Survive another day and eventually command a unit.

History: James grew up on Nepleslia with his two parents in the middle of Funky City. James' parents moved around constantly, alway looking for a better life for their son. They did the best they could to bring him up right, but they were rarely home from work,so they never spent much time with their son. For the most part, James survived on his own in the streets. Since he was so small, James had to find another way to fight off the local bullies.

He eventually became adept at avoiding people and situations alltogether, being more or less a ghost on the streets. James would often use his new found abilities to filch money and food whenever he was hungry. He rarely got caught, but when he did he would get a sound beating from whomever he stole from. The scar on his jawbone was a result of a failed theft.

James came to think that having some sort of enhanced sight might help him do better on the streets. So to pay for the operation, he stole the money from several local stores. By the time he was caught, the enhancements had been paid for and installed. It was a cheap operation compared to what it could have been, and the doctor wasn't very good, due to this, James' eyes are permanently grey. When brought to court, the judge gave James a choice between using his stolen enhancements to serve Nepleslia, or go to jail. He chose the army. James' pay from the SAoDIM is cut off by a certain percent to pay back the money he stole to the store owners

James has completed basic training and has some advanced training in field reconnaissance.


James is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other people through headsets, ships, ground vehicles, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. James is fluent in Nepleslian. He can speak and write it correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. James is skilled in field communications and is proficient in all rudimentary forms of communication (hand signals, flashing lights, etc).

Fighting and Physical
James received intensive hand-to-hand combat training (primarily focused on disabling and/or killing opponents) and has followed up that knowledge with a rigorous training program. Weapons he is trained in include pistols of all types, knives, grenades (and other forms of explosive weaponry) and rifles of all kinds. James can repair weaponry with adequate tools and time. James is in excellent physical shape and has considerable endurance. James is also able to pilot land-based power armors, but must rely on the suit’s A.I. to do anything advanced

James knows how to survive in hostile environments. He can build shelters, hunt and forage for food, build a fire, etc. James can camouflage himself and is familiar with guerrilla warfare tactics.

Strategy (Tactics/discipline)
James can understand and give out tactical commands and work with his troop to follow those commands efficiently. He knows the importance of teamwork on the battlefield, has been intensively trained in discipline and morale, and is able to recognize the command structure even while under extreme pressure (combat, etc). James is able to recognize ambush points. He knows basic math in order to calculate distances, etc, and can use a tactical map.

James can identify, manufacture, handle and dispose of explosives. With the proper tools, he can detect and disarm enemy explosives as well. James' eye enhancements are especially useful for this sort of thing, since his eyes are able to detect minute details in otherwise chaotic surroundings, noticing trip-wires and other hidden explosives becomes much easier.

James can pick pockets and basic locks with relative ease, giving him access to some things people would rather have hidden. It also helps when grabbing a little extra food when he has finished his rations.

Despite his shyness and reclusiveness, James can dance and sing rather well. He likes to sing traditional songs the most, and prefers the waltz over other dances. He would never do any of this in public, unless strongly urged on by a good friend, so most people never see this side of him.
I'll look at this more in depth when I get home from class in an hour or so but first thing that sends up red flags is the Tech Operation skill.

For SMoDIN (Nepleslia) we do not use Kessaku OS since that is directly a Yamatai Operating system.

And his fighting skill is looking a touch over-powered and he wouldn't need to be trained for combat in Yamatai-like conditions.... again, that's SAoY required.

These are the SmoDin Specific Required Skill sets and the specific skill wording: ... ry_marines

This character review is in progress; but other reviewers are welcome to contribute their opinions on this character biography. Also if you have not done so already, please add your contact information to the contact thread found: Here which is required for admission into our roleplay. We also require for all players to be 16 years old as per our forum and site user agreements.
It's pretty good for a first bio here. Welcome to SARP.

I've got a few edits and suggestions for you though.

1. it's now know as the Star Military of the Democtratic Imperium of Nepleslia or SMoDIN.

2. You start off at the bottom of the barrel: Soldier 3rd class. everyone gets this treatment, just so you know.

3. With the eye thing, you might want to explain how or why he got the enhancements.

4. by 'Shewn' do you mean 'Shaved'?

5. Why doesn't he like ID-Sols?

6. With the skills, Nepleslia has a different set of boilerplate skills than yamatai does.. lets see if I can dig up the Wiki page for you...

Overall, pretty good. You've mixed up a Nepleslian character with yamatai boilerplate, but that's an easily fixed mistake.
ARGH, I closed the original tab I had going through this.

OKAY quick run down-

You list that you want a character as Intel but you don't really have the background or skills to set up for that. You do have a lot of Yamatai skills (a misunderstanding).

You also list that he is knowledgeable of tactics and history but don't actually list those skills. If you take the required skills for the Nepleslian Marine Corps, it resolves the problem. You also have a very heavy handed combat skill set with a mixed bag of tricks that doesn't really apply for someone acting as a Field Intel officer in our Intelligence group.

So I get the impression that you want to be Infantry (since you listed it first) so I suggest going for that. Your character background makes more sense for that.

Also- Neural enhancements? Why, how and what do they do? I don't see someone who has to steal to survive being able to afford some really expensive surgery.

What do the enhancements do, why and when did he get them? Typically, people in this setting get ocular implants to improve eye sight. A neural enhancement wouldn't be frowned upon we just need to know what it actually does.


Why does he hate ID-SOLs? As a Marine you'll be seeing a LOOOOT and I mean A LOT of them since they make up a bulk of our population.

What exactly did he steal? I just don't see him getting the choice to enlist instead of jail time for what seems like petty theft. BUT - I can see him being forced to enlist to pay back his debts to his "victims" (since he doesn't hve the funds ora real job that'd trust him around their stuff) and his pay just automatically docked to pay them (kinda like with how dead beat parents get done to them for back child support).

This character is in progress and is currently not approved for IC-Usage until the reviewers' concerns and comments are addressed. Also, this player needs to provide us with his/her contact information to progress further.
Wow, I didn't realize I was so ignorant about this stuff. Oh well, I guess I'm just a noobie.

Anyways, I didn't know what to put for rank, so I randomly picked an enlisted rank for my char. But he is now 3rd class.

Shewn is an old word for shaved.

I gave James nueral enhancements because I thought it might benefit him considering what his job might be. The enhancement would specifically alloy him to see everything at a much higher frame rate than most normal people. That would allow him to see objects moving at very high speeds (IE. if a wheel was spinning very quickly beside him, he wouldn't see a blur, but a well defined spinning wheel.) The enhancement would also allow James to see several small details much easier, like noticing a broken branch or small cracks in a wall. The enhancements simply make him a better observer.

I fixed everything else. I really had intended James on being something like a sniper or a scout, I'm not sure if his stats and history have him set up for that. Criticism and advice is still welcome.
Uhh.. you have 8 skills here... you added not only the 4 required but all 4 of the optional specialties. Please pick 1 specialty to go with not all 4.
Wiki said:
General Infantry (Marines) have all the skills written above. A player may tailor their soldier into a specific role (Medic, Demolitions Expert, Mechanic, etc) by investing further skill slots into any of the areas below.

Good explanation on the dislike of ID-Sols and the eye surgery. Now, you need to figure out if you want Him to be a medic; a mechanic or demo expert.
Fixed it. I set him up as a demolitions expert and incorporated his eyes into the skill. I hope that doesn't mess anything up.
he can have two more skills, they do not have to be combat oriented, either. I've got a marine who can also cook, just to give you an example.
Hate to argue against you, Kim, but at least in America, you can be given a choice of jail time or enlistment. I personally knew someone who joined rather than go to jail for possession of the wacky tobacky.

Also, the skills that you've chosen, Cody, are from an older page that is, I think, out of date (commas for the win). If memory serves, the Nepleslian Star Military page has the skills needed for a current service member. I think that you can ditch one or two of the old ones and put in a new skill of your choice.
Cato- For the sake of simplicity, we haven't fully started using the new Marine Corps skill trees, so the skills he has here are correct.

One of these days, we'll go into further depth about the Nepleslian court system but I didn't think we still encouraged enlistment instead of jail time. *shrugs* But that's irrelevant, we already adjusted the bio to fit.

Cody, all righty.

This character is approved fpr IC-Usage, please add your character's bio to the wiki. You can place a request for orders in Nepleslia's communications forum for the Melissia-Kenni (combat) or Cirrus Station(Research, more light hearted social) plots.
Hey Cody, welcome to Star Army, and welcome to Nepleslia!

I'm Moon Man, one of the Nepleslian GMs and the soon-to-be GM of the Cirrus Station plot. Whenever you get your YIM account up and running, try and contact me so that we can have a little chat to help you get integrated with our little cranny of Star Army. My SN is big_round_glowy_thingy. Or, if you have any immediate questions, you could always send either me, Kokuten or Sublimeinal a Private Message over this forum, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Until then, all I can do is direct you to this thread,
which gives a few details about the summary of both of the new plots that are about to launch for Nepleslia. So, if you have any questions, feel free to shoot one at us. Here's to hoping you enjoy your stay with us!