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OOC Junkyard Dog


Well-Known Member
It's happening!
I've cleared it with @Wes. Candon is now the shameful owner of a heavily damaged Kouken-class Escort ship!

The plot I am working on is specifically going to avoid having a 'plot-ship'. Ship's get shot at, eventually there is no point repairing it. My intention with the plot is to run a ship until it is nothing more than scrap and then move on. So, in order for this ship to be worse beginning the repair process there needs to be something of value. Weapons are valuable.

My vision, there is a big hole open to space where the reactor should be. Life-support is down, gravity systems are down, Shields are barely operational. Buuuut most of the Weapons Systems are still intact. The issue I want to push for this ship is energy production. Guns don't work if there's no power, nor do shields, nor do engines, nor do anything. It need a new reactor, first and foremost.

Second, we have multiple hull breaches. A vast majority of this ship has been exposed to space for most of it's life... Good news is that there's no rust!

Third, air is essential to life without a spacesuit. Life-support systems have failed. Fortunately for us the SAoY has a healthy supply of AMES and all 3 of our characters roll with a Warrior Princess celebrity.

Fourth, gravity systems are off-line! But don't worry, only the ones inside the ship are broken!... that means we also have no inertial dampeners, isn't that fun!

Fifth, the shields are using way too much power! When this ship was sunk the crew was essentially 'overclocking' The Shield systems. Because of this when the shields failed the shock traveled back through the emitters and overloaded the array. The emitters have been replaced with the bare minimum needed to make this ship capable of spacefare.

So, a recap, we cannot live in this ship, we cannot use the gun ornaments, and if anyone wants to blow it up they are more than welcome because we can't do a thing to protect ourselves.
Yes, this ship will do just fine!

Who's the Warrior Princess celebrity?
It's being repaired and the crew is on holiday while it's being done. This ship is Candon's and I'm hoping to use it as a floating storage unit and house until I begin the plot I've been developing.
Well that's too bad.

Masumi is a maybe.
anyone is welcome to assist with the project. once the ship is patched up and working feel free to store your stuff there in the cargo bay. it's free storage
I feel like this ship is the last place I want to put valuables.
One of the Eucharis NPCs has one too, and has no use for it. Ask around.
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