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OOC Joint DATASS Taskforce


The Gunman
@Acewing13, @Gunsight1, @Samanthia, @Legix

Hey guys. I am so glad that I can get this idea of mine up and running. Thank you guys so much for helping me to make it happen. Anyway, let get your PC's up here so we can get our ducks in a row. For those of you who have already made wikis, please post the links. For those with brand new characters please use this temporary place holder template I have provided.

Which Military are they coming from?:



Here is my NPC for an example.

Name: Conrad Armstrong
Age: 48
Gender: Male
Species: Nepleslian
Which Military are they coming from?: NSN

Appearance: Standing at 6'3", Conrad is a well toned man. His face is rough and weathered, but his eyes are a bright blue. His short grey hair is normally kept in a crewcut. His right arm and leg have been replaced with cybernetics when he had a training accident which severed them.

Personality: Conrad is a outspoken, joker, who calls bullshit when he sees it.. He is very intelligent and loves to talk to people despite his tough looking appearance. He likes to joke around with his subordinates, to make the team feel more like a family. However, he calls things like he sees them, he is nit a man to beat around an issue. He might make jokes of it, but he will be direct and blunt about it.

Here you go guys. Knock yourselves out
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So he would either have been a non-com (Sgt) so he could be a Chef Petty Officer. Or he could have been an officer and rank of Lt. That would transfer over and he would be a Lt. as well. Your pick
Mostly wondering what rank a system's officer needs to be. If a non-com can be a system's officer, I would like to do that. If not, then he can be an officer.
Gonna probably be making the wiki for muh dude today or tomorrow. Going to be a young and mold-able diplomatic hopeful, full of youthful naivety
Sorry for taking so long guys. I just started class and am trying to get ahead so I have SARP time. I will try and get a post up tomorrow or Wed.
Name: Jasper Durango
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Nepleslian
Which Military are they coming from?: NSN

Appearance: Tan-skinned, 5'9", dark brown hair pulled back into a shoulder-length ponytail, large brown eyes. Androgynous facial features, slim and light-muscled frame. Both of his hands, his right ear, and left eye all have cybernetic replacements rather well-formed to promote functionality over utility and improvement.

Personality: Jasper is a somewhat naive and hopeful member of the NSN. While doing his job, there's little room in him for anything but the utmost greatest of effort from him. This means that whenever he fails, he often gets torn up by it to the point of almost (egad!) crying. He's always held an interest in politics and aiding the public, leading to him often finding himself in difficult situations and asking for help. Quite simply, his desire to believe in others will often make him a great face for a friendly negotiation, but a terrible one when faced with a devious foe! This includes when it's just a simple game of cards or negotiations for a battle!
Made a quick post for you guys. Not very meaty, but give you all a chance to interact or ask questions. if not I will make another post to move things along
Hey guys, just a reminder of the GM post that I put up last Sunday. If y'all want me to just get the show on the road please let me know, otherwise get those last minute posts in as soon as possible!