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Kaminer syndrome rapid inducement enzymes AKA 'Kaserine'


Inactive Member

Kaserine is a compound which varies vastly depending on its application but the overall effect is the same: To make drastic rapid short-term genetic, neural, cognitive and physiological changes to the consumer.

The consumer is changed via a combination of hormones, chemicals, hemosynth material and especially crafted nanomachine which transform and create cells and secrete chemicals acting to catalyze the process. In Kaminer variants, a "correction buffer" is written to a nerve cluster established directly beneath the pancreas which contains variables required to restore the wearer, excercised by the nanomachines within.

Popular uses include gender shifting, shift of muscle, consumption of fatty compounds and genetic palette mixing from a range of foreign genomes.

Although the Kaminer variant is temporary, an overdose will trigger the controller component (typically the hormones) to activate the nerve cluster and force the brain in turn, to release a very specific balance of dopamine and endorphin which in turn once again, trigger the remaining compounds to begin the restoration process. This process is assisted through the nanomachines still within (otherwise, it might take days) and typically happens an hour after the initial transformation. As this is very cumbersome, if specific conditions aren't met, the restoration process will not take place (typically when the consumer is in pain or is ill and the changes would damage them).

A transformation takes approximately 3 to 10 minutes to take place in the majority of cases.


Although the classic origin and original strains of Kaserine are unclear, it is clear that they came into use around a century ago and until very recently have been shunned from popular culture. Conceived for recreational consumption, Kaserines were regarded as unsafe and difficult to reverse until the 'reversal buffer' was perfected by Doctor Retana Kaminer.

Though Kaserines have been traded and consumed for a century, Kaserine is available in a wide array of uncontrolled forms which are deemed unsafe by the vast majority of the medical academic community.

There are, however, controlled variants which tightly follow the research of Dr. Kaminer (Known as the Kaminer-Kaserine strains or KAMKAS for short) which are manufactured by a small biochemical firm based on Nepelsia with close sponsorship from the Nepelsian government as a powerful psychological weapon since the majority of Nepelsians rarely see Nepelsian females.


Popular forms include liquids, solids and especially popular are foods and the most popular modifications are gender reversal or enhancement as these are the safest modifications in the long-term.

The most frequent and available form is that known as a "candy", to remove the bad reputation associated with pills. Color and shape signify the particular type, making candies readily identifiable.

The drug affects humans (such as Nepleslians and Geshrins), Yamataians, and NH-29 Nekovalkyrja, but other Nekovalkyrja are not affected.


Even with safe reversal Kaminer strains, there are dangers involved. The most prominent is overdose. If the dosage exceeds 45mg per kilogram of the consumer within 25 mintues (16 candies within 3 hours) then the transformation sequence will occur too quickly. Typically, this results in an immune response which attempts to destroy converted cells which means the consumer's own response system will (in most cases) kill them unless subdued. As well, overuse may result in nanomachines remaining within the body, causing potentially cancerous effects, particularly in species with healing capabilities.

Confirmed effects:

Trials have proven the following effects are 97.3% correct in the majority of cases (inc. cross-compatibility & sandboxing). Here are listed the (b)lue(male), (w)hite(neutral/rejection) and (p)ink(female) types.

  • 1B : Hemaphoradatic traits: A shaft sprouts from the clitoral hood with a 35% nerve density. No other changes.
  • 2B : Second stage Hemaphoradatic traits: The shaft becomes more penis like with a 50% nerve density.
  • 3B : Male transition: The female body begins to take on male traits. Muscles become more pronounced and breasts are reduced or removed entirely.
  • 4B : Full male body. Testicles develop and the vagina closes. Further muscular enhancement at 75% density.
  • 5B : Further male enhancement. Greater muscle mass and male hormones.
  • 6B : Sickness - All changes reversed upon vomiting. This is a painful process though triggered hormones mask the pain.
  • 1P : Enhanced female body and lower fat volume. The consumer appears far more "healthy". Homeopathic systems are cleansed and optimized.
  • 2P : Further enhancement, resulting in the tightening and molding of muscles, including the vagina and anus. Greater sexual sensitivity.
  • 3P : Sickness - All changes reversed upon vomiting. This is a painful process though triggered hormones mask the pain.
  • 1B : Enhanced body and masculine traits. Greater muscle mass, larger genitalia, greater sexual sensitivity. Homeopathic systems are cleansed and optimized. The consumer appears more healthy, physically.
  • 2B : Further enhancement resulting in a higher muscle volume and lower fat volume. Genitalia become larger. Body and pubic hair thin out, closer to hair upon one's head.
  • 3B : Sickness - All changes are reversed upon vomiting. This is a painful process though triggered hormones mask the pain.
  • 1P : Hemaphroditic traits - Testis are replaced with a vaginal cavity of immense sensitivity. The body softens and fills out some. The voice rises and is closer to that of a female than a male, leaving the consumer androgynous.
  • 2P : Further enhancement: Breasts begin to develop and the penis falls in size.
  • 3P : Further female body enhancements.
  • 4P : Psychological changes take place and muscle mass is reduced.
  • 5P : The penis is finally reduced to a clitoris and the testis are moved in position of where ovaries would be, a womb taking form though uncompleted.
  • 6P : Sickness - All changes reversed upon vomiting. This is a painful process though triggered hormones mask the pain.
Either Gender
  • 1W : The process is returned to stage 3.
  • 2W : The process is returned to stage 1.
  • 3W : The process is completely reversed safely.
Points of interest:

Although males converted are unable to reproduce as females because the womb does not complete in the majority of cases, females in the majority of cases are fertile when using specific types of Kaminer Candies after passing the 3B mark and produce potent sperm.
A few points:

First, there is no way the transformation could happen in 3-10 minutes here. If we want to be realistic it should take at least days.

Second, this is not an enzyme. Even if it has enzymes in it - it is not one. In fact you'd have to say that this is a virus which serves to rewrite the hosts DNA structure - or a Virus that tricks your body in to creating false body mass, or indeed simply a body mass that is formed of controllable bacteria. The enzyme's are relatively unimportant.

Also I don't see why it would be temporary. Such huge changes really shouldn't be.

Candy that makes women grow penises? I knew my mother was right about candy from strangers.

Also, I see no reason why the women would be able to generate live sperm.

You defy physics on a semi-regular basis.

I opened up FM's concept from about 7 or 8 paragraphs, refined it and posted it back to him to fix up.

I don't see why you can be the only one who has the fun, Zakalwe. :3
You're being decidedly unfair there, OsakanOne. If I was designing something like this I would limit myself in the same way - in fact if you look at the drugs my companies make you will see that they, in comparison to this, are amazingly realistic.

In addition, I do not defy physics. My technology that I designed usually sticks fairly true to theories of physics.

We can not ignore the simple fact that the human body can not reproduce at that speed - if the additional organs are created soley out of some bacterium say so - although they would also eat away all matter you wish to reduce.
Nekovalkyrjas do have the capability to change their body. Or they had, being able to grow claws, wings and battle tentacle. Wes' interpretation of the NH-27 makes it seem like it could even remove the SLICS shoulderports and replace it with the SPINE interface if given the proper instructions to do so. Just think about what the NH-18 can do ~_^

The changes the 'candy' does don't seem unfeasible to do seeing some other things I've seen around. I do think they should take a bit more time though.
Nepleslians are very simmilar. Geshrins are enhanced - but don't have that sort of fast growth ability. Yamatians might well be able to - but I'm not sure that a 'virus' or 'bacteria' would effect them.
Perhaps nanotech? A nanomachine capsule combined with similar drugs might be somewhat more believeable for the rapid change.
Change is the believable part. Rapid change is not. Not to the extent you listed anyhow for a human-like being.
...but I'm not sure that a 'virus' or 'bacteria' would effect them.

At least we're bothering to try and explain it's workings and not jumping the hole by not trying.
In this day and age, we don't even comprehend the scope of biological technology!

Caution: Due to some graphic content, parental discretion is advised.

If something should be possible, one should try to explain the workings of the device so counter-technologies to balance things out should exist or even remove a technology by making it impractical should it pose a problem.
Even if this information comes late, it's a lot better than toning something down.

We went the extra mile and even made overdoses dangerous in order to limit the consumption and mentioned it had applications as a psychological weapon (and that they should not be treated lightly).

That's a lot better than saying "this device collects energy from a scientific theorum. I won't be creative and try to imagine my own fantasy-theorum to justify my device or it's weaknesses. No. It just works and that's all you need to know".

Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest.

We made it fast because during ero-JP, noone wants to wait 30 minutes for a change to take place so someone can get their rocks off and it would be useless as a weapon if the impact was not near immediate because counter-drugs could be taken to minimize the effects.
My biggest problem with this, is that what you are suggesting is not a surgery, but infact a re-writing of the sex identification gene correct? Well, you want to reverse that gene, then speed up the gene's work, which would produce the correct amount of hormones, then after a while reverse back to the original gene right?

Thats where the biggest problem is. Wouldn't it cause not only a instability in the gene, but also the sudden overdose in the hormone needed would cause something t the effect of roid rage for the male version right?

My biggest problem is worrying over the stability of the gene if there is repeated or even a first use.
It's kind of like cancer, I suppose. How is the rapid growth controlled, and cancers prevented? What happens to the old cells?

I suggest that it has some sort of chemical signal that has cells, at least near the genital areas, change sex - think of the sex-changing frogs that do this in real life. If it's possible for real, it should be doable with advanced scifi tech.
It's too fast. Anyone trying to grow a penis that fast will probably rupture a major blood vessel somewhere. :p

3 to 10 days sounds more realistic, and much less painful.

And there's no way this drug will work on Geshrins and Yamataians. Their immune systems will fight off any attempts by viruses attempting to overwrite the host's DNA. Unless they take drugs that shut down or weaken their immune systems as well. Major health risk right there.

Also, I'm not a biologist, so someone please confirm this, but can bacteria actually overwrite host DNA? I thought that was only viruses.

And OsakanOne, please don't ever put "ero" and "JP" right next to each other ever again. I'm trying to mentally block that stuff out here. >_<

Now, I will mentally block out this thread.
Modified to use hemosynth and nanomachine technology - according to Wes and Tomoe, the best and possibly only way to achieve such dramatic transformations. Hopefully this will be enough.

This should make for some fascinating science fiction.