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SYNC [Kage Yaichiro] Opportunity for Tamahagane Corporation


Inactive Member
To: Tamahagane Corporation

Recently, Tsubomi City made two contracts available for producers. Tamahagane Corporation secured one which suits the city's needs admirably, while the other licensing request for designs was not responded to by any company. Out of this need, I've worked on designing a small vehicle for that purpose. The initial consideration was a small vehicle that could drive itself safely and transport children unsupervised, and possibly even be purchased by children who are able to save up a comparably small amount of money for a vehicle. Minimal maintenance and high safety and reliability were also important requirements. Automated taxi conversion and simplified driver's education capability was also intended from the start, and it can easily be configured for left or right-handed driving with the same parts.

While any agreements regarding the production of this design would be required to allow Tsubomi to produce vehicles for its own needs and populace within the borders of the city, I believe that a cheap and efficient vehicle in a low price range and a variety of expandability options for various needs could potentially be a boost to the industry during wartime and in a following period of recovery. While I have often gone through KFY for my designs, going through a company other than KFY for this would avoid distracting them from their military contracts and obligations and consuming their resources. I also have an interest in having the design be produced for larger markets through an alternate producer for the Yamataian and Nepleslian markets.

The Soyokaze, or "Windbreaker" for the Nepleslian markets more sensitive to Yamatai-go naming, is a vehicle derived from basic airbike technology (Hover Cyclecar) that I wish to license the sale and production of, and is intended to have a base price of just 950 KS/1900 DA. At this price, almost anyone can afford a reliable self-guided vehicle for under 1000 KS, even children. It is simply a niche which isn't filled.

Please respond to me if you're interested, and what sort of deal you believe we could make if so.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
From: Tamahagane Shigeo

The Corporation is always looking for new avenues to expand our business.

We have looked at the vehicle specifications. Our corporation has the means to market your product in both Yamataian and Nepleslian markets.

As you have said, this design is ideal for the niche that you have designed it for. Our marketing department has provided us with an estimate of what they believe the potential for sales is.

We are prepared to pay you 2,500,000 KS as a deposit against the royalties we are prepared to pay for the right to produce and sell this design. Our offer is to to pay you 4.5% of the net profit of each sale.

Additional payments would commence once the sales of the product have exceeded the amount needed for our royalty fee to meet the aforementioned sum.

If this is acceptable please contact so that we may conclude this arrangement.

Tamahagane Shigeo
COO - Tamahagane Corporation
To: Tamahagane Shigeo (COO - Tamahagane Corporation)
From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa

That is acceptable, as long as Tsubomi City is free to produce, repair, and sell these units within the city limits unrestricted so that the units can be used in their intended capacity. Tamahagane Corporation would have license of unrestricted production and sale in the Yamataian and Nepleslian markets, with the option to discuss opening into other markets as the opportunities arise for the company, all for the aforementioned payment and royalties.

Please note that this production license includes a special license to produce Crystalline Audio Sensor Arrays specifically for this application. The only other private company outside of my think tank currently licensed to use this technology for any application is your subsidiary, Nayacesen Industrials, in the context of mining sensor applications. This is because I am friends with its founder and president. I do consent, however, to having Nayacesen Industrials produce those crystals for this application as well if it proves more cost effective.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
From: Tamahagane Shigeo

It was never our intention to interfere with Tsubomi City's production of this product. We are only interested in securing the license to manufacture for sale in other markets.

Tamahagane Shigeo
To: Tamahagane Shigeo (COO - Tamahagane Corporation)
From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa

I was just making sure it was officially stated. I agree to these terms. Nice doing business with you!

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
From: Tamahagane Shigeo

Fine, funds will be transferred to your account.

Tamahagane Shigeo
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