Star Army

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RP: Origin Joint Venture beyond the Edge


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Four Tansaku-Class research vessels dropped into normal space at the edge of the Dawn Station sphere of influence. They had just completed a circuitous route to get to Origin Industries station, while avoiding the NMX as much as possible. The Tetsugaku, Stellar, Hanako and Himiko assumed a diamond formation with the Tetsugaku in the forward position and approached the station. Behind them still enroute was a group of ships, bringing precious cargo to the station.

Arna Johansson commander of the Tetsugaku had Eric Eskil the communications person on the ship open a channel to the Dawn Station. “Dawn Station Approach this is the Scientific Services Studies vessel Tesugaku, Captain Arna Johansson commanding. We are part of joint research team sent here to work with Origin Industries on studying Mishhuvurthyar technology. The rest of the task force is fifteen minutes behind us. We wanted to arrive so you could prepare you people. There are five Mishhu vessels enroute to this location under a Star Army of Yamatai escort. Details of the ships is being transmitted to you now.” She signaled Eric and the communications specialist sent an encrypted signal with the following information.
Tesugaku said:
5 Operational Mishhuvurthyar vessels, property of the SSS. Break down is.
1 Blrakkrashiverinth Battleship
1 Ooghlrashithagg Carrier
3 Ghullfrashirv Escort
SaoY vessels will remain on station until resources are secured.

Arna sat at her console waiting for a response.
"Tetsugaku, this is Dawn Station control. We have received and confirmed your signal, and are preparing the station to accept the ships in question. An escort is on its way. For now, please accept this packet of instructions to your assigned area in Sector Four, and proceed on the included navigation course, which should avoid most of the construction. Once aboard the station, we will have a greeting committee waiting for you."

The Tetsugaku would then receive the packet of information, showing them details of where the ships incoming would be accepted, as well as a navigation course to a part of Dawn Station's Sector four that was near its joint with Sector nine, a part that was very obviously under construction at the moment. A few Jinkan escorts made their way out to the Tansaku-class vessels, forming a protective perimeter around the SSS ships.
Kimyou quickly scanned the transmission from Origin's Dawn Station. From her station she also observed the escort ships. Escort ships? Do they think we will get lost following their directions? she thought. She turned to face Arna, "Captain Johansson, the other vessels should be emerging from hyperspace now." The view screen shows a series of bright blue bubbles emerging in real space and when they faded the Star Army escorts for their Mishhu ships could be seen.

Arna turned to the pink haired Neko, "Thank you, Kimyou. Signal them to follow us to our 'destination'." This station is still under construction, how secure will it be? Will it be able to defend itself if the Mishhu arrive? "Helm follow our hosts directions, lets do this nice and easy if you please." she said to the pilot.

Switching her communications channel open, "Thank you for the reception party Dawn Station, now that all of our forces are present, we are proceeding enroute to your designated location."

Arna watched as the image on the view screen shift as Nancy began following the provided course.

Kimyou monitored their progress, of all the ships present only the Tansaku and the Mishhu warships did not concern her. They were known quantities. She understood the rationale for the Star Army forces escorting her, but was not sure why Origin Industries felt the need to provide their own additional forces. The location Origin designated was not even completely constructed, but given the constant state of construction and growth the SSS had been it was nothing new.

The Tetsugaku approached Sector Four and entered the indicated docking bay. The Mishhu warships and their SAoY escort came to a stop about 5 kilometers from the station. Their they would wait until adequate precautions could be put in place.

Arna advised Kyouyu the ships MEGAMI to notify the science teams of their arrival, and to send a missive to SSS Headquarters. "Kimyou, let's go meet our hosts. Have Milton meet us at the vehicle bay along with Curtis." she said walking out of the bridge.
Ray Gladstone sat at the wheel of a GP-ORV as he watched the Tansaku-class vessel land in the hangar bay of sector four. Realizing it was his time, and wondering idly why Aerin hadn't yet returned so she could do this kind of stuff, the Geshrin opened the door of his vehicle, hefting his slight bulk to the floor and motioning for a number of other Origin employees to make their way along with him to meet the SSS personnel. Stopping a good twenty meters from the ship, he waited for those inside to come out, so he could welcome them.


Outside the station, the Jinkan escorts pulled away as the Tansaku vessels landed on Dawn station, and returned to their posts patrolling around the perimeter of the station. Quickly, Moorings on the outside of the station were being prepared for the Mishhuvurthyar vessels, before internal hangars could be properly prepared for their study. Dawn Station Control sent a signal to the vessels telling them they could begin coming, and designating moorings for each individual warship.
Arna made her way to the Tetsugaku’s vehicle bay. She did a quick check of her uniform, and made sure that her sidearm was secured. She watched Kimyou come gliding into the bay with her Neko grace. A few minutes behind them, the heads of the science teams entered the bay. Well time to meet our hosts. Once this is complete we can oversee the securing of our Mishuu ships. she thought. She walked to the ramp and activated the doors. The huge clamshell doors slowly opened and the ramp extended.

Arna walked down the ramp, and surveyed the immediate area. She easily spotted the group of Origin employees and made her way with her entourage following close behind. She stopped a meter from the reception committee, and in her alto voice said, “Greetings, I am Arna Johansson Commander of the Tetsugaku.” Pointing to the Neko, she added. “This is Kimyou my Executive officer, and these people are the heads of the teams that will be examining the warships. The other team are some of our security personnel who need to meet with your people regarding establishing protocols for our property.”
"Welcome to Dawn Station, Miss Johanssen, Miss Kimyou." Ray replied, Bowing slightly. "I am Ray Gladstone, Co-owner of Origin Industries and CEO of our Origin Motors Corporation branch." The Gray-eyed Geshrin introduced himself, holding out a hand for Arna to shake.

A few moments later, He signaled with a wave of his hand for some of his managers and Security personnel to go and Meet with the SSS people to begin hammering out their details, something which he had never been good at and his people paid to do. "Hammer out the details for us, would you please?" the brown-haired CEO asked one of the men as he walked forward, smiling first at him, then at Arna. "While they do that, would you like to take a tour of the station? I know it's incomplete but what has been completed is rather interesting, at least in my opinion. Naturally, you will want to start with this sector, where you shall be based, am I not correct?"
The co-owner of Origin is meeting us? Hopefully he will not take offense at not being met by his equal in the SSS Arna thought briefly. Then the blue-eyed Yamataian took Ray's hand and gave it a firm shake while returning his bow. "Thank you Gladstone-San on behalf of Saiki Kouan, and the Directors of the Scientific Studies Service, we are grateful for the opportunity to work with your people. Hopefully together our people will create an environment for creative research regarding the ships."

Arna turned briefly to one of her crew, "Eskil-San take charge of the discussions regarding the security and safety protocols. Report to me when you and the Origin folks have completed hammering out the details." The dark skinned Yamataian male bowed briefly the quick movement causing his shoulder length hair to obscure his face momentarily. "I'm on it ma'am," the head Science member of her ship replied.

She turned back to the Geshrin and flashed him a warm smile. "Actually I would appreciate Kimyou and I receiving a tour of the station. As for it being incomplete, that is nothing new to those of us in the SSS. Since the formation of our Agency, seems we have been working on some sort of construction effort after another. In this case it will probably be to our advantage. Since this sector is incomplete it will make it easier for the technicians to install any necessary systems without having to dismantle stuff. Please lead on."
"I'm glad that we could work with such a great service as yours" Ray responded, appearing sincere, which he was. " It is always a good day when we can help the Galaxy be cleaner of such things as the Mishhu, and to be working with one of the Premier Yamataian agencies is certainly an honor for a Corporation such as ours."

Ray turned slightly and motioned to the ORV which he had driven in on. "If you will, we can take my vehicle. If any of your personnel need transport it can be arranged immediately. They have their choice of any of the vehicles Origin makes, aside from, of course, the aircraft." The Co-owner began making his way toward the vehicle, keeping his stride measured until Arna followed.
Arna started walking as soon as Ray moved towards the ORV. "I must admit that I am surprised to find one of the heads of Origin Industries driving an ORV. And we will gladly accept the load of transportation. We normally carry four T30 Light Utility Trucks aboard the ships. But we removed them to make room for the extra equipment we packed. Once we are settled in the spirit of cooperation I am authorized to grant your researchers access to our Library, and any Origin Personnel who wish to make use of the Campus classes will do so with the fee waived." She stopped along side the ORV.

Kimyou fell in behind the captain, and moved with her usual cat-like grace. "What are you station rules regarding the carrying of weapons? All our personnel have issued NSP's. In light of the current emergency and the state of uncertainty that saboteurs, zombies whatever has created, our Shuji has mandated that all SSS personnel are to remained armed when not in their quarters. And of course our security personnel have their own weapons."
"Well, this is actually the first ORV; It's the prototype I built myself, being the head vehicle designer for our company" Ray smirked, opening the door for Arna, before realizing there were only two seats for three people. "Uhh, would miss Kimyou mind riding in another vehicle behind us, or shall we just all go in a larger vehicle?" he answered, chuckling at his minor gaff with the vehicles. before he could get an answer to that, however, he answered the question given him.

"Well, since our company is just as Nepleslian as it is Yamataian, we have carried some of their habits over. Sidearms are allowed, as long as they are registered with Origin security, and larger automatic weapons are allowed for other security personnel, once again, so long as they are registered with our security.
Kimyou swung up into the back of the ORV, "There is no need for another vehicle Gladstone-San. I will be perfect fine with sitting in the back. I've ridden in much less comfortable vehicles during my time in the service. As for weapons NSP pistols are the standard fare for our people. The weapons our security people use are kept in a locker for their use, so we will register them with your station security. Shall we continue."

Arna smiled and approached the vehicle. "Looks like we don't have a problem with transportation after all."
Ray laughed a bit at Kimyou's deadpan antics, and looked forward before speaking. "It seems we will have no problems then. Now, why don't we tour one of the areas more familiar to me, my stomping grounds, Sector four, which is just the next arm over." Ray started the vehicle moving, and made his way through the station, heading first towards the center so he could cut through and make his way over to the next sector. " So, what was it that got you interested in Using Dawn station as the place for this research? I know Aerin is the one who set all this up, and I was busy designing so I hadn't quite had time to remember all the reasons for this." The man asked as he drove the two along.
Arna watched the surroundings change as the ORV made its way to the next area. "To be honest I am not entirely privy to the decision process. It was made at a pay band much higher than mine. But as it was explained to me, when our operations people succeeded in acquiring those ships, management realized that they needed to be protected. Too valuable of a resource to let fall into the wrong hands. So Teisei Fudo sent a request to the Star Army of Yamatai for secure facilities to use. Seems that the SAoY did not have any they were willing to give us access to, so they put forth the suggestion that we contact Origin Industries about using this location. As for the rest, well here we are."

Arna paused and looked briefly at her communicator. "I must admit that I was a bit surprised by the location of your station. This far out, aren't you worried about defending the installation? Let alone operating in what is technically Nepleslian space?"
"Well, We came out this far after Tami was overrun by the mishhu, seeking the natural protection of the nebula and remote location. It may be a bit cocky, but we believe we can protect the station from anything short of a huge organized military, and even that should have a tough time with something of this magnitude. We also came out this direction in order to explore the norther reaches, something that your organization can understand, I believe." Ray nodded, continuing the drive through the station and on towards the sector he had mentioned before.

"On the subject of being in what is technically Nepleslian space, Origin has somewhere between 65 and 75% Nepleslian employees, last time I checked. Also, we chose an area that hasn't been officially taken by anyone, since the rules are hazy about that and we can do our own research without worrying so much about accidentally shooting civilians."
Arna sat quiet listening to Ray, Confident, or cocky. I'm not sure which. she thought. "Yes, we understand the desire to explore. Our own teams were exploring beyond the Chen Nebula until we became aware of the fact that area was ceded to the Abwehran Star Empire. I've heard that they have moved to the south west of Yamatai. But to be honest, I am uncertain any starbase can withstand the might of the Mishhu. We heard stories about the damage done to Scorpio. We had a group of ships caught in the battle and what they sent was unbelievable. And a least at the moment I believe it was more formidable than the Dawn Station currently is. That's one reason for Project Kyashhu. The majority of our Kisaki-Class bases are being moved periodically with no direct travel to them allowed. And they have orders to move to a new location at the first sign of Mishhu activity heading towards them. A interstellar shell game to keep them safe. After all the SSS has no fighting ships."

"However, perhaps while we are stationed out here, we might help you folks with exploring some of the nearby systems. The Tansaku are meant for that mission first and foremost and we are not going to be making lots of trips south through the enemy lines." Arna offered. "After all your efforts to build this facility are going to require a lot of resources. The local systems may have deposits you can tap."
"It's true that Dawn is a little less than completed at the moment, But I have faith that the number of Origin's fleet ships, combined with the merchandise in storage here, as well as civilian ships, should be enough to protect from most attacks that slip past the SAoY. Besides, we have some protection from the SAoY itself here, so it's more than enough layers of security in my mind." Ray said, passing a sign that gave directions and distances to Sector four, which was shown to not be that far away.

"What I would most like to see explored is that nearby Nebula, actually. Passive checks of its edges have come up a bit anomalous, and I'm worried there may be something in there that no one's encountered before. That's really the only reason we haven't sent ships in there to collect particles from the nebula for various things."
Arna pondered Ray's suggestion. "Nebula exploration, well that is something the Tansaku's can handle easily. Once we conclude our tour I will contact Operations and get approval for the expedition. It is really what I'm best at. I enjoy going to new places, and leave the lab work to those best suited for it."

Kimyou rode along quietly, observing the structure. Her ears perked when she heard the world expedition. "Johansson-San, perhaps while you wait we could deploy a coupld of VCMAD-S drones. They can do some of the fringe work." she sent telepathically.

"Excellent suggestion, I will broach it with our host, thanks." she replied. "Actually Mr Gladstone, with your permission I can have our ships dispatch a group of our VCMAD-S drones to the edge of the nebula. They can safely scan the periphery while we wait for approval for an expedition." Arna said.