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Kansashi-class auxiliary ship

This is the Kansashi-class Type 29 Nekovalkyrja Auxiliary ship!

Some of you might have heard the I was busy designing a ship, but that I was really going all out with the details, going so far as to make a 3d model of it. This is a sneak peek for it (mostly finished mesh).

The Kansashi-class draws a considerable part of it';s design lineage from the Yui / Nozomi familly of scout vessel, but actually serves as an autonomous craft which is to stand as the tail section of the Type 29 Light Cruiser (I'm polishing it for the moment, since I have to make sure both ship can attach correctly).

The Type-29 Auxiliary ship, on its own, has ample living commodities for around 17 crewmembers. It's very well armored (the same as it's light cruiser counterpart) and boasts two particle cannon turrets on it's nose - top and bottom (not installed on the samples) and can launch a couple of variable defense pods.

The ship can be autonomous and can serve as a decent fighting vessel (certainly better than the venerable Yuishi-class), but has no mission specific roles aside to being a landing ship to provide a superior platform of operation to a T4 Fox shuttle when on planet.

It's stern and a large part of the underbelly are the connection points, from which it can then pool it's resources with the 'mothership'. since the bridge of the Light Cruiser is actually the bridge of the Kansashi, the auxiliary vessel can double as a very tough escape unit.
It looks fantastic! I imagine with all the pictures we can make, the stat sheets for the Himiko and Kashashi will be very pretty and well illustrated. ^^
Yeah, that was the huge advantage of making it in 3d. What's more, I can actually make 'accurate' internal arrangements by putting in simple boxes and cylinders to simulate how deck arrangements should be. In terms of number of decks and volume, it should be realistically correct, though that'll likely take a bit more planning and effort on my part.

Oh well, I'm more than halfway there. Might as well keep going.

<center>* * *</center>

The Kansashi itself turned out a lot more like the Nozomi than I first expected, since I was aiming for the Yui instead... but I suppose it makes sense, considering how the Nozomi was an upgrade of the Yui and all. The good thing that came out of this was that I got a really good idea of how to shape the Nozomi itself...

The Nozomi's main body would probably be broader to take into account the shuttlebay (unless you'd want me to make launchbays facing the rear : the only reason the Kansashi's launchbays are facing the front is primarely because it's 'front' is supposed to be the rearend of the Himiko).

The Type 27 Scout Destroyer itself would be a bit more slender since it wouldn't have as much armor as the Kansashi (the auxiliary ship might not be as autonomous and valuable, but it does have 150 cm of zesuaium-coated yamataiaum plating XD - actually, much of the Himiko's size is because it's so tough ~_~; ). The wings themselves are probably going to be the big difference, since the Kansashi really has are stubs.

One thing I had trouble figuring out was the Nozomi's torpedo launcher. With two decks, I didn't really understand how it'd fit unless there was a considerable indentation on the ceiling of one deck (which doesn't make much sense - or much practicality). I'm strongly inclined on either adding a third deck to accomodate it or claim artisting licence and add a mission-swappable rollbar (like the USS Reliant Miranda-class light cruiser in Star Trek II) - which I think would look kickass.

Of course, I'm talking about that, but it probably won't happen in the near future. Still, the Kansashi took me 9 hours to model. You never know when the muse might strike ^_^;;
The rear section is also a little taller than the forward part.
Yeah, I figured it might be ^_^; I just really liked the rollbar idea. It seemed very sharp and at the same time it encouraged that retor-look you seem to like.

Oh well, I'll try it out on another ship *shrugs*

I'd like to mention: In my class at ICARI (my artschool), I'm possibly the student with the smallest aptitude for 3d modeling. All the others do better than me - I'm miles better than they are at drawing, but they seem to have a much easier time modeling and animating than I do. (Put short, I'm lame)

I've been working on this ship for months trying to give it the shape I wanted to give it, but it never came out right. It's one thing to draw concept sketches in top, side, front, back and bottom view... but it's another to actually think in terms of volume and solid shapes... and to take advantage of the modeling tools themselves. I have over 50 hours invested on the 'Kochou' (the Himiko's predecessor) with it going nowhere where I wanted it to be, even though it was improving.

Just recently though, I developped the Kansashi and, from the scribbles on a sheet of paper and my better handling of 3d Studio Max 8, I managed to make it look as you see it in a day's work... and it's much neater and better detailed than the Kochou is too!

That's just to say that my transition from 2d to 3d has been most difficult. I have loads of trouble visualizing it that way... I've been wanting to model stuff in 3d for several years now and always had difficulty. That ship there *points opening post* is pretty much the start of me managing to make pretty things in 3d.

*takes a deep breath* Anyhow, I just wanted to express I found modeling extremely difficult - but as in all things, if you practice at something, you can become better at it. I hopefully will.

Sorry for rambling. I guess I'm tired ^_^;
Oh heck yes. We need ships that attach together to form bigger ships.

The Ayame-class already kinda does that. It can link together with its 4 Yuis and 4 Ketsueki escorts to re-supply them. But the result is not anything that you'd want to ride into battle with.
It looks nice, I wonder what will be under the hood exactly.

This almost makes me want to pull out SolidWorks and do a few designs... almost.
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