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Laz Public Network Kage Yaichiro to Midori Jo: Personal Communication


Inactive Member
To: Midori Jo
From: Kage Yaichiro

Hello, Midori-san. I have just left the Eucharis, and will be serving Katsuko once more. things are not as good on the Eucharis as I'd hoped.

The Taisa has changed greatly, as I suspected when she met you and seemed so...distant. The only original crew other than her from our time seem to be the sprites, and they have also changed greatly.

Cherry was killed in the last mission, and I'm sorry to say that she was so psychologically distracted, that I do not know if she will be revived or not. I am debating asking the Star Army to bring her back as a civilian so she can choose what to do with her life...but I don't honestly know if she'd be happier dead or not. her change shook me deeply as well, and reminded me just how much time has passed. I do know this though: The Taisa has become somewhat quick to discard those not of use to her, a trait which I hope she will eventually recover from. Of course, perhaps she feels betrayed by her former officers who have defected or gotten their own commands. I cannot read her mind, but I guess I must move on as well.

If Cherry is revived and becomes a Civilian, I may offer to have her stay with you, and hope that you two can help each other recover.

Speaking of your situation, the staff has shown concerns for you, that you are not recovering or even getting out past the gardens. I am thinking you may have to get back out into the world again, and am wondering if you should find employment to ease back into society and responsibility.

Mind you, I'm not saying you have to, I will continue to provide for you even if you feel incapable of such, but I doubt you'll be happy being idle forever. Just start giving thought to your future, as you gradually learn to make peace with your past.

I may not be able to visit for a while, though I will have a visit from my daughter soon. Perhaps you could ask the 7th SF for permission to visit if you should wish it, or I can come on vacations. In any case, I'm still thinking of you and your well being, and though the Taisa seems colder than before, I don't plan on abandoning you.

Shosa Kage Yaichiro
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