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SYNC [Kage Yaichiro] Inquiry to Ship Class Preservation/Museum


Inactive Member
To the following departments:
Star Army of Yamatai
YSE Department of Education

I am contacting both departments to determine the interest and practicality in preserving historical examples of classes of obsolete vessels for museum or educational purposes. Our military has been the driving force behind our rich history, which we are still in the relative beginning of, but we tend to use ships of obsolete classes to extinction or refit all known examples. A notable example is the Sakura-class, of which no known time-correct units survive. The museum dedicated to the YSS Sakura has to use a to scale mockup, which is a sad fact when noting the impact of the class on our culture and history.

Other ships which are in danger of being lost forever to future generations are the Nozomi and Yuuko (use until depleted), the Ketsueki (only eight known surviving examples survive, all in the Seventh Fleet), the Irim (Many have been upgraded from Type 26 to Type 30 specs, and even these are to be used to extinction), and various others. Even though I designed an upgrade to the Yui-class Scout, the Yui 7, I've yet to sell back my old Yui 5 in fear that the class would perish entirely. Thankfully, the YSS Yui has thus far been preserved, so that may not happen for some time.

Future generations may well want to see what ships the Empire used in its early days to found and defend itself, and at this rate abysmally few examples(if any) will survive of many classes. I feel that a general Star Army Museum or a series of them are needed to preserve examples of our military history for future generations, and would like to see if there is a common interest in such a thing between the relevant departments in the government.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Sakura II, NG-X1-395
Re: [Kage Yaichiro] Inquiry to Ship Class Preservation/Museu

To: Taisa Kage Yaichiro
CC: Yamatai Department of Education
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

I have interest in creating a Star Army Museum. I think Kyoto would be a good place for it, at least for exhibits up to any size ships that is capable of landing. The reason for such a placement would be to keep it accessible to the greatest number of people.

I would be willing to donate ships to such a museum, including the YSS Azamoya (in honor of the YSS Miharu), the YSS Irim, the Yui-class YSS Wicked, the YSS Celia, and other notable ships.
Re: [Kage Yaichiro] Inquiry to Ship Class Preservation/Museu

To: Ketsurui Yui-Taisho (SAoY)
From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa (SAoY)

I am sending a communication to the Department of Land and Homes to see if they have an available site that meets the needs for such a facility. I thank you for your support, and am glad others recognize that these old craft are important learning aides and symbolize our history. I'm tempted to pursue including other examples of Star Army technology as well, such as Starfighters, Power Armor, Uniforms, and Gear.

A question I feel obligated to ask, however: Would the ships transferred to this site be formally decommissioned, or would they be listed as serving vessels in the Central Yamatai Defense Fleet under the Empress' command? One state would leave them incapable of operation and more safely toured by the public, while the other would leave them in correct working order but may require safeguards and limitations to be put in place. The distinction between these two types of preservation may also impact which government departments or military forces will need jurisdiction over the site.

Another concern I have is of a specific class of ship. The eight surviving Ketsueki were transferred to the Seventh Fleet at my request for research purposes, after which point I felt they needed to be preserved. After my transfer, I do not believe they've been utilized in any capacity. May one or more of those vessels also be sent to the museum for preservation?

To: YSE Department of Land and Homes
CC: Ketsurui Yui-Taisho (SAoY); YSE Department of Education
From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa (SAoY)

I have proposed the foundation of a museum to preserve examples of various starship classes from the history of the Star Army for future generations in a type of museum, and the idea has met with some support. I strongly suspect that the existing YSS Sakura Imperial Museum would become subordinate or a sibling museum to this site.

Ketsurui Yui-Taisho-sama has expressed interest in the idea and a willingness to contribute vessels of notable historical significance to the site. She is interested in establishing the museum in Kyoto so to be accessible to as many people as possible. If a site in Kyoto is to be secured, it is necessary to obtain your support as well.

The site would need to be large enough to accommodate multiple ships, be accessible to as many people as possible, and be able to handle the landing of these craft. Do you have a site available and suitable for such a facility?
Re: [Kage Yaichiro] Inquiry to Ship Class Preservation/Museu

To: Taisa Kage Yaichiro
CC: Yamatai Department of Education, Yamatai Department of Land and Homes, Star Army Museum
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

Nataria is now home to the Star Army Museum. So far it has some great static displays of starships and it is set to expand over the years. Your suggestions for further exhibits would be appreciated. Ships in the museum are decommissioned but not disabled. As for the Ketsueki-class, one may see sent to the museum and the others should go to the depot for recycling.