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Just what are 'sprites' on Yamataian ships?


Retired Staff
Like the title asks. There was a discussion in the Sakura OoC thread that seemed to warrant the creation of such a thread here.
A miserable little pile of femtobots?

I always considered them to be temporary crew that could be absorbed by an -IES unit when no longer necessary. If they've been around long enough to get names, they don't seem like sprites anymore.
The MEGAMI can generate different types of sprites too.

The unranked servant sprites are generated and absorbed as needed. They mostly perform menial, domestic tasks that the rest of the crew would turn up their noses on.

Higher ranked sprites are usually generated because the ship is missing a specialist in a certain area (a doctor, or a cook, for instance). These more skilled sprites can have ranks as high as Warrant Officers. They usually stay around longer and develop their own personalities, and thus are rarely re-absorbed.

In the event that a Yamataian ship is boarded, and the MEGAMI's computer core is threatened, the MEGAMI will also generate Warrant Officer-ranked warrior sprites to defend itself.
How are sprites generated? How do they advance as individuals (considering they are tightly linked with their ships -IES) and if 'named' sprites are servants whom gain rank, do they eventually acquire 'freedom' and become self-motivated sentient beings?

Can a player character be a sprite?
Wes is probably the person to ask on the technical details, but considering that NH-29s are assembled at the molecular level, not grown, it shouldn't be so hard to imagine.

Actually, sprites slowly acquire personality because they are decoupled from MEGAMI as soon as they're "born". Although the MEGAMI can still project her own power through her sprites, by speaking through them, for example, although this is a very un-nerving experience for the sprite.

Imagine all sprites as somewhere along a scale that goes from "machine" to "human". All sprites are nothing but automated, organic machines when they are "born", and the MEGAMI usually re-absorb them pretty soon if it plans to re-absorb them at all. (This might be done because the ship needed a temperary spike in the number of servants to settle in an influx of new crew members, for example.)

If they don't get re-absorbed in a few days, however, they start sliding down the scale toward "human". Eventually they become just like any other Neko, and there would be serious ethical questions raised if the MEGAMI were to re-absorb a "mature" sprite at this stage.

I believe Sprites are there mostly so that the GMs have an excuse / explanation to "spawn" more NPCs as needed. :)
So, to create a sprite, you'd need to use a ship's medlab hemosynthetic tanks, correct?

They don't just materialize from nowhere (as another new player suspected).
Yangfan said:
The MEGAMI can generate different types of sprites too.

The unranked servant sprites are generated and absorbed as needed. They mostly perform menial, domestic tasks that the rest of the crew would turn up their noses on.

Higher ranked sprites are usually generated because the ship is missing a specialist in a certain area (a doctor, or a cook, for instance). These more skilled sprites can have ranks as high as Warrant Officers. They usually stay around longer and develop their own personalities, and thus are rarely re-absorbed.

In the event that a Yamataian ship is boarded, and the MEGAMI's computer core is threatened, the MEGAMI will also generate Warrant Officer-ranked warrior sprites to defend itself.
Yangfan, you did an outstanding job of answering the question.

do they eventually acquire 'freedom' and become self-motivated sentient beings?

Can a player character be a sprite?
In theory, yes.
Forming bones, sinew and flesh in thin air just like that is rather gruesome. x_x

Are you guys sure sprites don't require being spawned at least in the hemosynthetic tanks like neko bodies would be created?


Tomoe, the NH-12B was created on my request at some point because I was contemplating having the Himiko-class carry a contigent of Lamia armors, but Wes told me that the NH-12 had no anti-gravity capabilities. Figuring that a neko without anti-grav in a 0G environment could have some difficulties moving around, even more, board her mecha... I asked if the NH-12 could be improved.

Wes agreed, and the NH-12B was unofficially born. The NH-12B is pretty much a miniature NH-29A, including anti-gravity, mind-shielding, telepathy and MINI-SPINE connection. However, they aren't very widespread because there is a significant lack of power armor supporting thier control interface at the moment (there is an experimental Lamia-type piloted by a NH-12B called Lillen (bastardized "little one" in one word) in the 5th XF "Master and the Servant" scenario though).

You can believe that it's somehow related to Miles' work on his NH-S, but seeing the differences between them, I doubt Miles design was actually the base for it, though it was perhaps the motivator ("Hey, this nepleslian is butting in our things and trying to show us how to make a new 'more-effective' miniature neko. Hmph! Let's give him cash so he'd shut up and show him how to make a real chibi-neko!")

Oh, also: The new NH-12B power armor is in the works. I already have plans for it. Since the Sylph is totally useless next to the Daisy... time to give it an overhaul to make it useful! XD
Kotori said:
Forming bones, sinew and flesh in thin air just like that is rather gruesome. x_x

I'd kind of imagine that would be somewhat sensored and cute....perhaps the nodal devices would make a tiny colored sphere which would give off light and grow like a balloon as the Neko became more complete, and then "POP!" A Chibi Neko pops out of the balloon!
That's if its a small NH-12 like neko sprite. I could sort of swallow the small ones just popping out of HSCS conduits or something.

It's the larger normal sized (~5 feet) NH-17/29 nekovalkyrja-type that bugs me.
No, they are created in the HS tanks in the medical bay.
That's if its a small NH-12 like neko sprite. I could sort of swallow the small ones just popping out of HSCS conduits or something.
Also possible.
If I may, can I ask what sort of personalities, and what memories Sprites possess' when they are first called in to existence? I'd be interested how these truly artificial beings function to begin with.
This was, oddly enough, the first time I've learned about these avatars/sprites. It explains some of the stuff (I think) I've seen, though. Seems like a real nifty sort of technology. I had actually been considering the idea that Brolt ships had a sort of creature living on the inside to help them communicate (since they vibrate), but after seeing this it's quite obvious that staying away from critters (real or not) is probably a good way to stay unique to their own fleet/ship-style.