Star Army

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Approved Character Kaeto Mura


Inactive Member
Name: Kaeto Mura

General Information
Species: Seelie
Gender: Male

Age: 17

Family: Mother and Father

Faction: Diplomatic
Occupation: Hunter
Rank: none
Current Assignment: none

Physical Characteristics:
Height: 6'5
Measurement (Waist): 35cm

Build and Skin color: Small, athletic, slightly tanned
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black

Distinguishing Features: Slash diagonally across nose bridge, from a wild animal when he was a youngster out hunting.

Personality: Shy and quiet but a loyal friend once you get to know him. Prefers to remain undetected, when approached by strangers. He always loves a good joke, even though he gives the impression he is always serious. He is very generous and gives to almost anyone who asks. He believes strongly in fairness so in a fight will always make sure he is on an equal with his opponent.

Likes: Discovering new things.
Dislikes: Doing something that is extremely taxing such as the training his father puts him through.
Goals: Become undefeatable in all forms of fighting.

When he was born his parents decided to school him at home and keep him quiet from the public because they were very protective of him. So while the other children went to school to play he would either stay at home and learn or he would be out in the forests with his father learning useful hunting skills. They believed that Kaeto would learn more this way.

Biology: Due to the fact that he is almost always in the forest in his spare time, Kaeto has taken an interest into the lives of the other organisms that dwell there, so he studies them closely, learning their habits and gaining a vast knowledge of the local Biology.

Engineering: Kaeto was taught by one of his father's close friends how to make basic weapons such as swords and knives.

Fighting: Due to the fact that his father is an ex-war veteran he would naturally want his son to be able to defend himself. He is also very adept at using ranged weaponry as well as melee weapons.

Mathematics: This goes hand in hand with engineering; this is mostly mechanical math's that he is familiar with, although he has discovered the equivalent of Pythagoras' theorem.

Medical and science: Due to his extensive knowledge of the forests he also knows what herbs and other plants can be used to certain wounds or diseases.

Physical: Since he is being trained by his father, he is pushed to the limits on all aspects of sport and physical ability.

Survival and Military: When he was being taught to hunt by his father, his father also trained him to build shelter, find water, and survive a night in the wild.
I really like this character, I think it will be a great contabution to the Seelie and star army ands i hope it gets approved... nice work kiethy.

My only problem is: I think the history needed more explaining, but thats just me :)
I find that most people like short historys. Now you just wait for someone to approve it, or for you to improve it.
I'll step in for the moment.

Short histories are good because they allow for the very character of your character to be established by way of RPing, not by what events you've put in his past. In longer histories there is often the need to RP out details, but in your case this is not such.
The history is fine. Don't expand it. Don't worry Tim, I trained a few guys to cover everything, most of the time I don't have to do anything any more, Thomas does it for me. B)

Nice job.
I like it.

Just one problem. I am not sure that he would be much stronger than others, as the army puts it soldiers through a lot too. They are trained to the limit and have to be very mentally and physically strong. The army has been fighting hand to hand combat, and other forms of combat for centuries; they would have picked up techniques, which most certainly would be better than his fathers. I'm sorry, Keith. That's the only problem. I don't think he would be that much stronger and well trained than the usual army, as they are awesome already.

Other wise well done. I won't approve it yet though. Sorry.
That's true actually, in fact you probably would be worse than the army as you were self trained whereas the army went through a rigorous training scheme.
Keithy said:
Name: Kaeto Mura

General Information
Species: Seelie
Gender: Male

Age: 17

Family: Mother and Father

Faction: Diplomatic
Occupation: Hunter
Rank: none
Current Assignment: none

Physical Characteristics:
Height: 6'5
Measurement (Waist): 35cm

Build and Skin color: Small, athletic, slightly tanned
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black

Distinguishing Features: Slash diagonally across nose bridge, from a wild animal when he was a youngster out hunting.

Personality: Shy and quiet but a loyal friend once you get to know him. Prefers to remain undetected, when approached by strangers. He always loves a good joke, even though he gives the impression he is always serious. He is very generous and gives to almost anyone who asks. He believes strongly in fairness so in a fight will always make sure he is on an equal with his opponent.

Likes: Discovering new things.
Dislikes: Doing something that is extremely taxing such as the training his father puts him through.
Goals: Become undefeatable in all forms of fighting.

When he was born his parents decided to school him at home and keep him quiet from the public so that he wouldn't have to join up with the Seelie army, so while the other children went to school to play he would either stay at home and learn or he would be out in the forests with his father learning useful hunting skills. They believed that Kaeto would learn more this way, also due to the fact that his father was an ex-war veteran he learn as much, if not more than the children who attended the army. Due to the fact that his father was an ex-war veteran he still has some contacts in the army which allow him to pass on new and improved trining to his son and to also impose worse conditions on his son than those attending the army. Also, as a result of spending so much time in the forests he was eventually discovered by some other children of his own age. After asking them to tell no one of his existsence they became friends and they taught him a few things that they learnt in the army, to aid him with his personal training.

Biology: Due to the fact that he is almost always in the forest in his spare time, Kaeto has taken an interest into the lives of the other organisms that dwell there, so he studies them closely, learning their habits and gaining a vast knowledge of the local Biology.

Engineering: This skill is key to survival as everything the Seelie use are made from natural resources and pure ingenuity, houses, weapons tools, 90% of these are made from wood, the other 10% from bronze or stones.

Fighting: Due to the fact that his father is an ex-war veteran he would naturally want his son to be able to defend himself, this plus the fact that Kaeto seems to be a natural born martial artist means he is extremely difficult to cross. He is also very adept at using ranged weaponry as well as melee weapons. He was trained from a very young age to be able to sharp-shoot.

Mathematics: This goes hand in hand with engineering; this is mostly mechanical math's that he is familiar with, although he has discovered the equivalent of Pythagoras' theorem.

Medical and science: Due to his extensive knowledge of the forests he also knows what herbs and other plants can be used to certain wounds or diseases.

Physical: Since he is being trained by his father, he is pushed to the limits on all aspects of sport and physical ability. He has incredible endurance, and can move things that would usually take 2 strong adults to move.

Survival and Military: This is almost second nature to him, being trained by his father he was put into severe and harsh conditions by his father to test him so he has learnt to look out for anything that may help him survive when everything seems lost. As well as this his father also sparred him till he was more than able to defeat him.
Sorry guys, but I'm very determined to bypass the army if possible. I don't like the idea of someone being forced to do something against his/her will.
You don't have to join the army, you just won't be stronger or a better fighter than people in the army because you are only self-trained
What... no-one is saying you have to join the army... just that you can say

Likes: The fact that he is superior in strength to almost all other Seelie at his age and a good deal others that are older than him.
They don't have to Keith. Where did you get that idea from.....if he had to be in the army. I would have made that another problem with it.

I don't like the fact that he doesn't want to be in the army...yet it seems as though he is doing everything the army does. Keith please change this and not try and get around the situation. He would not be that much stonger than any of the other men. He would be about the same level, as most Seelie do independant training.
Character Approved.

That is a lot better, you can RP facts into the story. This way you can get across how he has been trained and what skills he has.

Well Done. Get involved in the "Dark Ononi" thread. :D