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Laz Public Network Kasserine: am I doing it right?


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Anne Frank - "Laugenstangen"

Hi Network,

I've recently switched brands of kaserine and I'm having some trouble.

To explain, I've been using it for years at work to give me an advantage I don't normally have when dealing with foreigners and I thought I could save some money by switching to a non-Lorath generic sold by the same company that back the Akemi's chain.

My question is: What kinds of kaserine are you using and what kinds of results are you having?

As nice as it seems, this is really hurting my back and it takes much longer for the effects to wear off, interfering with my day to day life a bit.

In return for your wisdom, I've included a selfie just to show you how potent they are: I'm normally pettanko; DFC; flat as an ironing board.

What I saw came as a shocking truth so I'll shock your eyes too.

Anyway, looking forward to your response. Or your oogling. Either's fine I guess. (¬、¬)

Your distant friend,

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Response From: xXBlauerFlammenXx

woah lala you have grown! und by quite a bit

I have some qualitaats Loraschen kaserine you know, und I would be more than willing to make a trade. You send me whatever you have left of this 'grosse titten' batch, maybe take a few more photos for Heinrich. Then I will send you two-hundred tabs of the real deal.

im farmiliar with this generic you have been using. you should see what their blue kaserine does (I might of had some case of in-bare-ass-ness at the club one time) If you want to nicht trade maybe you could cut the tabs? I never cut anything


in either case pls keep up up to date, ja?

Response From: KinkyRedhead_2020

There's nothing wrong with experimenting with different sorts of Kaserine! I love using it recreationally though. It's good for the stress of the job. I mean, I'm wondering why world peace hasn't been declared because of this stuff. If we just stopped fighting, talked our differences over, and had sex instead of political intrigue, we'd progress so far forward. For you, though, keep some good quality White Kaserine on hand so you can make it wear off quicker - if those bazongas are hurting your back, you might as well let 'em go quick, right?

I got a batch of something the dealer called 'Stallion'. I chugged two pills down and the fun really took off. I took a... photo or two if you're interested in having a look - I don't know what they cut this with but it was. Don't open them around family unless they're like, horse breeders or something - on second thought, don't at all.


(The tail's just a big ol' plug - not actually an effect of the kaserine. :<)

The boss nearly walked in on me too. Oh god it was so thrilling having to walk around hiding it as the White Kaserine did its thing while doing maintenance. Thank god I have such baggy sweaters and tracksuit pants for such an occasion, and thank fuck our medbay keeps a good supply of White Kaserine for any such occasion! Definitely saved my ass, literally!

I'd be happy to hook you up with my dealer, they get all sorts of varieties. There's Straight Lorath which you're probably familiar with, Top Heavy which it looks like you took, Frisky Dingo, Best of Both, Bell Bottom, Critical Meltdown, Neither Nor, Risky Boots - I could go on but we should take it to PM or something.

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Response From: grab_life_by_the_horns (Original Poster)
(ooc note: Art courtesy of @Eistheid ♥)

I didn't expect enthusiasts of the compound to be so... Enthusiastic? To clarify, I use it in a strictly professional and platonic setting: Nothing happens, I just get better results with foreign clients specifically if I'm able to present myself in a "more appealing" manner.



Photos? I'll... I'm not sure if that's really a good idea. Does this count as camwhoring? Its made a few changes elsewhere too. I've included a photo to show you what I mean.

I've experimented with blue kaserine (my co-workers thought it would be funny to spike my drink) and the results were... Well. I already have a "thing" to begin with so I've never really needed blue. The extra muscle was really nice but I'd rather work out for it if I'm honest.

Mind including a PO-Box so we can make the exchange?
Also, is there anything else you'd recommend that's unusual? I kind of want to experiment on a more private basis: I'm very tall and I wonder what being smaller or shorter might be like and I've heard some of the newer varieties have interactions with a L'manel's aspectation. Could be really fun to play with, if a little dangerous.



Recreationaly? As in... Right, right. Well... A lot of people when it comes to intimacy have reservations. Being close to other people can be sort of scary because you get invested in them as people. And if you're not invested, I don't imagine it feels particularly good.

My only experience involved a client that got overly excited with his wife. We went back to a mutual friend's house. They got touchy feely. I lost my virginity to foreigners. I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

Right now where I am any identifying information is sanitized from my posts. Those responsible for me have power of attorney and power of finance over me ostensibly for my protection. My keeper is particularly enthusiastic about kaserine. Sorry I can't say more.

I'm quite interested in trading but more for aesthetic reasons than functional reasons.

If its alright, I'd like to use you as a proxy for further deals to a PO-box at a third party since I can't really go out and collect it myself.

Wow. Sorry, I just had a look at the picture. If I'm right, that's from what Nepleslians call a cow, isn't it? The strong one that gets raced on tracks? I... Didn't know types existed that could do that. Are there catalogues?

I'm... Curious. For research purposes.

I also heard there are types that change eye, skin and even hair color. Is that true????


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Response From: xXBlauerFlammenXx

I am in the Yugumo cluster on business as of right now, but I will see about finding a place it can be sent. there are a few ravers here und i think some of them might know a Loraschen shop who can hold onto stuff I 'special order', ja?

when it comes to other stuff than kaserine, I do not really know much about anything else which might transform you. I am more of a zap fiend, I like to enhance mein thoughts, not mein bodyyyyyy. like you, i started doing it for werk. I werk mit computers so I see no clients usually. Still, I reccommend giving stimulants a try und you never know what you will get mit hallucinogens.

I just got a message from a friend. Send und recieve this address:

  • Box 76251, Leo Star Fortress, Hosho District
They get goods from Lor all the time und no customs inspection because they are a 'specialty outlet'. also keep the pictures coming, it is nicht camwhoring because I would beg to see them for free if I had nothing to offer, und I would give you these I'm offering you whether you send me more pictures

every race has such beautiful bodies


Rothaarige, is this you?
(Attachment: steelparty.spcpg)
Response From: KinkyRedhead_2020

@grab_life_by_the_horns: Cows are the ones with horns, milk and a big set of udders. Horses don't have big udders, and they don't have horns either. Here's a picture of some. I think this photo was taken in the greener parts of Delsauria, they have lots of wild horses called brumbies over there. My crewmate [REDACTED] [REDACTED] hunted them for a living and does it for practice still.

As for Kaserine types, well, since the drug's been around the galaxy for a few years and the recipe's gotten into the hands of so many people and different races with their own approaches to chemistry. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't know about it. (but every year or so a new species gets discovered, go figure - more ways to experiment!)

I have heard that some more powerful varieties of Kaserine are capable of changing the body in more ways than just the sensitive bits like Stallion does, and I have no idea how it works. Probably some means of hijacking the processes that make the magic happen downstairs and upstairs. You'd have to ask the chemist how it works exactly because I can't wrap my head around it myself.

I'd be happy to dig up a known list of varieties, guides and, uh, photos of the results for you. Can we do this in PM?

@xXBlauerFlammenXx: Do I know you? Were you at Harumi's when the crazy Lorath woman, the amazon hunk of meat and the Yamataian guy showed up together and got completely walleyed?
Response From: xXBlauerFlammenXx

not in person, rothaarige

not in person
Response From: KinkyRedhead_2020


My boss walked in on me while I was having some fun with my last bit of Stallion. The look on his face was priceless - I was doing a web show for my best friends and he walked in and oh my god aaaaaa. I'm so embarrassed - I think I'll stay off the kaserine for a bit but I'd be happy to discuss it further aaaaaa

I have an amazing picture though, but I have to censor my boss' face to protect his identity.

@xXBlauerFlammenXx: Oh, you like long distance relationships?

( OOC: Drawing that picture gave me the funniest reaction face ever: )
Response From: NaughtyNeko9009

If you're looking for Kaserine alternatives like the ones Akemi's has, why not just ask directly? I'd gladly let you pay for them the same way your L'manel friend did. I take it she wasn't at all dissatisfied given your referencing my establishment. How's she doing? I'm really looking forward to subsequent orders. It'd be a pleasure to supply you and all your exotic looking Lorath pals.

Nice handle by the way. I'd sure like to grab yours.
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